
Sales exceeded 10,000, and Nezha was still in crisis

Sales exceeded 10,000, and Nezha was still in crisis

Although many new energy brands have gone through the initial reshuffle, sales have begun to rise significantly, and some of them have even jumped to five digits, but unprofitable is still the status quo of new power car companies. For most of the new force car companies, the non-profit will continue for a long time, because after the early investment of burning money, although the market is gradually accelerating, it is still unable to catch up with the rate of loss in the short term. Long-term losses for new power brands, or will be the next round of reshuffle, and in this round, aside from the small gap in the self-hematopoietic ability of each company, the performance of the consumer side and the favor of the capital market is crucial. And some car companies, although the performance of the market terminal has increased in volume, but the kernel has not changed significantly, such as Nezha.

After the sales rebounded, why is Nezha still low-end?

Founded in 2014, Nezha Automobile is actually a veteran-level figure among a number of new force car companies, but just like the Xiu Xian drama, if the elder fails to keep up with the pace of the times and continues to improve his own strength, his end is likely to become a memorial.

Sales exceeded 10,000, and Nezha was still in crisis

According to the sales volume, Nezha Automobile, which has entered 2021, has indeed made great progress. In November, Nezha Automobile delivered more than 10,000 units for the first time, entering the era of 10,000 vehicles. However, compared with other new force car companies established at the same time, the speed has been slower than one step, for example, Xiaopeng, which was also established in 2014, has delivered more than 10,000 yuan for three consecutive months in November, and it is also the first car company among many new forces to deliver more than 10,000.

Although Nezha's sales have grown greatly in 2021, there seems to be no change in its terminal image, and the original low-end image is still its label. In the eyes of many consumers, Nezha first appeared in the eyes of C-end consumers in a large area, which was when the movie of the same name was hot. This is good for Nezha Automobile, that is, through this shareholder wind, it can make a name for itself at the fastest speed in the C-end market, and even for a long time, some consumers still think that there is a connection between the two. Coupled with the low-end marketing methods caused by Wu Someone before, it is a major node for the brand to corrupt the popularity of passers-by.

Sales exceeded 10,000, and Nezha was still in crisis

In fact, for Nezha, in addition to the impact of the movie of the same name, Nezha's long-term casting of a large-scale net in the B-end market is also an important reason for the formation of its low-end label. Before the D round of financing, Nezha Automobile was mainly led by its senior management team and local governments, mainly Yichun Municipal Government, Nanning Municipal Government, Sichuan Government and so on. Most of the local government's capital injection for the operation of Nezha Automobile actually has no impact, mainly to stimulate the growth of the local economy, in the past sales have not yet grown as much as now, Nezha already has three factories in Tongxiang, Yichun, Nanning.

The establishment of a number of factories for Nezha, whose sales volume has not yet started in large quantities at that time, its production capacity wants to be digested, and it must take the lead in the B-end market. Therefore, we can see that Nezha N01 and Nezha V have almost become synonymous with shared travel platforms for a period of time. Although with the growth of C-end sales, Nezha Automobile's B-end sales are gradually decreasing, in the monthly sales report, companies will also focus on the proportion of C-end sales. But as the saying goes, it's better to do a hundred good things than to do one bad thing to be famous. After the image of online car-hailing has penetrated the hearts of the people, Nezha Automobile wants to reposition itself, which is more difficult than focusing on the C-end at the beginning.

Sales exceeded 10,000, and Nezha was still in crisis

The reason why it will choose the main B-end route at the beginning, leaving aside the coldness of the new energy market a few years ago, the senior management team of Nezha Automobile is also one of the important reasons. Daniel Zhang from BAIC BJEV almost transferred the original set of his old owner to Nezha Automobile, and what happened to BAIC BJEV later, we also know exactly, with the heat of the C-end market, it began to gradually disappear in the eyes of consumers.

The story is difficult to tell, the profit is still early, and Nezha is attacked by the enemy

The slogan of "I am destined by my own destiny" made it take advantage of this trend to eat a big dividend. But two years after the incident, the soul of the second middle school still seems to be haunting around Nezha's car. In the bulk goods consumer market, especially in the automotive industry, the new forces telling stories is naturally an important means of financing, but the fixed label, especially the positioning of the low-end trend, will make it more and more difficult to take the long-term road. Coupled with Nezha's deep-rooted brand image in the B-end market, low-end positioning is already a nail in the coffin. This year, the sales volume of Nezha Automobile on the C-end seems to have changed, but many people in the industry are skeptical about it, believing that "the moisture is too large". Putting aside the doubts about the sales volume of the C-end, for now, Nezha Automobile wants to rely on the low-cost route to continue to inventory, how likely is it.

Sales exceeded 10,000, and Nezha was still in crisis

Different from hongguang MINI EV, Chery ant and other models with the background of fuel vehicles, even if the A00-class pure electric models are currently "losing money and making money", but the strong corporate strength also makes it have enough to lose. As a new force car company, Nezha's strategy of small profits and high sales is full of crises in the long run. As far as the current new forces car companies are concerned, the gross profit margin of the higher "Wei Xiaoli" has reached 12.7%, 4.6%, and 16.4% at the end of 2020, and by the beginning of 2021, the ideal has reached 20% in the third quarter of this year, but it is still a loss, and the current gross profit margin of 5% of Nezha Automobile has a loss or more.

The image of the terminal has not improved, the profitability is too low, in the eyes of a large part of the viewers, aside from the existing sales market, Nezha's dilemma has been generated. For the subsequent development of the brand, due to the positioning of Nezha and the route of the brand that has decided to sink the third and fourth-tier cities, the growth expectations have been limited. The result of this is that in the eyes of investors, in addition to the current positioning, Nezha's story library has been empty. There is no story to tell, which means that it is difficult for Nezha to win new financing in the capital market, which is actually a disaster for the new power car companies that cannot achieve self-hematopoiesis for a long time in the future.

Sales exceeded 10,000, and Nezha was still in crisis

The fact is that, apart from the above-mentioned local government investment, Nezha has not made any good progress in the "C-end" of the capital market. Before 360 invested in the shares, after several rounds of financing, the largest shareholders of Nezha Automobile's parent company, Hezhong New Energy, were Nanning Minsheng New Energy Industry Investment Partnership and Yichun Jinhe Equity Investment Co., Ltd., which were behind the Nanjing government and the Yichun government. After 360 took a stake, 360, which owned 16.5940% of the shares, surpassed the Nanning government and became the second largest shareholder. However, aside from 360, Nezha Automobile has not been recognized in the capital market, which also has a greater impact on whether it can continue to sail far.

Write at the end:

In November, the sales volume of Nezha Automobile has rebounded sharply, but for the current new power car companies, it is still too early to be self-hematopoietic, and sales are not one of the expected factors. Different from the era of fuel vehicles, in the era of new energy vehicles, consumers pursue more different attitudes to life. Although there has been an improvement from the original B-end image, the route of Nezha Automobile's low-cost volume determines the gap between its product quality and Models such as Xiaopeng and Weilai, and its brand is not expected to be too high in the future. This also means that Nezha Automobile has no bigger financing story in the capital market, and Nezha Automobile is in danger when it is still early to make a profit.

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