
Empress Yuanshun of Goryeo took power and had her son seize the throne and kill the two ministers of Menghan and Han

In 2013, South Korea launched an inspirational costume drama similar to "DaeChangjin", "The Odd Queen". The story probably tells the story of the Goryeo woman Qi Chengniang who became the empress of the Yuan Dynasty from a lowly lady of the Palm Tea Palace. Qi Chengniang had a very good relationship with the King of Goryeo and was torn apart by the Chinese emperor YuanShun, and the three of them began a very violent love triangle. In fact, historical film and television dramas, whether they are so-called regular dramas or miscellaneous dramas, are not history, so they cannot be taken seriously.

The real Yuan Shun Emperor's wife, Empress Qi

In fact, Empress Qi was born in 1315, that is, in the second year of Emperor Renzong of the Yuan Dynasty (1315) and died in the second year of Hongwu of the Ming Dynasty (1369). She was born in Goyang, Gyeonggi Province, in present-day Korea (korea at that time was known as Goryeo during the period of the unification of the North and the South). Her real name was Qi Chengniang, and she was the Title given by Emperor Yuan Shun (Zhu Yuanzhang, Shun Chengtian). After the fall of the Yuan Dynasty, the Northern Yuan regime called her the third empress of Emperor Huizong of Yuan).

At first, Empress Qi was enshrined by her father as a tribute daughter to Emperor Yuanshun. Her father was a powerful vassal of Goryeo, a great nobleman, and the head of the headquarters of Sanlang Qizi Ao. Empress Qi's Mongolian name was Kudu, and after entering the palace, she first became a lady of the Tea Palace, and then was blessed. The first empress, Chincha Danajari, was so angry when she learned of this that she often beat Up Qishi.

Empress Yuanshun of Goryeo took power and had her son seize the throne and kill the two ministers of Menghan and Han

Emperor Yuanshun was controlled by his father-in-law and chancellor

When Emperor Yuanshun was 13 years old, he ascended the throne on June 8, the fourth year of Zhishun (1333). However, at the beginning of her ascension to the throne, the empress dowager was in power and the courtiers were in charge. Emperor Yuanshun's father, Yan Tiemu'er, was a powerful vassal during the reign of Emperor Wuzong of Yuan to Emperor Yuanning (1308-1333), who rebelled against Emperor Wenzong and murdered Emperor Mingzong.

After the death of Emperor Yuanshun from illness in the first year of Shun (1333), his son still controlled the imperial government. It was not until March 1335 (the first year of the reign of Emperor Yuanshun) that the Right Emperor Boyan killed his brother, his son, and his empress dowager who were intent on rebellion.

In 1335, after Empress Chincha was poisoned by The Minister of Qi(who had already been demoted to civilians and thrown out of the palace), the Qi clan was able to see the light of day. Two years later, in 1337, she was made a noble concubine. Empress Qi was so blessed that two years later she gave birth to Emperor Yuanshun's eldest son, Emperor Yuanshun, Emperor Bao'er, Andi Jin, and three years later gave birth to her second son, Timur (Usahal Khan). At this time, Emperor Yuanshun killed Xiang Boyan.

Because the mother valued her son, Empress Qi, as the second empress, had more power than empress Dowager Hongjira Boyan Kudu (who was not related to The Princess Boyan). Twenty-eight years later, in September 1365, three months after Empress Shogun's death, Empress Qi was officially crowned Empress Shogun.

In order to make her empress dowager, Emperor Yuanshun gave her the surname Su lianghe (苏良合氏) and changed his name to Kudu (忽都). As a result, he was justifiably qualified to be an empress.

Empress Yuanshun of Goryeo took power and had her son seize the throne and kill the two ministers of Menghan and Han

Empress Qi actively participated in the anti-Boyan power struggle to seize power- the struggle between sinicization and anti-Sinicization

The Boyan who suppressed the forces of the Chincha Yan Timur family, like Chincha Yan Timur, was the deployment of Emperor Wuzong Haishan, and they were all military generals who had made great efforts in the process of Emperor Wuzong's seizure of the throne, but Chincha was more powerful, so his power ranked more than twenty years after Chincha.

After Chincha's death in 1333, Boyan finally took power. However, because of its excessive power, even the Yuan Shun Emperor was quite jealous of it, and the world only knew that there was Boyan and did not know the Yuan Shun Emperor.

In the fourth year of the Yuan Dynasty (1338), Boyan and the empress dowager Bu Daqiuli wanted to depose Emperor Yuanshun, and the son of Empress Dowager Yan's husband, Emperor Wenzong. Zhongshu's right hand man (Boyan's nephew) denounced Emperor Yuanshun, who decided to eliminate Boyan.

In the sixth year of the Yuan Dynasty (1340), Emperor Yuan shun, Empress Qi, Shijie Banchu, Boyan, Qi'er Beggar Timur, etc., took advantage of Boyan and the opportunity to go out hunting to launch a coup d'état. Boyan died shortly after he was deposed.

