
Peking Opera master Zhang Junqiu: Three marriages, 7 sons and 5 daughters, life has pain and tears

author:Tomato stir-fry entertainment
Peking Opera master Zhang Junqiu: Three marriages, 7 sons and 5 daughters, life has pain and tears
Peking Opera master Zhang Junqiu: Three marriages, 7 sons and 5 daughters, life has pain and tears
Peking Opera master Zhang Junqiu: Three marriages, 7 sons and 5 daughters, life has pain and tears

Text: Tomato


Have you ever been touched by a touching love story?

Let's start with the protagonist Zhang Xuejin. As a Peking Opera performance artist, his life can be described as a wonderful opera. In the emotional world, he can also be described as struggling - the first two marriages suffered from falling apart, and it was not until the twilight of his life that he married his third wife Zhang Limin at the age of 67.

Peking Opera master Zhang Junqiu: Three marriages, 7 sons and 5 daughters, life has pain and tears

Zhang Xuejin and Zhang Limin were old acquaintances, and both came from artistic families. The sky is twisting and turning, Zhang Xuejin is over the age of six, and his life has entered the final stage. In 2012, doctors diagnosed him with advanced liver cancer.

Poor and destitute, even basic living expenses have become a burden, but Zhang Limin stepped forward and took care of this old wife who was on the verge of the end of her life wholeheartedly.

Peking Opera master Zhang Junqiu: Three marriages, 7 sons and 5 daughters, life has pain and tears

As soon as he was discharged from the hospital, his body was already incomplete, and Zhang Xuejin did not need Zhang Limin's careful care in his daily life.

Often in the middle of the night, when he was miserable because of the pain, Zhang Limin hugged him tightly and comforted and encouraged him with warm and soft words.

Peking Opera master Zhang Junqiu: Three marriages, 7 sons and 5 daughters, life has pain and tears

It was also in this moment that they told each other about the secret and unswerving love in each other's hearts - for Zhang Limin, this was what she wanted for the rest of her life; For Zhang Xuejin, this is the warmth from the last harbor.

In December 2012, Zhang Xuejin, who could no longer support it, passed away. The pain of losing a child is bearable, but the grief of losing a loved one is heart-wrenching. Zhang Limin was in tears, and her heart was churning with endless melancholy for this bosom lover to say goodbye forever.

Peking Opera master Zhang Junqiu: Three marriages, 7 sons and 5 daughters, life has pain and tears

However, she did not let herself get lost in the ocean of sadness, but stood up and did her best to hold a grand and decent funeral for Zhang Xuejin.

Let's look back at her thoughtfulness during Zhang Xuejin's lifetime. During the meal time at home, she will specially arrange for Zhang Xuejin to eat home-cooked dishes that he has not seen for a long time, so that he can feel the cordiality and warmth of home.

And when Zhang Xuejin drove to the west, she transferred all his inheritance to his daughter Zhang Chuchu, reflecting the broad-mindedness of a loving mother.

Peking Opera master Zhang Junqiu: Three marriages, 7 sons and 5 daughters, life has pain and tears

This experience made Zhang Limin particularly understand the preciousness of life. Even if Zhang Xuejin passed away, she regained her life with a calm and indifferent attitude, and was determined to celebrate the eternity of this love for the rest of her life.

She personally selected the cemetery for her lover, carved the epitaph of "King and Minister, a match made in heaven", and devoted the entire second half of her life to remembrance.

Peking Opera master Zhang Junqiu: Three marriages, 7 sons and 5 daughters, life has pain and tears

And every year on the occasion of the Dead Birthday, Zhang Limin will customize a slow-paced, tactful Peking Opera excerpt, and dedicate it with her disciples in front of the tomb to pay tribute to this eternal Peking Opera master.

Peking Opera master Zhang Junqiu: Three marriages, 7 sons and 5 daughters, life has pain and tears

Love can be really distressing sometimes. The young and strong Zhang Xuejin was deeply involved, and the first two marriages were all broken: his first wife Huang Ruping was his fellow traveler, and the two walked side by side in the art world.

Peking Opera master Zhang Junqiu: Three marriages, 7 sons and 5 daughters, life has pain and tears

As for his second wife, Song Jia is even younger, Zhang Xuejin is 21 years old, and she is destined to be gone forever at the beginning of love.

I have to say that Zhang Xuejin's third marriage did make him fulfill his long-cherished wish in his life. Although it was only a short year and a half, Zhang Limin used her strong love and firm sense of responsibility to create a warm haven for him.

Peking Opera master Zhang Junqiu: Three marriages, 7 sons and 5 daughters, life has pain and tears

This belated love finally gave Zhang Xuejin the last blessing of his life.

A casual encounter often triggers deep spiritual ripples. The image of a heroic soldier who was favored by Zhang Limin at a glance on the stage in Qingdao has sprouted an inexhaustible fire of love in her heart.

After many years, when they finally got married, the flame of love grew stronger and stronger, and in the end, it was enough to warm a person's entire life.

Peking Opera master Zhang Junqiu: Three marriages, 7 sons and 5 daughters, life has pain and tears

So, even when they say goodbye, life and death are separated, this love still continues. Now everything Zhang Limin does is just to pay supreme piety to the deceased.

The tactful and melodious twists and turns of the drama, a beautiful and elegant cemetery, is the way she uses to keep that sincere relationship forever.

