
Embrace the warm winter and find the truth

Winter is slow-in

The cooling is sudden

But there are always some people, some things, some feelings

It's like the warm sun of winter

Shine on the heart

Warmed up all winter

Affection for teachers and students

The cold winter is gradually coming

But our teachers are still not afraid of the cold

Chalk in hand

Stand on the podium

Tells the story of knowledge

The truth is imparted

Embrace the warm winter and find the truth

Delicate and soft classmate affection

Moss rice flowers are small

Also learn peony open

The help of classmates is always heartwarming

A cup of hot water

A cup of warm porridge

A casual help

It's all on the heart


May you and I all be warm hearts in winter!

Embrace the warm winter and find the truth

Tying up is affection

Alone in a foreign land for strangers

It's been a long time since I left my hometown

Cold winter

Does it evoke more homesickness?

Miss your parents' advice

I miss my family's voice and smile

Miss the warm time together!

Embrace the warm winter and find the truth
Embrace the warm winter and find the truth

The cold winter is always coming quietly

Quietly slipping away again

It is traceless

All that remains is the warmth of the heart

Warm winter warmth...

What do you know?

Embrace the warm winter and find the truth


Embrace the warm winter and find the truth
Embrace the warm winter and find the truth
Embrace the warm winter and find the truth
Embrace the warm winter and find the truth

Editors-in-charge: Liu Yannan, Xu Qing

Push: Wu Mingxia

Editor-in-Chief: Yibo Guo

Proofreaders: Yang Ping, Xuan Wenjing

Review: Sun Huanan

Image source: Economic and trade students, university students new media operation center imaging department, figure monster

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