
Today, December 13, 2021, what day is it? Remember in the future

author:Sweet cheese

This morning, as on countless previous mornings, I opened my phone to read the news, only to find that the homepages of many websites were black and white. The pages that have lost their color remind every Chinese that today is December 13, 2021, the National Day of Commemoration for the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre, and from December 13, 1937 to January 1938, the Japanese army invading China carried out a terrible massacre in Nanjing, and more than 300,000 people were killed. The vicissitudes of history, the pain of Nanjing City in those years, the pain of our entire nation, will be remembered by every Chinese!

Today, December 13, 2021, what day is it? Remember in the future

On February 27, 2014, the Seventh Session of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China unanimously passed the decision to designate December 13 as the National Day of Commemoration for the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre. National Day of Commemoration for the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre: It is to mourn the victims of the Nanjing Massacre and all the compatriots (including comfort women) who were killed by the Japanese aggressors during the Japanese imperialist war of aggression against China, to expose the war crimes of the Japanese aggressors, to bear in mind the profound disasters caused by the war of aggression to the people of Chinese and the people of the world, and to show the firm stand of the Chinese people in opposing the war of aggression, defending human dignity, and safeguarding world peace.

On December 13, 2014, the first National Day of Public Worship, it has been 8 years, remembering history, not forgetting national shame, keeping peace together, and self-improvement, is the mission of every Chinese.

What other major events happened on December 13 in history?

Aisin Kyora Yin Chan was born

Ai Xin Jueluo Yin chan, the fifth monarch of the Qing Dynasty, era name Yongzheng, the fourth son of the Kangxi Emperor, the mother of Empress Xiaogongren (also known as Princess Wuya), was born on December 13, 1678 in yonghe Palace, Forbidden City, Beijing.

Today, December 13, 2021, what day is it? Remember in the future

2. The abstract painter and art theorist Vasily Kandinsky dies.

Vasily Condins is considered a pioneer of abstract art and the founder of modern abstract art in theory and practice. His representative works such as "The Artist's Self-Cultivation" died on December 13, 1944.

Today, December 13, 2021, what day is it? Remember in the future

3. The self-taught Grandma Moses dies.

Grandma Moses began painting at the age of 77 and held a solo exhibition in New York at the age of 80, and was one of the most famous and prolific Original painters in the United States. He died on December 13, 1961, at the age of 101. The inspiration from The story of Grandma Moses: The thing you are most willing to do and can stick to, when to start, is not too late.

Today, December 13, 2021, what day is it? Remember in the future

4. U.S. Withdrawal from the ABM Treaty

On December 13, 2001, U.S. President George W. Bush announced that the United States would withdraw from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty signed with the former Soviet Union in 1972. The Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems (ABM) is a bilateral treaty signed by the Soviet Union and the United States in 1972.

The ABM Treaty made a significant contribution to ensuring world strategic stability and ensured the nuclear deterrence between the two major powers of the United States and the Soviet Union at that time, that is, the so-called "nuclear terror balance" to avoid nuclear war, which was regarded as the cornerstone of global strategic stability.

5. Cao Yu, the founder of modern Chinese drama, died

Cao Yu is the most accomplished playwright in the history of modern Chinese drama, and his representative works include "Thunderstorm", "Sunrise", "Wilderness" and "Beijinger". He died on December 13, 1996, at the age of 86

What else happened today in history, leave a message in the comment area, and everyone will increase their knowledge together.

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