
Brother Dayi was sued for singing during the New Year, why did Gu Chuanmin sue him, and Bole became an enemy in the past?

author:Xiaoxing Lianbagua
Brother Dayi was sued for singing during the New Year, why did Gu Chuanmin sue him, and Bole became an enemy in the past?
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Brother Dayi was sued for singing during the New Year, why did Gu Chuanmin sue him, and Bole became an enemy in the past?

In the Spring Festival of 2022, on the stage of Shanxian County, Shandong, Zhu Zhiwen, the coat brother, performed "Motherland Love" affectionately, which should have been a happy and peaceful moment. However, who would have thought that this passionate song would cause an unexpected legal storm.

The lyricist Gu Chuanmin, who once helped him a lot, has now become the accuser of Brother Dayi. Why did this pair of former fellow villagers, one a well-known peasant singer and the other a talented lyricist, come to the point of going to court? As copyright disputes surface, we can't help but ask: in the gap between artistic creation and commercial interests, how to choose between friendship and fairness? This dramatic turn of events unveils a complex relationship and makes us think deeply about human feelings and legal principles in the art world.

In the countryside of Shandong, a commendable story of Bole meeting Maxima was once staged. Gu Chuanmin, a talented man who graduated from the School of Literature of Central China Normal University, and Zhu Zhiwen, a simple peasant singer, became attached because of their common local complex.

At that time, although Zhu Zhiwen had already emerged on the "Avenue of Stars" and won the affectionate title of "Brother Coat", he was still young in the field of professional music creation.

Brother Dayi was sued for singing during the New Year, why did Gu Chuanmin sue him, and Bole became an enemy in the past?

With his keen insight, Gu Chuanmin saw Zhu Zhiwen's potential. As a successful lyricist and a member of the National Musicians Association, Gu Chuanmin decided to teach and carve a brilliant musical pearl for this fellow.

With his love for music and his love for his fellow villagers, Gu Chuanmin tailor-made the song "Feelings of Fire" for Zhu Zhiwen. This song not only became the title song of Brother Dayi's first solo album, but also became an important milestone on his road to becoming a professional singer.

The deep emotions and unique charm contained in the song complement Zhu Zhiwen's simple and sincere interpretation, and have won the love of the audience.

Subsequently, Gu Chuanmin created "Ode to Tears", which was once again affectionately interpreted by Brother Dayi. This song further demonstrated Zhu Zhiwen's singing strength, and also made more people realize Gu Chuanmin's lyricist talent.

Brother Dayi was sued for singing during the New Year, why did Gu Chuanmin sue him, and Bole became an enemy in the past?

The cooperation between the two can be described as a perfect match, Gu Chuanmin's delicate and profound lyrics and Brother Dayi's unique mellow voice are perfectly integrated, creating a series of touching musical works.

In those years of chasing music dreams together, Gu Chuanmin was not only Zhu Zhiwen's creative partner, but also became his guide on the road of music. Their relationship goes beyond simple cooperation and is more like a mentor and friend.

Gu Chuanmin's support and guidance undoubtedly gave Brother Dayi's music career wings to take off, giving this simple singer from the countryside a broader stage.

January 24, 2022, Chinese New Year's Eve. On the stage of the Spring Festival Gala in Shanxian County, Shandong, Zhu Zhiwen, the coat brother, appeared in front of the audience in a simple dress.

Brother Dayi was sued for singing during the New Year, why did Gu Chuanmin sue him, and Bole became an enemy in the past?

At this moment of reunion, he chose to send New Year's blessings to the villagers in his own unique way. When the melody of "Motherland Love" sounded, Zhu Zhiwen's slightly hoarse but full of true feelings seemed to immerse the entire venue in strong patriotic feelings.

The audience swayed gently with the singing, and their faces were filled with happy smiles.

However, in this joyful and peaceful atmosphere, an unexpected storm is quietly brewing.

Early the next morning, while most people were still basking in the joy of the New Year, Gu Chuanmin's social media accounts suddenly released a shocking news. He pointed out that Brother Dayi sang his original song on the stage of Shanxian County without authorization.

Brother Dayi was sued for singing during the New Year, why did Gu Chuanmin sue him, and Bole became an enemy in the past?

This sudden statement, like a bombshell, instantly detonated the Internet. Once a close comrade-in-arms, but now they are tense.

Gu Chuanmin's words revealed not only the maintenance of copyright, but also a kind of anger of betrayal. He seems to feel that his support and help to Brother Dayi over the years has been exchanged for such a result.

Those beautiful memories that were once created together seem to be overshadowed at this moment.

At this time, Brother Dayi, who may still be immersed in the joy of last night's performance, was suddenly pushed to the forefront. His rustic peasant image seemed to be overshadowed at this moment.

Brother Dayi was sued for singing during the New Year, why did Gu Chuanmin sue him, and Bole became an enemy in the past?

In the face of the sudden accusation, Brother Dayi chose to remain silent, and this reaction intensified the speculation of the outside world.

This turmoil came suddenly, but it seems to have been implicit for a long time. It not only kicked off the deterioration of their relationship, but also provoked deep reflection on the balance between artistic creation, copyright protection, and friendship and interests.

In the festive atmosphere of the New Year, this dispute has undoubtedly cast a shadow over both sides. The supporters are divided into two factions, some think that Gu Chuanmin is making a big fuss and ruining the festive atmosphere; There are also people who support Gu Chuanmin to defend his rights and interests.

The voices of controversy have come and gone on the Internet, adding a bit of gunpowder to what should have been a peaceful New Year.

Brother Dayi was sued for singing during the New Year, why did Gu Chuanmin sue him, and Bole became an enemy in the past?