Empress Yuanshun of Goryeo took power and had her son seize the throne and kill the two ministers of Menghan and Han

Boyan was very stubborn in adhering to Mongolian characteristics and was very resistant to Kublai Khan's "Sinicization" policy, and the Yuan Dynasty conducted sixteen imperial examinations, but it was precisely because of Boyan that the two subjects were suspended in 1336 and 1339.

Empress Qi, in the process of defeating Boyan, actively participated in the coup d'état and gradually won the favor of Emperor Yuanshun, and more importantly, she gave birth to Emperor Yuanshun's eldest son in 1339. However, for the sake of her own interests for a long time, but also for the happiness of her son, Empress Qi was very protective of her eldest son after he grew up, and she was even more indulgent, resulting in political chaos during the Yuan Shun Emperor. Emperor Yuanshun's power was greatly limited.

Empress Qi also actively intervened in the politics of her mother country, Goryeo. In 1340, when there was a drought in Goryeo, the Ki clan ordered the opening of warehouses to release grain, and the Goryeo people admired it very much, and the goryeo royal power began to be wrapped up by the Ki family. At the hands of Empress Qi, the Qi family often publicly insulted the King of Goryeo, eventually causing the King of Goryeo to kill her entire family.

In June 1353, Empress Qi's son Aiyi Zhilitra was made crown prince by Emperor Yuanshun.

Empress Yuanshun of Goryeo took power and had her son seize the throne and kill the two ministers of Menghan and Han

Under the chaos of the world, Emperor Yuanshun was suspended by his wife and wife

Emperor Yuan Shun was controlled by Boyan in his early years, and the emperors of the late Yuan Dynasty were generally corrupt and lazy. Originally, the Yuan Dynasty was an era of ethnic minority rule, and the emperor was not enough to maintain imperial power all day long, not to mention that you still played the piano every day. For this reason, the state affairs are increasingly flustered.

The emperor's absurd harem is bound to be in chaos. After Empress Qi took charge of the harem, if she herself wanted to stabilize her position, she naturally wanted to make her son emperor. Therefore, it is inevitable to strengthen the position of the son. However, although the crown prince was established, the canonization was not carried out. Therefore, this is the "agent".

The main reason for this is that the Mongolian Empress Zhenggong may have children in the future, and the son born to the Empress Zhenggong is the eldest son. Empress Qi was not Mongol. Therefore, the Mongol nobles prevented the official canonization of Empress Qi as empress of the main palace.

Under the "strategizing" of Empress Qi, in 1354, the acting prince was actually given the position of regent. If there is anything wrong with the courtiers of the world, they must play the 15-year-old prince in advance.

Empress Yuanshun of Goryeo took power and had her son seize the throne and kill the two ministers of Menghan and Han

But the problem is that the detachment from the government still has a strong hindrance effect on the prince. To this end, Empress Qi was prepared to eliminate the last capable courtier of the Yuan Dynasty, so that her son could ascend to the throne as soon as possible.

In 1355, while She was out to suppress the peasant rebels of Gaoyou, Empress Qi suddenly staged a coup d'état to depose Herman and poison her during her exile. Of course, this kind of thing the Qi Empress would not do herself, but was handled by her close associate Hama. After the removal was deposed (not yet poisoned), the acting prince was immediately crowned, put on the Nine Crown Costumes, and paid homage to the Taimiao Temple.

With the support of Empress Qi, the crown prince Ai you zhi Li Dala also began to infiltrate the warriors. As a result, there was a "father-son civil war."

The "father-son civil war" led to the defeat of the world

In 1361, the peasant revolt broke out at the end of the Yuan Dynasty. The contradiction between Emperor Yuanshun and the crown prince grew.

Empress Qi also wanted to restore her son to the throne in the form of "Zen", but Zuo Cheng Xianghe (a Han Chinese, given the name Mongolian Taiping) said that he could not. Furious at this, Empress Qi finally killed her in 1364.

Empress Yuanshun of Goryeo took power and had her son seize the throne and kill the two ministers of Menghan and Han

In 1364, the crown prince united with Timur (also known as Wang Baobao) to seize the throne, and Huizong took Polo Timur as his main hand, and the two sides fought a major war. It can be said that it is because of the civil war between father and son that the power of the southern rebel army has gradually grown.

In order to avenge her family, Empress Qi asked the crown prince to send an army to attack Goryeo, but the army was defeated by Goryeo, which strained relations between the two countries. In order to get rid of the control of the Yuan Dynasty and the Qi family, Wang Zhao, the king of Goryeo, began to look at Zhu Yuanzhang.

Emperor Yuanshun lost power under the control of his wife, crown prince, and various Mongol princes, and was also preparing to pass the throne to the crown prince. Just when Empress Qi was satisfied, Zhu Yuanzhang's Northern Expedition army attacked the city of Beijing. Emperor Yuanshun fled north, and Empress Qi was also afraid, and died the following year after fleeing Beijing.

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