
Social Science Lecture丨Jinshi Studies: The Pioneer of Chinese Archaeology: Listening to Song Yun at Night (143)

author:Uptown Release
Social Science Lecture丨Jinshi Studies: The Pioneer of Chinese Archaeology: Listening to Song Yun at Night (143)
Social Science Lecture丨Jinshi Studies: The Pioneer of Chinese Archaeology: Listening to Song Yun at Night (143)

The civilization of the Two Song Dynasty has its unique charm in Chinese history. Mr. Chen Yinke, a master of history, once pointed out: "The culture of the Chinese nation has evolved over thousands of years, and it was created in the Zhao and Song dynasties. "Savor the splendor of traditional Chinese culture, whether it is the brilliance of the material world or the aesthetic interest of the spiritual world, Song culture always makes people feel meaningful. Let's follow "Listening to Song Yun at Night", look back at the two Song civilizations, and taste the essence of culture.

Jin Shi Xue: A pioneer of Chinese archaeology

Jinshi is the predecessor of Chinese archaeology, which is a discipline with ancient bronzes and stone inscriptions as the main research objects, focusing on bibliographic and textual materials to achieve the purpose of verifying scriptures and supplementing history. In a narrow sense, it refers to text inscriptions and rubbings, and in a broad sense, it also includes bamboo slips, oracle bones, jade, bricks and tiles, sealing mud, military talismans, Ming utensils and other related cultural relics.

Social Science Lecture丨Jinshi Studies: The Pioneer of Chinese Archaeology: Listening to Song Yun at Night (143)
Social Science Lecture丨Jinshi Studies: The Pioneer of Chinese Archaeology: Listening to Song Yun at Night (143)

Mao Gongding rubbing

The study of gold and stone was formed in the Northern Song Dynasty, Ouyang Xiu was the founder of gold and stone science, he collected gold and stone carvings for a long time, accumulated thousands of volumes, and compiled the book "Collection of Ancient Records" on this basis. After its publication, he continued to make continuous additions throughout his life, and wrote more than 400 articles at the end of the book, which were divided into ten volumes, becoming the earliest monograph on gold and stone science that has been handed down. He said in the "Preface to the Collection of Ancient Records": "Zaifu can correct his fallacies with history, and learn from them after passing them on, which will benefit from many things." He clarified the significance of preserving the golden stone and the importance of correcting and supplementing historical documents, and hoped that in this way, he would popularize correct knowledge and information to more scholars.

His student Zeng Gong was also a master of gold and stone, and he treasured more than 20,000 ancient books in his life, and compiled 500 volumes of seal carving from his own collection, called "Jinshi Lu". Since then, the term "golden stone" has often been used to refer to gold inscriptions cast in bronze and inscriptions carved on stone tablets and cliffs. It is a pity that the 500 volumes of Zeng Gong's collection of "Jinshi Lu" have been dispersed, but fortunately he still left 14 Jinshi Lu, so that we can get a glimpse of his compilation thoughts.

Social Science Lecture丨Jinshi Studies: The Pioneer of Chinese Archaeology: Listening to Song Yun at Night (143)
Social Science Lecture丨Jinshi Studies: The Pioneer of Chinese Archaeology: Listening to Song Yun at Night (143)

Ouyang Xiu

Now the most well-known "Jin Shi Lu" is Zhao Mingcheng's Jin Shi work of the Song Dynasty. Zhao Mingcheng is the husband of the famous talented woman Li Qingzhao, the son of Zhao Tingzhi, the prime minister of the Huizong Dynasty, he has long visited the ancient stone carvings, and obtained 2,000 kinds of gold and stone inscriptions, so he imitated the style of the "Collection of Ancient Records" and compiled into 30 volumes of "Golden Stone Records". The first ten volumes are arranged chronologically, and the last twenty volumes are the epilogues, with a total of five hundred and two poems. Zhao Mingcheng attaches great importance to the historical value of gold and stone inscriptions, and pays attention to "gold and stone evidence" and "mutual evidence of steles and stones". For the inscription does not match the official history will be examined in detail, after his death, his wife Li Qingzhao inherited the will to continue compiling. During the Shaoxing period of Gaozong of the Southern Song Dynasty, the book was presented to the imperial court, and attached a text written by himself, which narrated the arduous experience of the couple collecting gold and stone cultural relics with strong feelings: "Zhao and Li are cold, poor and thrifty, every time they want to tell them, they take half a thousand dollars for their clothes, and they enter the Xiangguo Temple, and the city inscription is returned. "In order to search for good steles, I did not hesitate to pawn clothes. It is precisely for this reason that the Qing Dynasty poet Wang Shizhen set "Jinshi Lu" as the co-authorship of the two in "Chibei Occasional Talks". Wang Mingsheng and others in the Qing Dynasty formally proposed the name of "Jinshi Learning", and Hangzhou's world-famous "Xiling Seal Society" is the culmination of Jinshi Learning.

Social Science Lecture丨Jinshi Studies: The Pioneer of Chinese Archaeology: Listening to Song Yun at Night (143)

Zhao Mingcheng and Li Qingzhao co-authored the Song Dynasty engraved copy of "Jinshi Lu".

A "Golden Stone Record" connects the joys and sorrows of a couple, the peace of an era, and the ups and downs of a nation's history. Jinshi culture is like a key to open the ancient culture, and today's people cherish and inherit these Jinshi works, which is not only a review of the sages' knowledge, but also the inheritance of the Chinese cultural context and historical mission.

Social Science Lecture丨Jinshi Studies: The Pioneer of Chinese Archaeology: Listening to Song Yun at Night (143)

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