
2021 Internet Literature Inventory, LickIng Dog Literature, Nonsense Literature... Who can come out on top?

Edited by Madman | Marketing Maniac (HLW3600)

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Hello, everyone, I am a good friend of the young leap soil, the most beautiful one in the melon field - the big pear.

A few days ago to eat melon saw a hot search # Moutai comment area are wild literary heroes #, click into it to take a look and find that it is all this style:

2021 Internet Literature Inventory, LickIng Dog Literature, Nonsense Literature... Who can come out on top?
2021 Internet Literature Inventory, LickIng Dog Literature, Nonsense Literature... Who can come out on top?
2021 Internet Literature Inventory, LickIng Dog Literature, Nonsense Literature... Who can come out on top?

There are pigs, flowers, vegetables, feet, fishing... The noble "Moutai of wine" has suffered the greatest grievance since birth

Just like this, the wild literary heroes did not let it go, and even derived six literary schools, collectively known as "Moutai Literature".

2021 Internet Literature Inventory, LickIng Dog Literature, Nonsense Literature... Who can come out on top?

I declare that Internet literature is on fire again!

Before there was McDonald's "Mc Spicy Chicken Wing Literature", KFC "Crazy Thursday Literature", Idle Fish "Idle Fish Literature" each leading the way, and then "Moutai Literature" turned out to be a success, and the Internet wild literature was thriving!

However, in terms of seniority, these "brand literatures" are not ranked, and the real top streams belong to the following categories:

Image courtesy of DT Finance

As the well-deserved NO1 of 2021, the essence of "Versailles literature" is a low-key show-off.

It was originally derived from The Rose of Versailles, a comic that depicts the high life of Louis XVI's wife, with a very aristocratic style.

2021 Internet Literature Inventory, LickIng Dog Literature, Nonsense Literature... Who can come out on top?

The blogger @ Little Milk Ball used Versailles to refer to the nobility of the circle of friends, and the fan body was born from here.

Boys and girls who are well versed in the "spirit of Versailles" often inadvertently show their excellence through various techniques such as first suppressing and then raising, asking themselves questions and answering themselves, or third-person perspectives, which arouses the amazement of everyone.

Big Pear gives you a few examples to open your eyes:

1, today I want to go out for a winter swim, only to find that the 200-square-meter swimming pool in the back garden is frozen.

2. Why is Versailles meant to be forced? The Palace of Versailles is next door to my house, I often go to visit, I feel that the decoration is not very luxurious, similar to my home?

3, suddenly do not want to struggle, too tired. At present, there are seven or eight sets of houses and hundreds of assets, are these enough for the elderly?

4, so annoying, slept in the Maldives flight, can only go to the special plane.

After nagging the literature of Versailles, let's look at the famous "privilege literature", which is also called "proud literature".

privilege, meaning "privilege" in English, but propelled by some naïve and hilarious privilege, managed to rise to a literary genre.

The incident began with a blogger who first posted a video of "How Happy To Go to School at Peking University Affiliated High School", which caused a heated discussion among netizens about educational resources. What completely detonated public opinion was the follow-up speech full of pride of "people on top".

2021 Internet Literature Inventory, LickIng Dog Literature, Nonsense Literature... Who can come out on top?

The bold words of this privilege girl frightened Qinghua into coming out to refute the rumors urgently, and came to deny three consecutive times.

2021 Internet Literature Inventory, LickIng Dog Literature, Nonsense Literature... Who can come out on top?

In the end, the heat of the event gradually passed, but "privilege literature" caught fire and became another major player in Internet literature.

The basic sentence pattern goes like this: "Since privilege is mentioned, let me tell you where my pride lies... At this point, my arrogance has been fully embodied. ”

The excellent wild literary heroes have fully stimulated humor and irony on the basis of the original. There is a sense of pride in drinking yogurt:

There is a sense of arrogance in eating spicy hot:

2021 Internet Literature Inventory, LickIng Dog Literature, Nonsense Literature... Who can come out on top?

There are also people who can buy a house in Cao County, the center of the universe, which I have to testify to is really proud

2021 Internet Literature Inventory, LickIng Dog Literature, Nonsense Literature... Who can come out on top?

In third place is the literature that says the same nonsense as it doesn't say, and doesn't say the same nonsense literature (is there that flavor?). )

2021 Internet Literature Inventory, LickIng Dog Literature, Nonsense Literature... Who can come out on top?

The earliest "founder" of nonsense literature was the Qianlong Emperor: "There were five university scholars in the dynasty, look at these five people, which one is not a university scholar?" ”

This speech must be a senior expert in nonsense literature.

2021 Internet Literature Inventory, LickIng Dog Literature, Nonsense Literature... Who can come out on top?

And to say the most widely circulated nonsense literary famous sentences, it is to listen to the words of the king, such as listening to a seat.

It not only demonstrates the sentence-making style of nonsense literature, but also accurately summarizes the connotation of nonsense literature, which can be called a pun

2021 Internet Literature Inventory, LickIng Dog Literature, Nonsense Literature... Who can come out on top?

The fourth is "crazy literature", which originated from the Douban stepping group someone sent a crazy text lamenting life:

The essence of this literature is:

1, the number of words should be more, from the number of shocks to the enemy.

2, aggressive, the tone must be fierce.

3, do not pay attention to logic, you must stand on the moral high ground.

Among them, there are some typical examples in Aunt Qiongyao's love drama, such as Aunt Xue who has the ability to open the door, don't hide inside and make no sound.

2021 Internet Literature Inventory, LickIng Dog Literature, Nonsense Literature... Who can come out on top?

There is also Ma Jingtao, who is known as the "Roaring Emperor" in Qiong Yao's drama, which is a staunch practitioner of crazy literature.

I don't care if I'm reasonable, and when I go crazy, I'm justified. Looking at this little expression, I only ask you if you are afraid or not?

2021 Internet Literature Inventory, LickIng Dog Literature, Nonsense Literature... Who can come out on top?

The last "humble literature", or "dog licking literature", I have written a special article before, analyzing the causes, developments and results of dog licking, which will not be discussed here. Show you a few typical "pathologies":

2021 Internet Literature Inventory, LickIng Dog Literature, Nonsense Literature... Who can come out on top?

In fact, in addition to the top of these Internet literary circles, there are many "wild literature" that are also quietly rising.

For example, giggling literature, yatou literature, post-break language, male language, Verdun literature, etc., only you can't think of it, and no netizen can't create it.

This time tired not to say, next time have the opportunity to nag with everyone again!

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