
China has no territorial dispute with this country, but it has taken the initiative to return the land to us, which is equivalent to one-fifth of the land

Territory is an important factor that a country attaches great importance to, is the foundation on which a country depends for its survival, only by having its own territory, it will develop in this territory, and the territory of all countries in the world is different, once our country was also a large and vast country, in history, our country was the largest country in the world, it can also be said that our country was very strong, but it also ushered in a very weak period, it is also the period of loss of our territory, in the late Qing Dynasty, Due to the corruption and incompetence of the Qing government, Cixi was arrogant and arrogant at that time, and adopted a policy of closing the country to the outside world, which led to the qing dynasty on the road of decline.

China has no territorial dispute with this country, but it has taken the initiative to return the land to us, which is equivalent to one-fifth of the land

And at that time, because our country not only has a vast territory, but also has very rich resources, so there are many Western powers that want to invade our territory and look at our territory, and it is also during that period that our country was forced by the Western powers to sign a lot of treaties that humiliated the country, and it was because of these treaties that we lost a lot of land sovereignty, but our country knew that backwardness would be beaten, and after the founding of New China, our country became more and more prosperous, and many territories were invaded. Slowly all returned to the embrace of our country, one of which did not have a territorial dispute with him, but took the initiative to return the land to us, equivalent to 1/5 of the country.

China has no territorial dispute with this country, but it has taken the initiative to return the land to us, which is equivalent to one-fifth of the land

This country is Tajikistan, when the Qing Dynasty was corrupt, Tajikistan did not invade our country, although at that time our country declined, but the strength is still greater than Tajikistan, but at that time Tsarist Russia was the country that invaded our territory the most, you must know that Tsarist Russia has always attached great importance to territory, and now Russia is also the largest country in the world, when the Qing Dynasty government was corrupt, Tsarist Russia was also eyeing our country. At that time, Tsarist Russia gave the Qin Dynasty a lot of territory, and a large part of these territories were also given to Tajikistan, so China had territorial relations with Tajikistan.

China has no territorial dispute with this country, but it has taken the initiative to return the land to us, which is equivalent to one-fifth of the land

It is precisely because of the invasion of some Western powers that the Qing Dynasty was destroyed, but when these treaties were signed to the Republic of China government, many people were unwilling to admit it, after all, at that time, China's internal affairs were also very chaotic, the Republic of China government simply did not have time to take care of these things, and the matter of returning to the territory was also shelved, after the founding of New China, a very friendly diplomatic relationship was established with Tajikistan, so our country will also slowly put the recovery of territory on the agenda. It is precisely because the relations between our country and Tajikistan are getting better and better that Tajikistan has taken the initiative to return the territory that once belonged to our country, so that the equivalent of 1/5 of the country has returned to the embrace of the motherland again.

China has no territorial dispute with this country, but it has taken the initiative to return the land to us, which is equivalent to one-fifth of the land

I have to say that Tajikistan's move made our country very moved, first of all, the corruption and incompetence of the Qing government made our country very cold, so that our country lost so much land, but Tajikistan did not invade our country when our country was backward, but it was very surprising that it was willing to take the initiative to return a large amount of land belonging to our country, and the territory has always been attached great importance to every country, but his willingness to take the initiative to return it is not only a manifestation of his sincerity, but also a commendable thing. In other words, if our country were not strong enough, even if our country and Tajikistan were friendly, it is estimated that we would not have voluntarily returned the territory to our country.

China has no territorial dispute with this country, but it has taken the initiative to return the land to us, which is equivalent to one-fifth of the land

From this matter, we can also see a truth, that is, weak countries have no diplomacy, only their own strength, then in this international will have the right to speak, after all, now our country is the world's second largest economy, all fields of the military are very strong, there are many countries are willing to take the initiative to cooperate with our country, willing to come to our country, therefore, many countries are very respectful of our country, do not dare to provoke our country again, if our country has not developed into such a strong, now, It is estimated that other countries in the world will not have such respect for our country, although our country is now very strong, but our country is the same for any country, did not bully weak and small countries, which can also be seen that our country is a big country.

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