
【Medical Companion Travel】 is spreading at an unprecedented speed! WHO warns: Don't underestimate Opmikeron

According to China News Network, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus revealed on the United Nations website that the Omiljung strain is spreading at an unprecedented speed, and 77 countries and regions have now discovered Omiljung. He stressed that it would be a mistake to see Amikerron as a "mild virus."

【Medical Companion Travel】 is spreading at an unprecedented speed! WHO warns: Don't underestimate Opmikeron

Don't underestimate the dangers of Aumechjong

"The Aomi Kerong is spreading at a speed not seen in any variant and there are concerns that people think of the Aomi Keron as mild, thereby underestimating the dangers of this virus," Tedros said. ”

In addition, he said that "although it is true that Omikeron can only cause less serious diseases, if the number of cases is too large, it is likely to overwhelm the health system again." And it makes it clear that vaccines alone will not lift any country out of this crisis. Any country should and must adopt effective measures to stop the spread of Aomi Kerong. ”

All epidemic prevention measures should be taken to prevent the spread

Tedros warned that the strategy of stopping the pandemic with a "pick-and-pick" approach is wrong. He stressed: "This measure is not only dependent on vaccines alone, but also all epidemic prevention measures such as social distancing, ventilation and hand hygiene, and insist on doing it well." ”

Tedros said that in the past 10 weeks, the number of COVID-19 vaccines with access mechanisms has exceeded the sum of the first nine months of this year, and most countries have put them into use immediately after receiving the vaccine. But a small number of countries face challenges in rolling out vaccines and scaling up rapidly, and WHO is working closely with these countries to overcome bottlenecks. While further improvements are expected, they are not guaranteed, and our hard-won gains are fragile. ”

Priority is given to those who are least protected

"In most countries, people who are not vaccinated account for a significant proportion of hospitalizations and deaths," Tedros noted. Therefore, vaccinating those who are not vaccinated must be a priority, even in the countries most readily available. ”

"To contain a global pandemic, the first priority must be to protect those who are least protected, and countries should work together to ensure that health workers, the elderly and other high-risk populations receive the major doses of vaccines to save the most lives," he added. ”

Currently, 98 countries have not yet reached 40 per cent of their vaccinated population, and another approximately 41 countries are still unable to vaccinate 10 per cent of their population.

Tedros emphasized: "If we end inequality, we will end the pandemic." If inequality is allowed to continue, the pandemic will be allowed to continue. ”

Therefore, the prevention and control of the new crown epidemic still requires the joint efforts of the international community and global immunization to defeat the epidemic.

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