
Ancient ruins of Texas

author:King of Lubei

Ancient Ruins

Ancient ruins of Texas

The ancient city of Weici is one kilometer west of shentou town in present-day Ling County, north of the Duma River, south of the Nuci River, the rolling Han tombs are distributed on the north bank of the Duma River, and the Eastern Shuo Tombs and Ancestral Halls are located around it. Legend has it that Qin Shi Huang said that the empress dowager was fortunate to visit the world here, and when he saw the god's head, he was very shocked and asked the alchemist to know that he was the son of heaven, thinking that he was already the son of heaven, how could he come out of the son of heaven again. Therefore, he placed a dislike of the county here, with the intention of suppressing tianzi qi. In the 1978 cultural relics census, Shentou Town successively found and collected more than 30 kinds of cultural relics such as Buddhist shrines, Han pottery pots, ear cups, copper hammers, Wang Mang's currency "rhubarb cloth thousand" and "Han five baht". There is a large amount of pottery rubble at the cliff south of Houshizhuang, and there is a clear layer of gray soil, and the "rhubarb buqian" and The Han clay pot are found here. To this end, this area is designated as the ancient ruins, the Han Dynasty is the prosperous period in the history of Lingxian County, the Han ruins are widely distributed, and there are more Cultural Relics of the Han Dynasty unearthed. Han ruins have also been discovered in Xuzhuang in Yuji and Shawang Village in Zizhen, and Xuzhuang alone has excavated the cellar "Han Five Baht" and Wang Mang's new dynasty 'Cargo Spring', "Daquan Fifty" and "Han Half Two" three times. In Shawang Village, where the masses call wagu village, a large number of early pottery pieces and Han tombs are distributed, and pottery jars, pottery stoves, pottery pigeons, ear cups and other ancient artifacts have been excavated.

Ruins of the ancient city wall of Tang Plain County

Ancient ruins of Texas

The ancient city of Tang Pingyuan County is now the county seat of Ling County. The ruins of the ancient city wall of Tang Pingyuan County are municipal key cultural relics protection units, commonly known as the Tang City Wall, which was built by Yan Zhenqing in the twelfth year of Tang Tianbao (753) to prevent the rebellion of An Lushan. At that time, rammed earth was built into three walls, strong and thick, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and there were buildings, bridges, daughter walls, and forts on the city. The wall is about five zhang high, about two zhang wide, with a circumference of 20 miles, and surrounded by three cities. Of the three walls built at that time, only two sections of the city remain, one on the south side of the People's Park and the other in the northwest corner of the county, both in a corner shape, the former is about 100 meters long and the latter about 400 meters long. According to relevant experts who have visited Ling County, the earthen city walls that have survived in China to this day are extremely rare.

Ruins of Song and Yuan porcelain kilns in Texas

The ruins of the Dezhou Song and Yuan porcelain kilns are located in the northwest corner of Wonju City, Dezhou City. Among the excavated porcelain, there are many light blue glazes and white glazes, and there are three colors. There are many kinds, with bowls at the top. As many as six types of calculations were collected.

Regarding the age of the kiln site, the copper coins unearthed in this area are the latest "Chongning Tongbao" in the Song Huizong period. The porcelain is painted with brilliant red, green and yellow colors, which are secondary firing underglaze colors, and this kind of process is called "Song Jia Cai". Although the bottom of some porcelain is fired with the era numbers of "Taihe" and "Zhengda", it is still called "Song and Yuan Porcelain Kiln Ruins".

In July 2006, when the Dezhou Direction Machine Factory was demolished, a porcelain kiln abandoned in the early years was found 2 meters below the courtyard. The kiln is a brick chamber structure that runs in a north-south direction and is oval in shape. Due to years of productive labor and construction on the kiln site, the kiln site has been damaged to a certain extent. A well-preserved kiln foundation and ash pit of the Song, Jin, Yuan and Ming dynasties were found, as well as various kiln tools, porcelain fragments, kiln bricks, etc. Judging from the types of porcelain excavated from the kiln site, there are mainly Ding kilns, Cizhou kilns (Song, Jin Wucai), Jun kilns, Longquan kilns, Yaozhou kilns, and blue and white porcelain in the early Ming Dynasty. A large number of porcelain plates, porcelain bowls, painted porcelain pillows, and colored porcelain people, pots, porcelain blues and other utensils from the Song and Yuan dynasties were collected. There are more white glazes of porcelain pieces unearthed, the tire quality is hard, the thickness is uniform, and a total of 258 valuable cultural relics have been unearthed. During the clean-up process, a number of badly corroded copper coins were also unearthed, including a Song Dynasty Shaosheng Yuanbao. Judging from the shape of the kiln and the excavated artifacts and the current status of the remains, the kiln is a porcelain kiln abandoned in the Song and Yuan dynasties in the early years, and it is also the first time that the porcelain kiln of the Song and Yuan dynasties has been found in Texas.

Ancient ruins of Texas

The discovery of the Texas porcelain kiln site fills the gap in the history of ceramic development research in The Texas area, proving that the porcelain industry in Texas reached an unprecedented period of glory as early as the Song and Yuan Dynasties. Through the comparison of excavated porcelain, it can be seen that the dezhou ancient porcelain kiln is one of the most important porcelain kilns in the Song and Yuan dynasties. The milky white glazed porcelain excavated from the Song Dynasty Ding kiln has porcelain such as jade, moist and soft, delicate tire quality, thin and exquisite tire, and the decoration is mainly plain white porcelain and white glaze carved flowers, and white glaze flowers. In the Jin Dynasty, the level of craftsmanship continued to improve, especially the porcelain such as the multicolored porcelain figure statue created the highest level of colored porcelain technology at that time, which provided valuable physical information for the study of the ceramic firing process in northern China, the distribution and continuation of the kiln system, as well as the economic and cultural development on both sides of the canal and the urban change process.

