
There are no clans, only one in-law! Sima Shi purged Cao Wei within three years

author:We are talking about the Three Kingdoms

This article is the twelfth article in the series of "Brief Reading of the History of Jin" of the Three Kingdoms.

The focus of this article is: Sima Shi purged Cao Wei bandi and deposed the emperor

Sima Shi took the throne and immediately pulled up a team of twenty people. They were: "Zhuge Zhi, Yi Qiujian, Wang Chang, Chen Tai, and Hu Zundu, Wang Ji, Zhou Tai, Deng Ai, Shi Baodian Prefecture County, Lu Yu and Li Fengsheng, Fu Gao and Yu Song participated in the plot, Zhong Hui, Xiahou Xuan, Wang Su, Chen Ben, Meng Kang, Zhao Feng, and Zhang Ji pre-courted." ”

In the previous article, we had analyzed the tendencies of each member to represent the interests of each member and the object of political tying, but on the way of Sima Shi's continuous erosion of imperial power, people in the team who seemed to be separated by conflicts of interest gradually appeared.

One: Sima Shi vs Zhuge Ke

However, before the outbreak of internal contradictions, Sun Quan came to harass as always. In May of the fifth year of Jiaping, Zhuge Ke led an army to besiege Xincheng, when the dprk and China considered the Wei state to resist separately, and in particular pointed out that it was necessary to be careful of Eastern Wu dividing troops to Huaisi to expand the front. Sima Shi said that Zhuge Ke became a vassal of Eastern Wu, but he only wanted to make a temporary profit, and he would attack Hefei with his whole army, and would not divide his troops to attack Xuzhou in Qingzhou.

There are no clans, only one in-law! Sima Shi purged Cao Wei within three years

When the battle began, Zhuge Ke did indeed press all his chips on the new city of Hefei, and Sima Shi immediately sent Yuqiu Jian and Wen Qin to defend it, and both Yuqiu Jian and Wen Qin wanted to rush to kill the enemy after receiving the order. Sima Shi pointed out that the enemy army was deep, and they had the determination to die, and they could not be sharp (the implication was not to face the battle head-on). But our New City of Hefei is very strong and cannot be conquered overnight. Sima Shi ordered the various units to build high-based defenses and fight a war of attrition with Zhuge Ke. A few months later, Zhuge Ke attacked the city fruitlessly, killing and wounding more than half of them. Sima Shi immediately ordered Wen Qin to attack first and pretend to cut off Zhuge Ke's rear road, and Yuqiu Jian and other troops arrived later.

As soon as Zhuge Ke saw that the State of Wei was in such a position, he immediately withdrew his troops. The Wei side pursued and won numerous victories.

Two: inside the Xiao Wall

In the first month of the first year of the First Yuan Dynasty, Tianzi Cao Fang and Zhongshu Ling Li Feng, his stepfather Guanglu Dafu Zhang Ji, the Yellow Gate Supervisor Su Shuo, and the Yongning Bureau Ling Ledun plotted to have Xiahou Xuan replace Sima Shi in assisting the government.

There are no clans, only one in-law! Sima Shi purged Cao Wei within three years

We can see from this list of people that Li Feng, Zhang Ji, and Xiahou Xuan were members of the new squad after Sima Shi ascended to the throne. In addition, Li Feng and Cao Rui are the sons and daughters of the family, and Zhang Ji is Cao Fang's elder brother-in-law, which can be said to be representatives of foreign relatives. And Xiahou Xuan did not need to say much about nature, which naturally represented the interests of the Cao clan.

Unfortunately, the planning of this coup was not strictly confidential, and Sima Shi had already mastered the other side's premeditation and planned to suppress it in batches. First, Sima Shi sent someone to invite Li Feng to his mansion by car. After Li Feng received Sima Shi's request, he knew that there was no way back, so he followed the emissary to Sima Shi. Sima Shi looked at Li Feng, who was still pretending that nothing had happened, and after a few drops, Li Feng found that the matter was exposed, and there was no way back, so he "spat out the fragrance" to Sima Shi.

Sima Shi heard those vicious words and hammered Li Feng to death with an iron ring on the handle of his sword. The conspiracy was fully revealed, and Sima Shi ordered his men to arrest Xiahou Xuan, Zhang Ji, and others, and sentence them to the punishment of exterminating the three tribes. Sima Shi also killed his former "brother-in-law" in this way. Since then, only Meng Kang is left in the so-called new team, who is the son of Queen Guo's sister and the eighteenth grandson of Mengzi.

There are no clans, only one in-law! Sima Shi purged Cao Wei within three years

In March, Sima Shi hinted at Tianzi to depose Empress Zhang, Zhang's daughter-in-law. Cao Fang reluctantly issued an edict pointing out that the traitorous minister Li Feng and others wanted to do something trespassing, and they were extremely vicious. Sima Shi killed him, comparable to the credit of Zhou Bo and Huo Guang. Now there are 9,000 households in Sima Shi's food, plus a total of 40,000 households before.

