
"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang fell off the altar and was no longer understood by the public, Mei Baojiu: Never reconcile

author:Let's have a chat

A CCTV gala caused an uproar in the Peking Opera world. The air in the backstage lounge seemed to freeze. Mei Baojiu, the successor of the Mei faction, and Li Yugang, a cutting-edge singer, met unexpectedly, and their eyes met in the air, but they quickly staggered.

When Li Yugang performed on stage, he showed the charm of Peking Opera in an unprecedented way. The audience was shocked by his performance, but Mei Baojiu, who was standing behind the scenes, suddenly looked very bad.

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang fell off the altar and was no longer understood by the public, Mei Baojiu: Never reconcile

His hands clenched unconsciously tightly, his brows furrowed, and finally he left the scene angrily.

This scene, like a boulder thrown into a calm lake, instantly stirred up the monstrous waves of the Peking Opera industry. A fierce debate between tradition and innovation began. What exactly sparked this conflict? Let's take a look back at this history and explore the roots of this dramatic showdown.

In the bright galaxy of Peking Opera, Mei Lanfang is undoubtedly the most dazzling star. His name is like a monument, standing at the pinnacle of Peking Opera art. Mei Lanfang's singing voice is as thick and long as the spring river, and her performance skills are exquisite and delicate, and every time she takes the stage, it is a visual and auditory feast, which makes the audience fascinated.

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang fell off the altar and was no longer understood by the public, Mei Baojiu: Never reconcile

However, under the cover of the halo, a silent crisis is quietly approaching. Mei Lanfang's son, Mei Baojiu, has lost his interest in Peking Opera since he was a child. In his young eyes, Peking Opera was just an old and outdated trick that could not keep up with the pace of modern society.

He devoted all his passion to mechanical engineering and dreamed of changing the world through technology.

Fate always likes to joke. When Mei Baojiu was planning for her career, she encountered misfortunes one after another. Several of his brothers and sisters died one after another, and the once glorious art of the Mei School suddenly faced the dilemma of no one to inherit it.

This weight fell on the unprepared Mei Baojiu.

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang fell off the altar and was no longer understood by the public, Mei Baojiu: Never reconcile

Faced with the sudden crisis of the family, the young Mei Baojiu was deeply in conflict. He knew that if he couldn't stand up, the art of the Mei School, which his father had worked so hard to condense, would face extinction.

However, it took a great deal of determination to abandon his passion for engineering and turn to the field of Peking Opera, which was unfamiliar to him.

Mei Baojiu's countless nights were spent tossing and turning and struggling inwardly, and in the end, the responsibility of the family prevailed over his own will. He made a difficult decision: to leave his passion for mechanical engineering and devote himself to studying Peking Opera.

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang fell off the altar and was no longer understood by the public, Mei Baojiu: Never reconcile

The hardships of learning Peking Opera from scratch can be imagined, but Mei Baojiu still insists on performing during the day and practicing hard at night, absorbing the essence of Peking Opera with hunger and thirst. His palms were calloused from long hours of practice, and his voice was hoarse from repeated singing, but he persevered.

Hard work pays off. After years of hard work, Mei Baojiu finally cultivated to become an outstanding Peking Opera actor, proving that his strength is enough to undertake the task of inheriting the Mei family's art.

However, this was only the beginning, and he understood that there was still a long way to go before the art of the Mei School could continue to shine in modern society.

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang fell off the altar and was no longer understood by the public, Mei Baojiu: Never reconcile

Just as Mei Baojiu was committed to inheriting the art of the Mei School, a young singer named Li Yugang broke into the sky of the Peking Opera world like a meteor, attracting attention. In 2006, Li Yugang signed up for the popular talent show "Avenue of Stars", and performed the Peking Opera star "The Drunken Concubine" in a new and unique way, which caused a sensation.

He skillfully blended elements of traditional Peking Opera and pop music to create a new art form. Li Yugang's performance was like a gust of wind, occupying the entire stage in an instant.

His unique voice blends masculine and feminine temperaments, coupled with a modern arrangement, which dazzles the audience.

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang fell off the altar and was no longer understood by the public, Mei Baojiu: Never reconcile

This performance was like a bombshell, which shook the Peking Opera industry and made the traditionalists sad. They believe that Li Yugang's interpretation infringes on the art of Peking Opera and betrays traditional culture.

They mercilessly denounced Li Yugang as a "clown who jumped off the beam" and accused him of losing the purity of his art in pursuit of commercial interests.

However, Li Yugang's performance resonated strongly with young audiences, and his innovative spirit appealed to this new generation of audiences, injecting new life into Peking Opera. In their eyes, Li Yugang is a pioneer who breaks stereotypes and keeps pace with the times.

