
Collect 430,000 face photos without consent, Xiaopeng should be punished!

Near the end of the year, the automobile market is turning over and raining, seizing the best annual sales, but in addition to the traditional automobile manufacturers, the new car-making forces are also fighting openly and secretly.

Not long ago, the latest sales of the new car-making forces in November were announced, and there is no doubt that "Wei Xiaoli" is still the first echelon, in addition, this time Xiaopeng Automobile actually defended the crown.

Collect 430,000 face photos without consent, Xiaopeng should be punished!

Specifically, Xiaopeng Automobile delivered a total of 15,613 new cars last month, not only setting a new high in sales, but also selling more than 10,000 for the second consecutive month. Among them, the Xiaopeng P7 is a relatively hot seller, delivering a total of 7839 new cars, accounting for nearly half of the share, while the Xiaopeng G3 series and the Xiaopeng P5 contributed 5620 and 2154 vehicles respectively.

Collect 430,000 face photos without consent, Xiaopeng should be punished!

However, however, the growth in sales should not be the capital of Xiaopeng Automobile for misdeeds. Recently, according to our understanding, the Shanghai Xuhui District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau issued an administrative penalty decision to Xiaopeng Automobile, and the result of the penalty was that it was "fined 100,000 yuan".

Collect 430,000 face photos without consent, Xiaopeng should be punished!

What the hell is going on? Because Xiaopeng Automobile has installed 22 camera equipment in its stores, including its 5 direct stores and 2 franchise stores in Shanghai, it is mainly used to count the number of people entering the store and analyze the proportion of men and women, age, etc. According to statistics, from January to June this year, a total of 431623 face photos were collected and uploaded.

Collect 430,000 face photos without consent, Xiaopeng should be punished!

Without the consent of customers entering the store, the collection of consumer information has obviously violated the red line of the law and violated the Consumer Rights and Interests Protection Law, and I personally believe that the fine of 100,000 yuan is light. What's more interesting is that these devices were purchased and installed by Xiaopeng at a cost of nearly 170,000 yuan.

Collect 430,000 face photos without consent, Xiaopeng should be punished!

Although after the incident, Xiaopeng Motors officially said that the data was collected and analyzed by third-party software providers, and all the data has been deleted. Xiaopeng Motors does not leak or illegally use personal information, and only uses non-personal digital data such as passenger flow visits as a reference for business conditions, but after all, things have happened, and we must also be vigilant in the future.

Collect 430,000 face photos without consent, Xiaopeng should be punished!

Written in the end: stealing chicken is not a corrosion of rice, this is the truth, no matter what Xiaopeng Motors' intentions are in doing so, but this has broken the hearts of the public.


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