
WHO experts have doubts about "Delta Croon" or because of laboratory contamination

On the 8th local time, Cypriot scientists said that they found a new variant combined by the new coronavirus Delta strain and the Omilkejong strain, and named it "Delta Kejung". In this regard, WHO experts issued a question on the 10th, and said that this situation may be caused by laboratory contamination.

WHO experts have doubts about "Delta Croon" or because of laboratory contamination

According to reports, KUPARI, a member of the WHO new crown team, posted on social media on the 10th that "there is no Deltakron strain", and said that this may be in the laboratory, and the specimen of the Delta strain was mixed with fragments of the Omicron strain.

WHO experts have doubts about "Delta Croon" or because of laboratory contamination

Later, Maria van Kerkhofer, technical director of WHO's health emergency project, also posted on social media about this problem, she also believes that the reason for the emergence of "Deltakron" is likely to be contaminated during the sequencing process of the laboratory, and called for the use of the name "Deltakron" again.

Based on previous reports, researchers at the University of Cyprus are suspected of finding a recombinant NEW CORONAVIRUS strain of Delta and Omiljung in the local area, which is genetically closer to the Delta strain but has a large number of variants unique to the Omiljung strain. For this reason, the strain was named "Delta Kerong" by the researchers.

Source: China News Network

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