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang fell off the altar and was no longer understood by the public, Mei Baojiu: Never reconcile

As a master of Peking Opera, Mei Baojiu was very shaken in her heart when she learned the news, and she must admit Li Yugang's innovative courage and talent, but at the same time, she was deeply worried about the shaking of the foundation of Peking Opera that this innovation might cause.

He is caught in a deep conflict: should he stick to tradition or embrace change?

As a result of Li Yugang's fame, the Peking Opera industry is faced with a new challenge: how to meet the aesthetic needs of modern society while maintaining the essence of tradition. This issue is a double-edged sword, a challenge and an opportunity.

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang fell off the altar and was no longer understood by the public, Mei Baojiu: Never reconcile

At that moment, Li Yugang became the center of attention because of it, and at the same time became the center of controversy. Supporters see him as opening up a new path for Peking opera, while opponents insist that he deviates from the essence of Peking opera.

This controversy essentially reflects the survival dilemma of traditional culture in modern society.

Since Li Yugang's rise to popularity, a debate about the future of Peking Opera has been in full swing on the Internet, which is like a mirror, reflecting the deep-seated contradictions faced by traditional culture in modern society.

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang fell off the altar and was no longer understood by the public, Mei Baojiu: Never reconcile

Traditionalists who support the Mei faction have spoken out on major social media platforms, denouncing Li Yugang as a "clown who jumps off the beam" and a "traitor" to the art of Peking Opera. In their eyes, Li Yugang's performance desecrated the essence of Peking Opera and betrayed centuries of tradition.

They believe that the charm of Peking Opera lies in its unique art form and profound cultural heritage, and any change in its essence is a desecration of tradition.

At the same time, Li Yugang's supporters were not idle, hitting back at the conservative attitude of the Mei faction and its followers, accusing them of lack of innovation and stagnation.

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang fell off the altar and was no longer understood by the public, Mei Baojiu: Never reconcile

In the eyes of young audiences, Li Yugang's innovations have injected new vitality into Peking Opera, bringing this ancient art form into line with modern aesthetics, believing that only by continuous innovation can Peking Opera continue to revitalize in contemporary society.

The debate on the Internet has become more and more intense, and the two sides have not given in to each other and are fighting endlessly. Some people launched a vote to discuss which is more vigorous, "traditional Peking Opera" or "innovative Peking Opera"; Some people organized online debates on how Peking Opera should find a balance between inheritance and innovation; Some people even made spoof videos that mixed Meipai's singing voice with pop music, which sparked more discussion.

In the midst of a lot of discussions, Mei Baojiu chose to be silent. He did not participate directly in the online debate, but responded to the current doubts with concrete actions. With Mei Baojiu's profound artistic heritage, he vividly interpreted the charm of traditional Peking Opera on stage.

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang fell off the altar and was no longer understood by the public, Mei Baojiu: Never reconcile

He has won international honors such as the "Asian Outstanding Artist Award" and the "Artist Master Award", proving the immortal value of traditional Peking Opera with his strength.

However, this debate is far from over, revealing a deeper question: how should traditional culture behave in a rapidly changing modern society? Do you stick to the truth, or do you keep up with the times?

This question is not only about the future of Peking Opera, but also about the survival and development of the entire traditional culture in contemporary society.

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang fell off the altar and was no longer understood by the public, Mei Baojiu: Never reconcile

This online debate has become a microcosm that reflects the contradictions and collisions between tradition and modernity, inheritance and innovation. This discussion sparked deep reflection on deep-seated issues such as cultural inheritance and artistic innovation, and also provided diversified perspectives for the future development of Peking Opera.

In the face of constant disputes, Mei Baojiu chose the most powerful way to respond - to cultivate a new generation of Peking Opera talents. He deeply understands that the future of Peking Opera does not lie in the battle of words, but in practical actions.

Mei Baojiu devoted her whole life to carefully cultivating batches of outstanding young talents. Under his careful guidance, these young people sprung up like mushrooms after a rain and gradually became the backbone of the Mei School of art.

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang fell off the altar and was no longer understood by the public, Mei Baojiu: Never reconcile

Some of them inherited the unique singing voice of the Mei School and carried it forward; Some people have made bold innovations in performance, injecting new vitality into the tradition of Peking Opera; There are also those who have opened up a whole new path of opera and expanded the artistic field of Peking Opera.

Mei Baojiu leads the students to the rehearsal hall of the Peking Opera Company every morning, and although his voice is slightly hoarse due to his age, his voice is still very loud. He took the trouble to correct each student's voice, down to every detail of his body, and even demonstrated some difficult singing passages himself.

