
This place has belonged to China since ancient times, but this country wants to take it for itself, and China immediately expelled it

This place has belonged to China since ancient times, but this country wants to take it for itself, and China immediately expelled it

China is vast and has a variety of topography and landforms, among which the basin terrain is very rich and suitable for human life. There is a basin of more than 40,000 square kilometers between Tibet and Xinjiang. The Karakash River extends from numerous lakes to the Tarim Basin. The basin also has a beautiful name, "Aksai Chin", which translates to Aksai Chin, because it is an ancient Turkic language, so the translation is "White Pebble Beach of China", from which it can be seen that this place once belonged to our territory.

This place has belonged to China since ancient times, but this country wants to take it for itself, and China immediately expelled it

As early as the Han Dynasty, China's Central Plains Dynasty opened up a prosperous trade route to the western region, and many small countries and regions along the route were also included in the capital city guard palace established by the imperial court during this period, including Aksaiqin, which was specifically located in the territory of Kangguo at that time. Since then, this area has been subordinate to the Central Plains Dynasty, and the emperor in charge of this area has made sacrifices to the Heavenly Dynasty every year. Due to its special geographical location, the Yuan Dynasty was placed under the jurisdiction of the Xuanzheng Court. Later, both the Qing Dynasty Dzungar tribes and the Hotan Province were responsible for the governance of the region, in short, the area belonged to our territory.

This place has belonged to China since ancient times, but this country wants to take it for itself, and China immediately expelled it

But this was somewhat unexpected after the First World War, when the British colonists tried to cross India to occupy the southwestern border of our country, but did not dare to openly send troops, and could only play tricks on the map of British India, taking Aksakhin and some of the surrounding areas on their map. Of course, this is just a kind of self-deception on paper. It doesn't make sense and it won't be recognized by us. However, after the British left, the Indians arrogantly regarded it as their own territory, leading to a series of border conflicts.

This place has belonged to China since ancient times, but this country wants to take it for itself, and China immediately expelled it

India's ambitions are clear. First, they openly sent troops to patrol Aksachin in 1956. As a result, they were discovered by our People's Liberation Army and decisively deported. Since then, they have not completely dispelled the idea of greed, and in the process of exchanges between the two countries, they have also engaged in some self-deception. When the leaders of the two countries met, India acknowledged that China was here, but immediately regretted it after returning home. Fortunately, our national power is growing, and India has overestimated its own national strength, so their attempts to divide our territory have not succeeded.

Today, this beautiful land is still on our territory. According to territorial jurisdiction, most of it belongs to the Hotan region of Xinjiang and a small part to the Ali region of Tibet. In this vast and fertile land, there are herds of Tibetan antelopes free, clear, pollution-free lakes and green grasslands, and the animals that live here live here. Every piece of land is not easily accessible. Our ancestors exchanged the blood and sweat of generations. As future generations, we must protect these resources and face the question of sovereignty and never give up our land.

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