This move legally helped Sima Shi to wash the white, and Sima Shi resigned after receiving the edict to increase the number of food.

Three: Sima Shi played

Cao Fang was uneasy after the failure of Xiahou Xuan, Zhang Ji and others. Sima Shi also thought that it would be difficult for him to operate anything with Tianzi in this way, so he plotted to abolish Tianzi. Sima Shi decided to send someone to secretly put pressure on Empress Guo.

In September, the empress dowager was forced to give orders that the emperor had grown up but was not doing his job. Fornication, disregard for ethics, and complicity with the promotion of excellence. Cao Fang indulged her ugliness, and even let the family of the Sixth Palace go to the inner chamber to do things that were reckless and chaotic. Cao Fang was also often coerced by a small person to cause trouble in the community, and this person was not allowed to worship the Zong Temple.

There are no clans, only one in-law! Sima Shi purged Cao Wei within three years

After Sima Shi received the empress dowager's statement, he summoned a meeting of his courtiers. Sima Shi wept bitterly at the court meeting and said, "The empress dowager has such an order, what do you think?" The courtiers expressed that they had quoted Yi Yin and Huo Guang from the scriptures and advised Sima Shi to obey the orders of the empress dowager.

Sima Shi saw that the group of ministers was very interesting, and immediately said that he would not fail to live up to everyone's commission. Therefore, Sima Shi and Qunchen wrote to Empress Guo together and had the following application.

1: The Son of Heaven has grown up but does not do the right thing or even commits adultery, and still does dirty things in public, which makes people hide their eyes.

2: Cao Fang, faced with a minister who advised him, went so far as to burn the minister with a burning iron and refused to accept the minister's rectification.

3: When the empress dowager's mother, Heyang Jun, died, Tianzi laughed freely and refused to make amends even when advised by the chancellor.

4: The empress dowager kills Zhang Meiren, and Cao Fang is even unfilial to the empress.

5: Cao Fang did not handle official affairs, and the empress dowager's order for Cao Fang to lecture was also rejected by Tianzi.

6: Cao Fang was unable to inherit Sheji, and hoped to refer to Huo Guang's story and confiscate the Emperor's seal, but still appointed him as the King of Qi and returned to the domain. Empress Guo looked at it and agreed.

After the empress dowager issued the edict, the relevant departments went to the Zongmiao Temple to go through the process, while saying that Cao Fang sent away. In the process, Sima Shi cried and said that Sima Yi had previously received special honors and was entrusted with heavy responsibilities when the former emperor died. Now that I am shouldering heavy responsibilities, I must not go against the will of the previous emperors. I hope that for the sake of the Sheji Zongmiao Temple, you must not fail the former emperor and let the Zongmiao Temple be humiliated!

There are no clans, only one in-law! Sima Shi purged Cao Wei within three years

After Sima Shi finished this move, he killed some of Cao Fang's original male pets and others by the way.

Four: Empress Dowager VS Sima Shi

Sending Cao Fang away, who is going to become the new Tianzi is the primary problem.

Sima Shi said that if there is no stability today, we need to find a Ming Emperor to ascend to the throne. Cao Zhao, the King of Pengcheng, was Cao Cao's son. In terms of merit, he is benevolent and righteous; in terms of age, he is the relatively oldest of the royal family. The emperor's throne was very important, and if it were not for him as the Son of Heaven, the country would not be peaceful and peaceful.

When everyone gave Empress Guo the opinion of recommending Cao Zhao, the empress dowager expressed her dissent. The empress dowager believed that King Pengcheng was the elder of the former emperor, and if he was allowed to succeed to the throne, it would be inconsistent with the ethics of succession of the State of Wei, which foreshadowed that Cao Rui had no queen. King Anding of Dong was Cao Rui's younger brother, and I wanted to make his son Cao Fu the Duke of Gaoguixiang Emperor.

Sima Shi also did not expect that Empress Guo, who was usually obedient, actually rejected her proposal. After Sima Shi struggled for a long time, he still obeyed Empress Guo's orders. He sent people to welcome The Noble Township Duke Cao Xian into the capital as emperor, and changed the yuan to "Zheng Yuan".

There are no clans, only one in-law! Sima Shi purged Cao Wei within three years

As we all know, in the process of succeeding Tianzi, Cao Xian did not completely follow the plan of Sima Shi and Qunchen, but insisted on his own ideas to complete the succession ceremony. When this incident passed into Sima Shi's ears, it became that Cao Xian was not active in his position and his demeanor was high, which made Sima Shi very worried.

"It's time to knock on the head." Sima Shi thought.

Text: Talking about the author of the Three Kingdoms XXY

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