One has to ask, is it really going to have to be in court to solve this problem? Friendship and art, will they eventually succumb to money and profit? This turmoil is not only about the grievances between the two people, but also reflects the dilemmas and challenges faced by art creators in the context of rapid commercialization.

With the passage of time, the dispute that began during the Spring Festival does not seem to subside with the end of the festival, but has a tendency to intensify.

Ostensibly, the dispute stems from a copyright issue over a song. But digging deeper, we will find that this is actually a complex game of friendship and profit, trust and betrayal.

Gu Chuanmin said frankly that if Brother Dayi sang his works for charity, he would never object. However, the reality is that Brother Dayi has repeatedly used his works in numerous commercial performances without ever paying any royalties.

Brother Dayi was sued for singing during the New Year, why did Gu Chuanmin sue him, and Bole became an enemy in the past?

In Gu Chuanmin's view, this kind of behavior is not only an infringement on his intellectual achievements, but also a betrayal of their friendship for many years.

Recalling the scene when he first wrote these songs, Gu Chuanmin's feelings were complicated. At that time, with his love for music and sincere feelings for his friends, he tailor-made these works for Brother Dayi.

He was expecting these songs to be a booster for Brother Dayi's career, but he didn't expect that they would eventually become a stumbling block to their friendship.

Gu Chuanmin has tried many times to negotiate amicably with Brother Dayi on copyright issues. However, every time Brother Dayi only agreed verbally, he always avoided it, and even cut off contact with Gu Chuanmin.

Brother Dayi was sued for singing during the New Year, why did Gu Chuanmin sue him, and Bole became an enemy in the past?

This kind of behavior made Gu Chuanmin feel deeply disappointed and angry. He began to question whether his efforts were worth it and whether his friendship could stand the test of money.

In Gu Chuanmin's view, these songs he composed for Brother Dayi are the crystallization of his wisdom and an important part of his artistic career. It's painful to watch your work being used over and over again without getting the respect and rewards it deserves.

He began to think about how to find a balance between friendship and interest in the creation of art.

And for Dayi, these songs have become an integral part of his artistic career. He may think that these songs were given to him by Gu Chuanmin out of friendship, or he may feel that his singing has also brought more attention to these works.

Brother Dayi was sued for singing during the New Year, why did Gu Chuanmin sue him, and Bole became an enemy in the past?

In his view, this may be a win-win situation. However, he may have overlooked the need for a clear definition of rights and interests in the business world, even between friends.

For Gu Chuanmin, it's not just about money, it's about respect and fairness. For Brother Dayi, this may be a practical problem that he must face in the process of transforming from a peasant singer to a professional artist.

This dispute shows us the fragility of human relationships in the field where art and commerce are intertwined. It reminds us that even in the most sincere friendships, there is a need for clear rules and boundaries, especially when it comes to a sensitive issue like intellectual property.

In the end, there may be no winner in this story. It sheds light on the dilemmas and challenges faced by art creators in the context of rapid commercialization. How to find a balance between the pursuit of artistic ideals and commercial interests, and how to draw a clear line between friendship and rights and interests, these are all questions worthy of deep consideration by every art creator.

Brother Dayi was sued for singing during the New Year, why did Gu Chuanmin sue him, and Bole became an enemy in the past?

With Gu's public statement on social media, the dispute quickly became the focus of public attention. Discussions on the Internet are surging like a tide, and various opinions are intertwined, forming a complex picture of public opinion.

Many netizens expressed puzzlement and criticism of Gu Chuanmin's approach. They believe that Brother Dayi, as a grassroots singer, can sing Gu Chuanmin's works to the red, which is the best publicity for the works.

Some people questioned Gu Chuanmin's motives, thinking that he suddenly remembered to assert his rights and interests after seeing Brother Dayi become famous, which was rubbing the heat and hype.

In the face of these doubts, Gu Chuanmin did not flinch. He has made many statements, emphasizing that he is not for hype, but to defend the dignity and rights of writers.

Brother Dayi was sued for singing during the New Year, why did Gu Chuanmin sue him, and Bole became an enemy in the past?

He even revealed that he had entrusted a lawyer to send a lawyer's letter to Brother Dayi, indicating his determination to solve the problem through legal means.

At the same time, Gu Chuanmin also publicly pointed out the problem of Brother Dayi's suspected illegal gathering during the epidemic. He posted a photo of Brother Dayi surrounded by many fans on social media and called on the relevant authorities to intervene in the investigation.

This move undoubtedly further aggravated the contradictions between the two sides, and also made the balance of public opinion begin to tilt in favor of Brother Dayi.

In this storm of public opinion, Brother Dayi chose to remain silent. This attitude can be either out of frustration or a tactic. But in any case, his silence did not quell the controversy, but made people more curious about the truth of the matter.

Brother Dayi was sued for singing during the New Year, why did Gu Chuanmin sue him, and Bole became an enemy in the past?

As the situation continues to ferment, this dispute not only involves copyright issues, but also involves the social responsibility of public figures, media ethics and other aspects.

It has become a thought-provoking social topic, reflecting the multiple challenges faced by art creators in a rapidly changing society.

So far, the dispute that began with the Spring Festival has not been finally resolved. Gu Chuanmin continues to speak out on public platforms, sticking to his position and safeguarding the rights and interests of creators.

Brother Dayi chose to remain silent, as if hoping that the turmoil would subside naturally.

Brother Dayi was sued for singing during the New Year, why did Gu Chuanmin sue him, and Bole became an enemy in the past?

No matter how this dispute is finally resolved, it will become an important case in the development of China's cultural industry, which is worthy of our in-depth thinking and reference. It calls on us to pay more attention to copyright protection in artistic creation, pay more attention to the spirit of contract in business cooperation, and cherish sincere friendship in interpersonal communication.

This article aims to advocate positive social energy, no vulgarity and other bad guidance, if it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time

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