
A pilot in Guangzhou was diagnosed as an asymptomatic infected person, and 276 people have implemented control measures

On the afternoon of the 16th, Guangzhou held a press conference on epidemic prevention and control to report on the latest case of asymptomatic infection of new crown pneumonia imported from abroad.

Ren Mou, male, 27 years old, is an airline cargo pilot who lives in Block C, Jinlian Market, No. 90 Commercial Avenue, Xinhua Street, Huadu District. On December 12, Ren flew an international cargo flight CZ5043. At 6 o'clock on December 13, after returning to Sui, he was sent to the overseas crew concentrated settlement (single room) in a closed loop by special epidemic prevention vehicle; at 16:00 on the 13th, after the nucleic acid test result was negative, he returned to Huadu's home for health monitoring; on the 15th, in the routine routine nucleic acid test, the result was positive. At present, Ren has been transferred to the Eighth Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University for isolation medical observation, and after further examination and expert consultation, he was diagnosed as an asymptomatic infected person.

In accordance with the emergency response plan for epidemic prevention and control, the three levels of provinces and municipalities quickly set up on-site command centers, concentrated prevention and control forces to sink to the front line, and each group and special class quickly and orderly carried out epidemiological investigation, traceability and prevention and control management, and fully implemented epidemic prevention measures such as terminal disinfection of relevant places and environments.

As of 12:00 on December 16, 276 people had been screened and closely contacted, and health management measures had been implemented, of which 222 had been centrally isolated, and the rest had been controlled and transferred. There were 188 people in the screening round, of which 164 were in centralized isolation, and the others were controlled and awaited transit. The nucleic acid test results of the above personnel are negative.

12 key places have been screened, 20,279 key personnel have been screened, 19,879 negatives have been issued, and the rest of the results are yet to be released.

A total of 312 environmental samples were collected, 128 environmental samples tested negative, 1 positive was found in the case's residence, and the rest of the results are to be released.

According to the needs of epidemic prevention and control, the sealing and control areas are demarcated as: Building C and adjacent to Building D of Jinlian Community in Huadu District, where the patient's building is located; the control areas are: Jinlian Community and Bauhinia Garden in Huadu District; and the prevention area is: Shuguang Avenue, Tiangui Road and Xinhua Road in Huadu District. Citizens and friends in the above-mentioned control areas and key places are requested to stay away from the spikes unless necessary, and actively cooperate with the nucleic acid testing and other epidemic prevention and control measures taken by the streets and communities.

As of 12:00 on December 16, Guangzhou has added 390 nucleic acid sampling points in key areas such as Huadu District and Baiyun District, deployed 2986 medical personnel, and 32113 people have been sampled, and the results have been negative. Starting at noon today, Huadu District has started nucleic acid testing for all employees.

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