His dedication deeply infects every student, and they work harder.

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang fell off the altar and was no longer understood by the public, Mei Baojiu: Never reconcile

Under the careful guidance of Mei Baojiu, these young people gradually emerged on the stage. Their performances not only inherit the essence of Meipai, but also incorporate their own understanding and innovation.

The audience was amazed to find that traditional Peking Opera could shine with such dazzling brilliance.

However, Mei Baojiu's attitude towards Li Yugang has always been a thorn in his heart, and even at the last moment of his life, he is still haunted, hoping to bring this "rebellious teenager" back to the right path.

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang fell off the altar and was no longer understood by the public, Mei Baojiu: Never reconcile

In Mei Baojiu's view, the future of Peking Opera certainly needs innovation, but it also needs to respect and inherit tradition, and he firmly believes that without the foundation, no matter how gorgeous the branches and leaves will eventually wither.

It's a pity that Li Yugang always insisted on himself and had a contemptuous attitude towards the "banner" of the Mei faction, which made Mei Baojiu feel deep regret and helplessness.

However, despite these difficulties, Mei Baojiu still firmly stood firm in her beliefs. He has continuously injected new vitality into Peking Opera by cultivating new talents and creating new operas.

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang fell off the altar and was no longer understood by the public, Mei Baojiu: Never reconcile

Thanks to his efforts, the art of Peking Opera was full of vitality and won the applause and applause of the audience again.

Mr. Mei Baojiu's firm belief and great achievements not only made the traditional Peking Opera shine, but also pointed out the direction for the future development of Peking Opera. He practiced the concept of attaching equal importance to inheritance and innovation with practical actions, and made outstanding contributions to the spread and development of Peking Opera in modern society.

In 2016, the death of Mr. Mei Baojiu, a famous Peking Opera artist in mainland China, shook the entire Peking Opera industry like a hammer. The sudden death of this master who adhered to tradition and devoted himself to the inheritance of Peking Opera has cast a shadow on the future of Peking Opera art.

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang fell off the altar and was no longer understood by the public, Mei Baojiu: Never reconcile

People can't help but think deeply: without this mainstay, where will Peking Opera go tomorrow?

However, Li Yugang's artistic path has not been smooth sailing. As time passed, his performances gradually lost their initial freshness, and those audiences who had once been crazy about him began to develop aesthetic fatigue with his innovations.

What used to be ridicule and sarcasm has gradually evolved into doubts and negative evaluations, which has made him fall into the dilemma of falling from the altar now.

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang fell off the altar and was no longer understood by the public, Mei Baojiu: Never reconcile

However, the contradiction between Mei Baojiu and Li Yugang has become an irreconcilable knot. Mei Baojiu advocates the tradition of Peking Opera, believing that its unique art form and profound cultural heritage are its essence; Li Yugang, on the other hand, is determined to innovate, trying to combine Peking Opera with modern elements to inject new vitality into this ancient art.

Two completely different artistic pursuits, passing by on the stage of Peking Opera, have written a sighing artistic legend.

What is the future of Peking Opera? There seems to be no standard answer to the question of whether to stick to tradition or be bold. Perhaps, the answer is not either/or. Seeking innovation in inheritance and not forgetting inheritance in innovation may be the right way for Peking Opera art to continue to shine in modern society.

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang fell off the altar and was no longer understood by the public, Mei Baojiu: Never reconcile

Although Mr. Mei Baojiu passed away, his dedication to the art of Peking Opera, his adherence to traditional arts and his tolerance for innovation will undoubtedly become the most dazzling stroke in the history of Peking Opera.

Many of the disciples he has cultivated are shining on their respective stages and continuing to pass on the art of the Mei School.

On the other hand, although Li Yugang's innovative approach is controversial, his reflections and discussions on Peking Opera have undoubtedly played a role in promoting the development of this art. His attempt provided a possibility for Peking Opera to be integrated with modern society.

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang fell off the altar and was no longer understood by the public, Mei Baojiu: Never reconcile

In the future, more artists may seek a balance between tradition and innovation, so as to inject new vitality into Peking Opera. The charm of Peking Opera may be precisely because it can continue to evolve in the process of integrity and innovation, and show its eternal artistic value while advancing with the times.

The story of Mei Baojiu and Li Yugang is like a mirror, reflecting the dilemmas and opportunities of Peking Opera and even the entire traditional culture in modern society. This story tells us that the inheritance of culture is not simply copying, but should be constantly innovated and developed on the basis of understanding and respecting tradition.

This may be the key to the survival and development of Peking Opera, and indeed all traditional arts, in modern society.

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