Ruins of a Brick Kiln in Dezhou in the Ming Dynasty

The Ming Dynasty Dezhou brick kiln site was in the area of Chengnan (present-day Huangheya Town) kiln and Gangfang Village. This brick kiln was built in the Ming Hongwu official kiln. According to 1935, the "Chronicle of Dexian County" said: "In the thirty years of Hongwu, the bricks of the acropolis were insufficient, and the kiln in the south of the city was burned with bricks. The former site of the present-day kiln and the second village of Gangfang is also. "The Chronicle of Place Names of Texas" says: "During the Ming Hongwu period, Dezhou built a city, built a kiln here to burn bricks, formed a village, so the name kiln, "This place is a brick-burning worker's gang house, so it is called a gang house," "Brick-burning workers gathered here, so it was named Qizhuang." ”

Ancient ruins of Texas

According to the "Chronicle of Dezhou", "In the thirtieth year of Ming Hongwu (1397), a kiln was set up in the area of the south Yellow River in present-day Decheng District and the village of Yaoshang to cut off a section of the Grand Canal and complete the construction of the Texas Acropolis. In the ninth year of Yongle (1411), the state of (Texas) was moved from the canal river west to the Texas Acropolis. At present, the ruins of the kiln, qiancang, and gangfang at the end of the Yellow River are all the former sites left when "Hongwu's thirty-year bricks were not enough to burn bricks in the kiln in the south of the city".

Dezhou brick kiln is a group kiln, the kiln site range is about 1200 meters long from north to south, about 500 meters wide from east to west, covering an area of 900 acres, with a total of 72 brick kilns. Due to its age, most of the kilns have been destroyed, and only 17 kilns remain in the north of The Village, all of which are prototype wood kilns. The fired bricks are square and rectangular, both gray-blue. The square bricks are 46 cm long and 10 cm thick, while the rectangular bricks are 46 cm long, 23 cm wide and 10 cm thick. Bricks are divided into two types: prime bricks and seal bricks. The seal bricks are engraved on the brick side, and there are still original bricks such as "Ming Chenghua 17 April ×× Day Texas Kiln Manufacturing", "Ming Chenghua 18th Year Texas Kiln Manufacturing", "Ming Zhengde 10th Year Texas Kiln Manufacturing" and so on. At that time, the burning bricks were quite exquisite, and after the bricks were selected with soil, the sieve was coarse and fine, and then filtered into the mud pool, and the filtered mud could be made after the feet were cooked, so the surface of the burned bricks was delicate and the texture was hard. In addition to supplying local bricks for urban construction, The Texas brick kiln also supplies a large number of Bricks for Beijing. The "History of Ming" contains: "The Forbidden City was built with Texas kiln bricks. "Cultural Relics Heaven and Earth" magazine once carried an article saying that there were "Texas kiln" green bricks found on the ancient Great Wall.

Ancient ruins of Texas

The remains of the Twelve Cities of Dezhou in the Ming Dynasty

The Twelve Liancheng Of Texas, commonly known as the Twelve Lianying, is located in the territory of the Tianqu Subdistrict Office in present-day Decheng District. According to the 1935 "Dexian Chronicle", "the north of Dezhou City is two miles, the twelve fortifications, the number of zhou squares, and the continuous standing", that is, the twelve cities.

Ancient ruins of Texas

At the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, wars were frequent and the political situation was turbulent. In the third year of Ming Taizu's pacification of the world, he implemented a system of sub-feudalism, dividing the kings with twenty-four sons, prudently consolidating border defenses, and guarding the imperial court. Among them, Taizu's fourth son Zhu Di was made the King of Yan and according to Beiping Tianjian, there were 100,000 elite soldiers, and "tempered along the border shima" ("Ming Shi Chengzu Benji"), a prominent position, a temporary tilt of power, and the greatest threat to the centralized rule of the imperial court. In the thirty-first year of Ming Hongwu (1398), Ming Taizu died of illness. Zhu Yunjiao, the son of the late crown prince Zhu Biao, took the throne and changed his era name to Jianwen, and was historically known as Emperor Jianwen. At this time, Zhu Di, the king of Yan with high merit and authority, had become the biggest confidant of the Ming Court. The King of Yan, who was proud of his horse and strong army, repeatedly acted disrespectfully against the newly succeeded Emperor Jianwen, and did not obey the emperor's orders, and his intention to usurp the throne for a long time, and the other kings also "respected the heavy soldiers with respect, and many were lawless" (Ming Shi Chengzu Benji). In July of the first year of Ming Jianwen (1399), Zhu Di, the King of Yan, openly raised an army to rebel against the imperial court with the call of "Qing Jun's side and support the country". Since then, the nearly four-year-long "Battle of Jingnan" has begun in the Dezhou area, "the twelve cities are ten miles north of the city, and in the first year of Ming Jianwen, Li Jinglong's general Li Jinglong sent 500,000 soldiers to Yan (Zhu Di, the King of Yan), and all of them supervised Han Guan to build twelve cities to protect the warehouse of the northern factory." This war ended with a great victory for the Yan army, a great defeat for the Ming army, and the self-immolation of Emperor Jianwen and his concubines in the imperial palace.