
Workplace & Metaphysics | How can a person get ahead

author:Teacher Sajura
Workplace & Metaphysics | How can a person get ahead

The world is multidimensional, but we can judge a person by the simplest classification. Today, I will teach you a standard for judging people, how to divide people into two categories, one is promising, and the other is the bottom.

Ways to divide people into two categories:

Workplace & Metaphysics | How can a person get ahead

1. Those who are willing to do it themselves and those who are willing to share the burden with others;

These two types of people are very different, and my advice is that a lot of the work should be shared by others, and you should do what is most important to you. The most important things for yourself, such as how to continuously improve your abilities, how to find the next company as soon as possible in case you lose your job, how to invest in yourself, how to find people who will help you in your career, etc.

2. Willing to buy members and unwilling to buy members;

In fact, buying a member is not to be cheaper in price, of course, many members also enjoy the membership price, which is that your experience is more polite, more convenient, and has greater emotional value. For example, I have bought a JD PLUS membership for more than ten years, and I have deeply enjoyed a lot of convenience, mainly because you can ask JD to be good to you, which feels like a membership fee of more than 100 a year cannot be bought. They divide consumers into several groups of people in the background, so why don't we give up more than 100. This year, I only spent more than 70 yuan to buy a one-year membership for 618.

People who don't want to buy members, are more economical and afraid of being cheated, in fact, more than 100 yuan how can people deceive you, just learn these training that members can enjoy things, and it has long been enough for you to buy the money of membership.

Of course, it doesn't mean that all members have to buy it, I don't buy beauty salon members, and I don't buy any massage membership cards, in my opinion, these don't need to be bought.

Workplace & Metaphysics | How can a person get ahead

3. Willing to spend money and unwilling to spend money;

Running water is not rotten, the household hub is not beetle, and many people can't earn money because they won't spend the money they should spend. A lot of knowledge costs money to obtain, and not all good things are free. And if you know metaphysics, the Year of the Dragon is not free.

Many people like to tend to empty gloves white wolf, or do not see rabbits and do not scatter eagles, in fact, the Chinese are the smartest people, the little ninety-nine you think in your heart, who is not clear.

People who are not willing to spend a small amount of money must have a place to spend a lot of money that should not be spent, why, just as people can't earn money beyond their cognition, people will definitely pay for their cognition. Some people want to prostitute everything for nothing, but they don't know how they think and can't understand it.

The rich have a set of life logic for the rich, even if they stay in a five-star hotel every day, they may not be spending money, and ordinary people will not tell people who are not of their class. When I have time, I may write a share.

Workplace & Metaphysics | How can a person get ahead

4. Those who have courage and those who do not;

When I took the "Career Planning" class, I asked the students to sit in the five-star hotel in Beijing, and felt that many students felt scared when they heard it, and felt that it was difficult for them to pay the tuition fees, how could they go to such an expensive place, and of course they didn't go.

A girl I know, or a child from Inner Mongolia, is very bold, so she went to a five-star hotel near the school alone, sat for a long time, and said when she came back, the sound of playing the piano there was very good.

Now this post-80s girl works in Shanghai, and her life and career are very good, so do you say that it has anything to do with her visiting a five-star hotel during college, I think there is something to do with it.

Some people are naturally bold, such as me, and some people have to deliberately train their guts, didn't I ask the students to go to the State Council for internships, and the obedient ones all went in for internships, but there were only 2 girls, and those who didn't listen to them couldn't hear where they were developing now.

Workplace & Metaphysics | How can a person get ahead

5. Those who dare to make requests and those who dare not make requirements;

There is also a girl who listened to my class, so she took her boyfriend to do ticket promotion for the concert of the world's three major tenors in the Forbidden City, when she told me the news, I smiled and said, then why don't you want a car, you just go to deliver tickets on your legs, big Beijing, are you tired?

As a result, this girl asked the organizing committee for 2 cars, and gave it to her, mainly because she didn't have a team, so she had a boyfriend and asked for 2 cars. Many times you don't dare to spend money, and you must not dare to ask for what you should want, right?

Dare to ask for no one to scare anyone, the question is what the request can be raised, the reason you give must be sufficient, then it will be established, give!

The reason why that girl wants a car is that I gave her a move, so I won't talk about it here.

After the girl finished this successful part-time job, she and her boyfriend came to invite me to dinner to thank me, and it was a meal in Xianglin Tianxia, just opposite the first body. As a teacher, I have to encourage her to do what the students don't expect, and as long as she can help the students, I am very happy!

Workplace & Metaphysics | How can a person get ahead

Recently, there is a takeaway brother who has been teaching English for 8 years is very popular on Douyin, this takeaway brother who speaks English very well, he said that he still has to run 400,000 orders, and he can buy a Cadillac car that he especially wants to buy. This takeaway guy firmly said that all greatness starts with a brave beginning!

The apprentice told me that if he knew you, the teacher, he might be able to drive a Cadillac soon, my apprentice really knows me, haha! Whatever you want, I can help you get it, you have to have that guts, don't you, by the way, you have to know me first, it's as simple as that.

If you divide people into two categories, then which category do you want to do, think about it, this is how a person can get ahead. #头条创作挑战赛#

Workplace & Metaphysics | How can a person get ahead

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