
In November, the list of China's automobile retention rate was released: SAIC passenger cars achieved outstanding results

As consumers' concept of car purchase becomes more and more mature, the retention rate of second-hand cars has become an important indicator of car purchase.

Recently, the China Automobile Dealers Association and Jingzhen Estimation jointly released the "November 2021 China Automobile Retention Rate Research Report", in the case of the overall decline in the retention rate of independent brands, SAIC Passenger Car's Roewe and MG brands have climbed against the trend, and have achieved continuous positive growth for many months this year.

In November, the list of China's automobile retention rate was released: SAIC passenger cars achieved outstanding results

In the 3-year retention rate ranking of Chinese auto brands, Roewe's retention rate rose by 1.02% again this month, and the year-to-date increase has reached 9.8%, and many models ranked first in the 1-year retention rate segment; MG retention rate surpassed Geely and Weilai, entering the top ten of the list, and the results were equally eye-catching.

In November, the list of China's automobile retention rate was released: SAIC passenger cars achieved outstanding results

In terms of sales, SAIC Motor Passenger Vehicles once again exceeded the 100,000 mark in November; from January to November, the cumulative hot sales of 695,000 units, an increase of 25% year-on-year, and the penetration of new energy reached 20%.

In addition, in terms of exports, its products have entered 66 countries and regions, with a total export volume of 245,000 units, and continue to win the championship of overseas sales of a single brand.

In November, the list of China's automobile retention rate was released: SAIC passenger cars achieved outstanding results

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