
Urbanites, do you also fall asleep today listening to natural white noise? | Arrow Factory Radio

Urbanites, do you also fall asleep today listening to natural white noise? | Arrow Factory Radio


O urban people,

Do you also fall asleep today listening to natural white noise?

When the wheels of the times roll forward, do you often feel anxious and uneasy when you are wrapped up in it? Divination, travel, camping... There are also those who turn to sound and seek healing. According to statistics, in the past year alone, 83 million people have listened to healing music on online platforms and generated billions of views.

But what exactly is sound healing? Why does the natural white noise of the songbird have a soothing effect on the body and mind? And what business opportunities are surging in the sound healing market?

We interviewed Feng Ren and his team, who are working on the Natural White Noise album. In Ren Feng's eyes, we are being given more and more intellectual rationality, but knowledge cannot solve the problem of perception. In a city full of noise, we tend to fall into a state of anxiety but not knowing it. And when he heard the sound of rain beating leaves and the "metal spring-like" birdsong for a long time, anchor Holly seemed to have received "a natural gentle gift and felt very happy".

We also experienced a 12-day training camp for music bowl healers in Beijing. When words such as "throw away the disguise" and "be yourself" ignited the scene, the adult students who were originally emotionally stable gradually showed their fragile and complex sides, and the sudden collective emotions also made the anchor Holly feel overwhelmed.

Anchor of this issue

Urbanites, do you also fall asleep today listening to natural white noise? | Arrow Factory Radio

Arrow Factory director Holly

Nervous urban youth


Urbanites, do you also fall asleep today listening to natural white noise? | Arrow Factory Radio

Ren Feng | Head of the Witch Studio

A natural white noise album is being produced

Urbanites, do you also fall asleep today listening to natural white noise? | Arrow Factory Radio

Wang Yuan | Founder of Heart Rhyme Healing Academy

"The simple sound of the sound bowl can make our hearts settle down"

Spoilers for this issue


At three o'clock in the morning, we went to collect natural white noise and "felt very happy"


Knowledge cannot solve the problem of feelings, "the sound of the city is the sound of hell"


Why do I feel anxious in a noisy city?


What is a sound bowl?


I experienced a bit of a sound bowl head cleanup


In the "Five Senses Healing Little Theater" that makes us "throw away our disguises and cry when we want to cry", the sudden collective emotions make me a little overwhelmed


Can sound be healed?


What adults are anxious about - Interface News Vnews

Soothing Nature Sounds - Nature Sounds Paradise

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The source of the topic is | Zhizhe

Make | Youbin

Producer | Rattle

Edit | Rattle

Operational | Lai Lai

Quotes from the factory director