
Nine Secrets of Human Nature How many do you know?

author:Haiqiang learns to grow

The secret of human nature. Learn about human nature. Start the road to wealth

01, the more you want him to spend money for you, the less likely you are to betray. Lovers who have just fallen in love say that the points are divided, because the exit costs of both parties are relatively low.

Husbands who have been married for a few years will not divorce after a few fights because neither partner can afford to pay for so many years.

The higher the cost, the smaller the stakes for betrayal and the smaller the cost. The stakes for betrayal are even greater.

Ordinary people like to pay for others, while experts like to strategically make others pay for themselves.

Cao Cao said that he would rather let me bear the responsibility of the people of the world than let the people of the world bear my responsibility. How many people can understand?

Nine Secrets of Human Nature How many do you know?

2 Even if a man wants the most beautiful woman in the world, he is still a member of the cheating reserve.

The most exciting thing is not the action, but the tension and excitement of the waiting process.

Women want to grab their husbands. They have to change every year. Sometimes they have to change their appearance, sometimes they communicate, sometimes they need to strategically change their intimate behavior habits.

3 In the face of the enemy, when the time is not ripe, we should learn to be patient and patiently look for opportunities to counterattack.

However, if you want to choose to hurt your opponent, you must completely damage, you must completely eliminate the opponent's ability and opportunity for revenge.

Xiang Yu lost. Xiang Yu let Liu Bang send him away, and when he was caught by Liu, he knelt down and begged for forgiveness.

Do you think Liu Bang will let him go?

Machiavelli said writing a book of small injuries for the other side is more likely to be retaliated against than for causing big damage.

04 When you reject others, you should try to complete your words with three or two sentences as much as possible, and don't be too picky.

A few years ago, a friend borrowed money from me.

I chose to be tactful and politely made a lot of excuses for not having money. As a result, he bombarded me with text messages, WeChat, and phone calls for half a month.

Finally, he left a message that if you don't borrow, don't borrow.

What are so many excuses? The funny thing is that he just blocked me.

In fact, reject him outright. He'll think you're having a hard time getting along. Angry for a while, over time, will get better.

There is no time to repair uneven scars. If you make too many excuses, the other person will think that you are weak and useless, but it is not easy to forgive you.

5 Once I met a beggar on the street with a friend.

He gave it to him, I didn't give it to him. I asked me why you didn't help him. I said why should you help him. He said that good people have good rewards.

As it turned out, he wasn't trying to help him. He only helped him when he wanted good rewards. Many teachers say they don't become teachers to make money, but to help more people

Many people believe this. People don't even like pigs when they're stupid.

We do our best to produce the best content in the entire network to help you grow because only then can we make money and meet our interests.

Good words are poison, bad words are good medicine.

Nine Secrets of Human Nature How many do you know?

6 If your best friend is not as good as you, you will be very sad. If your best friend is better than you, you'll be even sadder. It is human nature.

Don't be upset. Put down your face and learn from him. Success is just a matter of time

7 A brother who adored his son in junior high school can be the kind of person who doesn't care about each other's parents.

One day, he said he didn't have money to eat and asked me to borrow 300 yuan.

I asked my boss to advance $300 to him. Later, I had no money.

In the dormitory, can't get out. I called him back for money. He said the money was in the hands of his wife, and he didn't.

The 300 yuan has not been repaid so far. 300 yuan is not called money now. I only started learning the craft 18 years ago. This is my income for half a year.

When you decide to trust someone, you have to accept the possibility of being betrayed. The first motto of self-preservation is not to trust anyone.

8 A small number of people read our articles and said in the comments section that we were too realistic and knew how to make money all day long. Then he left with a few words of love, justice and morality, compassion and redemption.

I really want to ask, a person who doesn't talk about money is entitled to talk about compassion. Would you say sympathy when his family and others are in trouble?

True compassion is closely related to money and money. Some people like romantic and pleasant nonsense. Once they see the truth, they want to become Spider-Man to uphold justice. You should be a funny spider.

9 One day, a man started to rain because his ass was scratched.

Since then, he has been preaching everywhere that he can invite the rain god if he wants to grab his own ass, and over time, scratching his ass has become an action ritual to invite the rain god.

Lies have become a culture after a few years of listening.

Sometimes people who look great are just paper tigers. Even the most powerful are human.

People who can understand this sentence are no longer ordinary people.

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