
Beian Health: What is a TORCH test and how it helps in pregnancy

We all want to be able to go smoothly during childbirth, and the premise of these guarantees is our physical health. Every test before, during, and after pregnancy is essential. Especially before pregnancy, we have time to deal with abnormal situations. Bean Xiaoxiao is going to talk about the TORCH check this time. So how does a TORCH test help in pregnancy?

Beian Health: What is a TORCH test and how it helps in pregnancy

What is TORCH Check?

What does TORCH mean? TORCH is an abbreviation of the English name of a group of pathogenic microorganisms, where T (Toxopasma) is Toxoplasma virus, R (Rubella.Virus) is rubella virus, C (Cytomegalo.Virus) is cytomegalovirus, H (Herpes.Virus) is herpes simplex virus type I./II., O is others, such as hepatitis B virus, HIV virus, treponema treponema and so on.

These pathogens can lead to congenital intrauterine infections and perinatal infections. TORCH testing through blood draw, check whether these pathogens are present in the female body, once found to be present, early treatment and postponement of pregnancy, in order to reduce the possibility of intrauterine infection, to protect the health of the mother and fetus.

TORCH check time?

From the perspective of eugenics, it is necessary for women to undergo TORCH tests during pregnancy and regular monitoring of women who are positive for IgM antibodies, especially women with a history of keeping or contacting pets, or have been exposed to other viruses, etc., it is best to have a TORCH test 3-5 months before pregnancy. After the test, if there is an RV-IgG-negative person who is vaccinated in time to obtain immunity, torch-IgM positive people should postpone the pregnancy plan to avoid causing acute viral infection during pregnancy. If you have the ability, it is best to have a TORCH test again in the first trimester.

Beian Health: What is a TORCH test and how it helps in pregnancy

TORCH check purpose

Torch tests are done to check for the presence of the following pathogens in a woman's body:

1. Toxoplasma gondii virus. Toxoplasma gondii infection is a zoonotic disease, and cats and other animals are the source of infection. Patients with mild acquired infections are often asymptomatic, but antibodies can be found in the serum; Severe patients can cause various symptoms, such as high fever, muscle or joint pain, lymphadenopathy, etc.; Intrauterine infection through the placenta can cause stillbirth, preterm birth, and can show a series of central nervous system symptoms and congenital damage to the eyes and internal organs after birth.

2. Rubella virus. In addition to miscarriage and death, infants born with rubella syndrome can also develop congenital rubella syndrome.

3. Cytomegalovirus. Infection with CMV in the first trimester can affect the development of the embryo, leading to miscarriage; Infection in the second trimester can lead to fetal growth and development retardation in the womb, causing fetal malformations and death.

4. Herpes simplex virus. It mainly causes herpetic stomatitis, eczema herpes, herpetic corneal conjunctivitis, neonatal herpes, herpes vulvovaginitis and so on. Infections other than reproductive organs are mostly caused by herpes simplex virus-I., while reproductive organ infections are mostly caused by scars simplex virus-type II.

Beian Health Tip: For these examinations that can affect your own health and the health of the fetus, you can't be negligent, and tell your doctor about your situation. Then follow the doctor's advice.

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