
2,060 square kilometers of borderlands, no state claim, 6-year-old girl "occupies the land for king"

Territory is sacred to any country, many wars in history have been for the sake of territoriality, and in the Middle East for decades, the Palestinian-Israeli war has also been aimed at seizing gaza territory. A dynasty cannot do without its own territory, and territory also represents the strength of the country, so the struggle for territory is also the largest dispute in the world.

Before Lu Fangweng died, he wrote a poem "Shi'er", "Wang Shi Bei Ding Zhongyuan Day, the family sacrifice does not forget to tell Nai Weng", and every Chinese longing for territorial integrity.

2,060 square kilometers of borderlands, no state claim, 6-year-old girl "occupies the land for king"

The importance of territorial integrity to a country, China has experienced two Opium Wars, from a fully sovereign country to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, the Qing government has no autonomy over its own territory and the people above, and our Chinese nation has struggled for sovereign integrity for more than a hundred years.

In modern times, the struggle for territory extends to the right to the sea, the right to space, and so on. The Chinese nation is a country with a history of five thousand years and the only country that has not perished due to foreign invasion.

Abroad, there is a 2060 square meter of territory, but it is occupied by a 6-year-old girl? What the hell is going on? Let's start with the origin of this land.

2,060 square kilometers of borderlands, no state claim, 6-year-old girl "occupies the land for king"

Colonial occupation in the Age of Discovery

From 1600 to 1700 AD, the age of great navigation came, and European adventurers took ships to distant South America to develop colonies, where they robbed the lands of the indigenous people and robbed them of slavery, and the explorers named these lands "Terra Nullius" in order to facilitate future invasions.

With these living examples, countries around the world see the benefits of aggression and have gone to find a borderland, which is too low a cost to come without any effort, and with the end of the colonial era, each country has a border demarcation, is there still a borderland in the world?

Egypt and Sudan in Africa were British colonies, and the British colonists called the territory of Egypt north of 22° north latitude called Bir Tai weile; to the south was the territory of Sudan, called Haraby.

2,060 square kilometers of borderlands, no state claim, 6-year-old girl "occupies the land for king"

After this division in 1899, neither country was satisfied. Why? Because the Egyptians to the north were in charge, but the Sudanese lived above. The Sultans certainly did not want to become Egyptians, but they were also unwilling to move away. The area south was under the administration of the Sultan, but the Egyptians living above were equally unconvinced.

After 1902, the British proposed that they could exchange territories and redraw the borders, but the two countries were still unwilling, the main reason was the discovery of oil in the southern region.

The Egyptians living in the southern region are naturally unwilling to give up this wealth, and the Sudanese who have sovereignty over the south are also unwilling to give up their sovereignty, the northern region is desert wasteland, not suitable for human habitation, this area has often become a no-man's land in the past, egypt and Sudan have not claimed.

2,060 square kilometers of borderlands, no state claim, 6-year-old girl "occupies the land for king"

Princess's domain

Every little girl has her own princess dream, which is realized in Disney's princess castle, but this 6-year-old girl in the United States has never woken up from this dream.

When she asked Dad, can I become a real princess? This father did not want his child's dream to be punctured, so he said to the child, I will definitely make you a princess. So the princess needs to have her own territory, where to find the territory in this world?

This father thought for a long time about a way to buy an uninhabited island, then plant his own flag and become a country, but an uninhabited island needs a lot of money, and diplomatic power, etc., which seems to be unworkable.

2,060 square kilometers of borderlands, no state claim, 6-year-old girl "occupies the land for king"

Father Jeremiah consulted a lot of information about territory, and when he learned that there was still the concept of Borderlands, he suddenly wondered if there was still unclaimed territory on Earth. If so, I have occupied it, is it not my territory?

He actually used the mapping software to find an unclaimed land on the world map, which was really a matter of ambition. Found a borderland for his daughter in a crack that no one else could see.

The borderless city between Sudan and Egypt covers a total area of 2,060 square kilometers and is still a triangle, so the locals call this land the Bir Teville Triangle. But why doesn't anyone want it?

2,060 square kilometers of borderlands, no state claim, 6-year-old girl "occupies the land for king"

Historically, because of the problem of resources, Egypt and Sudan have abandoned this 2060 square kilometers of land, which is a vast area, that is, relatively desolate and unsuitable for human habitation, but this father in order to realize his daughter's dream of a princess, put forward a request to the Egyptian government to establish a country, did not expect the Egyptian government to agree.

Father and daughter Jeremiah also designed the flag with four stars in the crown, and the name of the country was "Northern Sudan". The story can be stopped at this point, and I did not expect that Jeremiah's father and daughter really wanted to establish a state.

On July 15, 2014, U.S. citizen Jeremiah led his daughter Emily to plant a flag representing the national symbol, swearing her sovereignty over the land, and her father made Emily the princess here, making the princess's birthday a national day.

2,060 square kilometers of borderlands, no state claim, 6-year-old girl "occupies the land for king"

Although it was an abandoned land, it was used by a great father to realize his daughter's dream of a princess. Father's love is truly great, and this no-man's land fulfills a father's promise.

The fairy tales continue

After Her Royal Highness Princess Emily got this land, if she wanted to make it a truly recognized country, she first needed the approval of her neighbors before she had a chance to be recognized by the United Nations.

The great father led Her Royal Highness the Princess to prepare for the reclamation of wasteland, the cultivation of food to relieve the needy people of Africa, and the lovely princess also said that the African people were welcome to become citizens of her country.

2,060 square kilometers of borderlands, no state claim, 6-year-old girl "occupies the land for king"

This story sounds very emotional, but a small dream has been realized by a great father.

Historically, Africa has experienced brutal colonialism, the colonists have carried out brutal massacres for their own rule, as well as genocide, and have also engaged in many policies to intensify ethnic contradictions, so that their colonial rule has been maintained and can reap benefits on this land, and the colonialists have never considered the life and death of the people on the land.

2,060 square kilometers of borderlands, no state claim, 6-year-old girl "occupies the land for king"

brief summary:

The story begins with a tragic story of colonial rule and ends with a dreamy fairy tale. A father for his daughter's fairy tale dream, try their best to achieve, this era really can not look down on any dream, maybe it will come true.

Before this ordinary father did not think that he could also build a country, but after hard work, he realized it, and if he wanted to realize his dream, he should not give up and persevere.

In the future, this princess and her father do not know what miracles will be created in this land and what kind of dreams will be realized. If you have a dream in this era, don't give up.

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