
The bed quilt that covered the Qianlong Emperor's body was auctioned for a sky-high price of 130 million yuan, why is it so valuable

The rulers of the middle and late Qing Dynasty, Empress Dowager Cixi and the Qianlong Emperor, absolutely did not want their tombs to be stolen by posterity when they died. They enjoyed all the glory and wealth of the world before they died, and they hoped that they could do the same after death, so they buried a lot of treasures in the tomb, and they didn't know that this was the cause of the trouble.

In 1928 during the Republic of China period, in order to raise military salaries, the warlord Sun Dianying drove away dozens of people around the cemetery in the name of exercises, and then took advantage of the moonlight to blow up the Dingdong Mausoleum of Empress Dowager Cixi and the Yuling Tomb of the Qianlong Emperor with cannons.

The bed quilt that covered the Qianlong Emperor's body was auctioned for a sky-high price of 130 million yuan, why is it so valuable

Sun Dianying They are not archaeologists, they are running to the treasures inside. Sun Dianying They saw the treasures shining with golden light in Dingdongling and Yuling, and their eyes were greedy. What jadeite, what gold, what jewelry, what agate were all pulled back by Sun Dianying on a big cart, and dozens of carts were pulled in a row. As long as it was something that Sun Dianying thought was a treasure, they all loaded it into the car, even if it was the night pearl that Empress Dowager Cixi had in her mouth, they did not hesitate to break Empress Dowager Cixi's teeth and take out the night pearl.

The bed quilt that covered the Qianlong Emperor's body was auctioned for a sky-high price of 130 million yuan, why is it so valuable

But grave robbers think that they do not think of themselves as treasures, such as silk, calligraphy and painting, etc., will be thrown or torn apart. Of course, there are also treasures that they can't find, such as after the Guangxu Emperor's Qing Chongling Tomb was stolen, the state carried out rescue excavations, and found that after Guangxu's hands were broken, there was a valuable jade jade ring. And when he moved his coffin, he found that there was a golden well underneath, which contained more than 200 treasures, which was an unexpected surprise.

The bed quilt that covered the Qianlong Emperor's body was auctioned for a sky-high price of 130 million yuan, why is it so valuable

Returning to the matter of Sun Dianying's tomb robbery, the things that Sun Dianying did not favor, including the quilt covered on Qianlong's body, were auctioned at a sky-high price in recent years, and the 130 million yuan of positive yellow quilts were sold.

When Sun Dianying's tomb robbery was exposed, the qing dynasty's widows and widows wiped their tears and went to the tomb of the old ancestor to clean up. So someone brought the quilt back. It is estimated that the person who brought it back felt that this thing was not very expensive, but it must also have value, and even if it was not valuable, it had commemorative significance, so it was sewn into a robe like a treasure to be treasured.

More than 70 years later, at the beginning of the 21st century, this robe passed to his descendants, perhaps to make money, or perhaps because of the difficulties of life, he actually took out the treasures treasured by his ancestors and put them up for auction. At that time, the price of the auction was 90,000 yuan.

The person who photographed this treasure is surnamed Qin, and in the dead of night, he will close the door and admire the treasure he photographed in the house. Look up and down, look left, look right, close to the light, lift up to see, fine touch. After many times, Xiao Qin found something strange and felt that there was gold inside. After thinking about it again, I saw the fine stitches around me, and then I picked out the stitches, and the yellow quilt inside was seen again.

The bed quilt that covered the Qianlong Emperor's body was auctioned for a sky-high price of 130 million yuan, why is it so valuable

Xiao Qin vaguely felt that this was the real treasure, so he found an expert to identify, it turned out that this was a bed of Draupadi, which was the Qianlong Emperor's Drake. The size of this bed is 2 meters × 1.34 meters, and the scriptures are written on it, which are expressed in three languages: Manchu, Han, and Mongolian. And it is woven with gold thread and Tibetan antelope cashmere, and the weaving time takes three years.

Three years later, Xiao Qin couldn't hold back, so he sold this treasure and auctioned more than 60 million yuan. In three years, a treasure upside down from 90,000 to more than 60 million, earned 60 million, compared to the original purchase price, directly even if it is white to pick up so much money. A year later, the buyer, who seemed to be more than 60 million yuan, auctioned the quilt again, and won more than 70 million yuan, which was also a big profit.

The bed quilt that covered the Qianlong Emperor's body was auctioned for a sky-high price of 130 million yuan, why is it so valuable

The buyer of this quilt auctioned for more than 70 million yuan has a surname who does not know, but he is a more business-minded person. He began to wrap the quilt and gave it a mysterious color, after all, it was the qianlong thing of the ten old people. The buyer called the quilt a "longevity quilt", "Fluke quilt", and "rich quilt". Not to mention that through his packaging, this quilt was auctioned for a surprisingly high price of 130 million yuan.

Of course, the owner of the auction is also a mysterious person, and since then, the precious scriptures of the Qianlong Emperor have faded out of people's sight. Where exactly is it? We don't know, but we must have been offered as ancestors. When it reappears, what kind of appearance and what kind of price does it have?

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(Text/History Of The Moon)

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