
The Telegraph Exclusive: Manchester United clubs have seen 19 positive cases of COVID-19 and are currently self-isolating

The Telegraph Exclusive: Manchester United clubs have seen 19 positive cases of COVID-19 and are currently self-isolating

Live Bar December 16, according to the "Daily Telegraph" exclusive report, Manchester United clubs have seen 19 positive cases of new crown.

Previously, United's Premier League match against Brentford was postponed and the club was forced to close carrington training base for 24 hours on Monday to minimise further spread of the virus.

Although Carrington reopened on Wednesday and manager Ronnick led the team back to training, United are still in official negotiations with the Premier League on the situation of the team.

A total of 19 United players and staff are currently self-isolating after a wave of nucleic acid testing since the weekend, but it is understood that not all cases have been linked to direct members of the first team.

It remains to be seen whether United's match with Brighton will continue as usual, after premier league officials rejected a request to postpone the Leicester City vs Tottenham hotspur match.

In addition, the Watford vs Burnley match has been postponed on medical advice as the outbreak within Watford has led to their "insufficient number of first-team players to complete the game", but the Premier League is dealing with each situation depending on the circumstances.

The Manchester Evening News reported that 17 first-team players arrived in Carrington on Wednesday morning local time, and some players recovered from injuries for rehabilitation and physical training. But there is no full lineup in training.

(Night God)

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