Peking Opera master Zhang Junqiu: Three marriages, 7 sons and 5 daughters, life has pain and tears

Yes, love always has the power to enchant, which can make a person resolutely throw away the past and follow the most sincere call of the heart without hesitation. Zhang Limin used to be like this. And today, many years later, her attachment to that legendary marriage has not weakened.

Peking Opera master Zhang Junqiu: Three marriages, 7 sons and 5 daughters, life has pain and tears

I think this is probably the noblest and most touching side of love. When you do your best to care for and cherish another person, even at the expense of sacrificing yourself for them, this is the highest state of love. Zhang Limin did this to Zhang Xuejin.

Peking Opera master Zhang Junqiu: Three marriages, 7 sons and 5 daughters, life has pain and tears

Although the time when the two met and fell in love was only a few years, Zhang Limin gave meticulous care to this wanderer who had returned to his hometown.

She is like a ray of warm sun, warming Zhang Xuejin's lonely and decadent heart in his later years. For Zhang Limin, it is her greatest wish and pride in her life to cherish and protect this marriage in this way.

Peking Opera master Zhang Junqiu: Three marriages, 7 sons and 5 daughters, life has pain and tears

When Zhang Xuejin passed away, someone persuaded Zhang Limin to let go of his obsession and settle down in his old age.

How did she respond? The sentence "I just hope to grow old with him, now these are no longer important" makes people speechless. For a person, if he loses the last destination and concern of his life, what is the meaning of the remaining time?

Peking Opera master Zhang Junqiu: Three marriages, 7 sons and 5 daughters, life has pain and tears

Therefore, Zhang Limin is determined to spend the rest of her life to preserve all the footprints and traces of Zhang Xuejin forever, so that this touching love will last forever.

She carefully selected the environment of the cemetery to ensure a beautiful scenery and a peaceful atmosphere; She personally selected the auspicious epitaph on the tombstone, and tried to condense the fate of the two into eternity; She regularly organizes special performances of Peking Opera excerpts to commemorate the master's immortal art.

Peking Opera master Zhang Junqiu: Three marriages, 7 sons and 5 daughters, life has pain and tears

All of this shows a wife's deep affection and remembrance for her husband. Of course, to achieve this completely, in addition to being full of filial piety, Zhang Limin also paid a lot of hard work and sweat.

Peking Opera master Zhang Junqiu: Three marriages, 7 sons and 5 daughters, life has pain and tears

According to her brothers and sisters, she dreamed of her deceased husband's face several times, and every time she woke up, her eyes were full of tears. And in order to find a piece of feng shui treasure land to rest her lover's spirit in the sky, she is even more willing to seek near and far, visiting cemeteries all over the world.

Peking Opera master Zhang Junqiu: Three marriages, 7 sons and 5 daughters, life has pain and tears

It is often said that true love makes miracles. Looking at how Zhang Limin took care of this marriage with her heart, and how she worked hard to immortalize it, I was deeply touched. And the reason why Zhang Limin was able to do this is probably not accidental.

Peking Opera master Zhang Junqiu: Three marriages, 7 sons and 5 daughters, life has pain and tears

Because many years ago, with a thrilling courage, she gave up her business career with a prominent family background, followed her heart's call, and married Zhang Xuejin, a Peking Opera artist who was 27 years old at the time.

Although the Zhang family was born with a noble background and a respected status, Zhang Limin put all this aside and chose love without hesitation.

Peking Opera master Zhang Junqiu: Three marriages, 7 sons and 5 daughters, life has pain and tears

In fact, Zhang Limin's decision caused great family conflicts and disputes. As the daughter of the richest man in Shanghai, she should marry into an equally prominent family, and should not be reduced to an artist's wife.

Peking Opera master Zhang Junqiu: Three marriages, 7 sons and 5 daughters, life has pain and tears

However, in the face of the family's criticism and obstruction, Zhang Limin categorically rejected everything, "I have made up my mind that I must marry him!"

In this way, a gentle and virtuous talented woman walked out of the life of a wealthy family and devoted herself to an artistic family.

Peking Opera master Zhang Junqiu: Three marriages, 7 sons and 5 daughters, life has pain and tears

Life was not easy at the beginning, and Zhang Limin needed to completely abandon her previous habits and learn how to serve her in-laws and take care of housework. But she never complains, and enjoys it, like a most considerate daughter-in-law.

Peking Opera master Zhang Junqiu: Three marriages, 7 sons and 5 daughters, life has pain and tears

For artist Zhang Xuejin, it is a great blessing to be able to marry such a virtuous and generous wife. Zhang Limin not only kept her family life in order, but also had a profound impact on Zhang Xuejin with her upbringing and erudition.

Peking Opera master Zhang Junqiu: Three marriages, 7 sons and 5 daughters, life has pain and tears

It was under her domestication that the originally conservative and traditional Zhang family gradually "Westernized".

Although the marriage between the two was late, it was a peerless and heaven-made match.

Peking Opera master Zhang Junqiu: Three marriages, 7 sons and 5 daughters, life has pain and tears

Although time flies, sincere love will pass through life and death and into eternity. Now, it is in this state of mind that Zhang Limin is doing her best to remember and pay tribute to the touching marriage with Zhang Xuejin.

Peking Opera master Zhang Junqiu: Three marriages, 7 sons and 5 daughters, life has pain and tears

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