
The first shot towards the 500! Tianchain's "home port" has once again refreshed China's speed

The first shot towards the 500! Tianchain's "home port" has once again refreshed China's speed

Today is space with you [No. 1331]

At 00:09 Beijing time on December 14, 2021, China successfully launched the Tianlian-2 02 satellite with the Long March 3 Yiyao 82 carrier rocket at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center. The satellite successfully entered the predetermined orbit and the launch mission was a complete success.

The first shot towards the 500! Tianchain's "home port" has once again refreshed China's speed

Tianchain "home port" seven stars in a row

On April 25, 2008, the "Tianlian-1 01 Satellite" successfully lifted off from the Xichang Launch Site of the Xichang Satellite Launch Center on the Long March 3 C carrier rocket, and China has since had its own space data "transit station" and achieved a major breakthrough in China's data relay satellite from scratch.

The first shot towards the 500! Tianchain's "home port" has once again refreshed China's speed

Since that day, the Xichang Launch Site has also undertaken the mission of building an information "heavenly road".

Since then, in this hot land of chasing dreams and striving for miracles, we have successfully realized the 5-satellite networking of China's first generation of relay satellites, further enhanced the high-speed data transmission and multi-objective service capabilities of China's relay satellite system, and significantly improved China's aerospace measurement and control and space-based information transmission capabilities.

With the continuous development and maturity of related technologies in the aerospace field, the first satellite of China's second-generation geosynchronous orbit data relay satellite "Tianlian-2 01 Satellite" was successfully launched at the Xichang Launch Site on March 31, 2019, opening a new journey of China's data relay satellite "from existing to strong", and this launch is the 301st flight of the Long March series of carrier rockets.

The first shot towards the 500! Tianchain's "home port" has once again refreshed China's speed

After 33 months, the "Tianlian-2 02 satellite" once again set out from Xichang and successfully entered the "Relay Satellite Tiantuan". Coincidentally, this launch is the 401st flight of the Long March series of carrier rockets.

From "01 star" to "02 star", what was witnessed was the leap from having to being strong; from "301 times" to "401 times", it reflected the Chinese miracle created by the party's leadership in the aerospace industry: it took 37 years, more than 7 years and more than 4 years for the Long March series of carrier rockets to achieve the first three 100 launches, respectively, while it took only more than 2 years to complete the fourth 100 launches, once again refreshing China's speed and China's height.

In the fourth 100 Long March series rocket launch records, Xichang launched a total of 38, that is to say, Every 10 Long March rockets in China have taken off from Xichang, behind which is the continuous leap in the comprehensive ability of the Xichang launch site to test launches: the annual launch capacity has increased from 7-8 in 2008 to the current maximum of 17, the time for organizing a cryogenic liquid rocket launch mission has been shortened by one-third, and the interval between two consecutive launches has been shortened to 13 days.

Xichang, constantly creating China's space launch "acceleration"!

In the new era, astronauts and astronauts serve the country

If you want to build a ladder to realize the dream, Xichang astronauts are the well-deserved "ladder people" of China's "space dream".

At 10:00 a.m. on June 20, 2013, Wang Yaping, a female astronaut of Shenzhou 10, gave her first space lecture at Tiangong. Fan Xuntao, who is currently the head of the Taqin system at the Xichang Launch Site, was still a college student at that time, watching the lecture with his classmates, and he clearly remembered the scene at that time, a senior who studied communication said: "When we graduate, we will conduct a high-definition live broadcast for the national audience." Mechanical professional he also blurted out: "Then I will build rockets and send your satellites into space!" ”

The first shot towards the 500! Tianchain's "home port" has once again refreshed China's speed

Fan Xuntao works on site

At that time, Fan Xuntao had already planted the seeds of his aerospace dream in his heart, and after graduation, he gave up the opportunity to work in colleges and universities, chose the Xichang Satellite Launch Center with brilliant achievements and glorious traditions, and engaged in professional rocket tower work in the front line of space launch.

Ta Qin's working hours are tight, the task is heavy, and the pressure is high, Fan Xuntao often "opens his eyes and is busy until dark", and sometimes encounters emergency arrangements, which is related to whether the task is carried out smoothly. Whenever I was tired, I was refreshed again at the thought that the rocket I carefully "cared for" could send the satellite into space smoothly.

A dream is a seed that takes root, sprouts, blossoms, bears fruit. After 8 years, the "Tiangong Classroom" opened again, looking at the "Tianlian No. 2 02 Star" and the Long March 3B carrier rocket combination that was about to go out in the tower, Fan Xuntao, who had carried out more than 80 launch missions, recalled that a sentence when he was angry at university had long since become a reality, and he also became an astronaut in the new era.

"Offline" education ignites a strong patriotic feeling

"Space" classroom, the dream set sail.

The first shot towards the 500! Tianchain's "home port" has once again refreshed China's speed

In 2013, Shenzhou 10 Wang Yaping gave a lecture in space

The first shot towards the 500! Tianchain's "home port" has once again refreshed China's speed

2021 "Tiangong Classroom" live broadcast

The two "online" lectures from above the Nine Heavens not only popularized aerospace knowledge for the vast number of young people and highlighted the extraordinary achievements made by the party's leadership in the aerospace industry, but also gave an extremely profound ideological baptism to these "eighty-nine o'clock suns", ignited their patriotic enthusiasm, and built the "Chinese Dream" of national rejuvenation.

In recent years, the "offline" patriotic education of the Xichang Satellite Launch Center has also been in full swing.

On June 23, 2020, the launch mission of the 55th Beidou satellite experienced the huge challenge of full arrow conventional propellant release and refueling, and successfully concluded at the Xichang launch site, completing the deployment of the Beidou global system constellation half a year ahead of schedule. Ak Faying, a student from Zhongba Village Rotten Dam Primary School in Xide County, Liangshan Prefecture, and the students watched the rocket launch at the scene of the visit platform and witnessed the important moment of the end of China's Beidou together, she said excitedly: "I am very excited and happy, because our Chinese science and technology are getting better and better, and the people working in space are very good!" ”

The first shot towards the 500! Tianchain's "home port" has once again refreshed China's speed

The test hall leaked the actual situation

It is understood that the launch site is separated from the village where these children are located, and every time they are launched, the rocket will appear over the village, and the children have always felt that it is a very close but far away thing from them.

The first shot towards the 500! Tianchain's "home port" has once again refreshed China's speed

Akfaying interviewed on the spot

"When I heard that I was going to the scene to watch the launch, the children in this group of children in daliangshan mountain village were very excited, and they kept asking me about space along the way, which is the most vivid classroom for education and poverty alleviation." Liu Chao, first secretary of Zhongba Village in Xide County, Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province, said. "I told them about the history of our country's navigation technology being controlled by people in those years, which brought a lot of resistance to development. Through this close observation, the children know more clearly that their lives are closely related to technology, and hard work will really become a reality. ”

Not only Akfaying and her classmates, but also many teenagers from Beijing, Shanghai, Macao, the Central and Western regions and other regions have visited the launch site in recent years to listen to scientific and technological personnel explain aerospace knowledge and feel space culture. Here, Xichang Astronaut 01 Commander Pi Shuibing and Yin Xiangyuan, and low-temperature power system commander Yu Xinchen were also invited to the resident school to make reports to convey the spirit of spaceflight.

The first shot towards the 500! Tianchain's "home port" has once again refreshed China's speed

Macau students visit

The spark of a spark can ignite the plains. Regardless of whether children grow up to be engaged in space business, the spirit of spaceflight here may be able to guide them and inspire them to dedicate themselves to the motherland with their own struggles and achievements.

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