
Spider-Man: Heroes Of No Return is a big hit, bigger than Avengers 4?

author:Captain Fox

1, "Spider-Man: Heroes Of No Return" opened with a high score

IMDb is currently 9.2, Rotten Tomatoes freshness 94%, no doubt the big production of the best film, almost let people see the "Avengers 4" release feeling, the fan feast, all the expectations come true... We can throw all kinds of praise at this movie.

Spider-Man: Heroes Of No Return is a big hit, bigger than Avengers 4?

Sony and Marvel have joined forces, long-term publicity and expectations have been well rewarded, and now there is one question left: is it not released in China? When?

2, "Spider-Man: Heroes Of No Return" related

Here to add some new news, there may be a little spoiler, spoiler serious cleanliness to avoid the next bar, but I believe most people can accept this scale.

Dutch brother explained to Yahoo reporters why they all made a trilogy, he and the heroine and his gossip girlfriend Zandaya have never made a beautiful shot: "I think this is not suitable for the Spider-Man story, we are still very young, if the character has a future, maybe one day we will explore (xiangyan shot), but now, this is a movie about friendship and youthful love." 」 ”

Spider-Man: Heroes Of No Return is a big hit, bigger than Avengers 4?

In another CinePOP interview, the Dutch brother claimed that Spider-Man: Homeless is more ambitious than Avengers 4, at least in a wider range, which is a multiverse story.

Finally, in an interview with the media Fandom, the Dutch brother said that he had something that he was very interested in - playing the villain in the future Spider-Man movie! Play as a blackened, evil Spider-Man. He is now interested in the story of Mrs. Cobweb and wants to play a duel with Kim.

Spider-Man: Heroes Of No Return is a big hit, bigger than Avengers 4?

Oops, Narcissus remembers that the "Spider-Web" movie has always been rumored to be in development, and Kim and the actor Vincent Donofeo have also said that they want to compete with Spider-Man, maybe these two projects Dutch brothers are...

3, CW "Naomi" poster

Launched on January 11 next year, it is a super-powered TV series based on DC Comics.

Spider-Man: Heroes Of No Return is a big hit, bigger than Avengers 4?

4, Stills from the second season of "Superman and Louis"

Stills from the premiere episode of the second season, which also returns on January 11 next year.

Spider-Man: Heroes Of No Return is a big hit, bigger than Avengers 4?
Spider-Man: Heroes Of No Return is a big hit, bigger than Avengers 4?
Spider-Man: Heroes Of No Return is a big hit, bigger than Avengers 4?
Spider-Man: Heroes Of No Return is a big hit, bigger than Avengers 4?

5, Henry Cavill continues to talk about Superman

Henry Cavill was a guest on a talk show hosted by Stephen Cobell, who laughed and said he wanted Cavill Superman to wear his iconic red pants, and Cavill said he liked his uniform, but if he had the opportunity to play Superman again, he did consider adding some traditional elements.

Spider-Man: Heroes Of No Return is a big hit, bigger than Avengers 4?

Although Cavill has expressed the idea of returning to the DC Cinematic Universe several times recently, he has not yet received a call from Warner.

6, Marvel star's home cosplay

"Captain Marvel" Brie Larson, who is also a regular social media star, recently shared two photos of home cosplay on Twitter, cos targeting... The plants she raises at home.

Spider-Man: Heroes Of No Return is a big hit, bigger than Avengers 4?
Spider-Man: Heroes Of No Return is a big hit, bigger than Avengers 4?

7. Warner's 2022 Film Strategy

At a recent investor conference, Warner Bros. CEO Ann Sarnoff talked about the film screening strategy for 2022, saying that their aggressive strategy of sharply tilting resources to streaming platforms in 2021 is "still in progress", but will try to make the movies appear in theaters first, but the window for moving to streaming will be relatively short, and Warner has communicated with all the crew members of new movies.

Sarnov mentioned that the audience's confidence in the theater in the epidemic era has not yet been restored, and the willingness of young people to go to the theater to watch movies has been very high, but the middle-aged and elderly people are obviously still hesitating. She feels that times are changing and Warner wants to embrace change, but people do hope that when the "New Batman" movie is released next year, it will usher in more audiences in theaters.

Spider-Man: Heroes Of No Return is a big hit, bigger than Avengers 4?

In addition, Sarnoff made it clear that Warner Pictures will develop more Harry Potter spin-off films, and they have been in communication with J.K. Rowling, and will enrich the magical world on the basis of being faithful to the original story.

8, Disney set up a project "Seven Treasures" TV series

As the subtitle says, the Disney+ platform set up a spin-off of the classic movie "Shippo Conspiracy", which was a project that Disney took over after the acquisition of FOX, which originally thought that this version of the TV series was too low and shelved it, and now Disney picked it up just right.

Sarah Watson, the creator of the TV series "Fearless Woman", will be responsible for the script and production of the show.

Spider-Man: Heroes Of No Return is a big hit, bigger than Avengers 4?

9, Stills from Jurassic World 3

Entertainment Weekly's official Ins shared two photos, apparently cut in two pieces of the same photo, and the water dragon merged them together to be flawless

Spider-Man: Heroes Of No Return is a big hit, bigger than Avengers 4?

10, the new project of the "Chainsaw Horror" series was launched

Josh Stoborg, the series's longtime screenwriter, announced on Twitter that he and his team had embarked on a new screenplay for the Chainsaw Horror movie. The series released a "Whirlpool" this year, which is considered to be the ninth film, and the response can only be said to be average or even a little bad, but at least it did not smash the signboard.

Spider-Man: Heroes Of No Return is a big hit, bigger than Avengers 4?

11, Kermorunger is not a villain?

In the latest interview, "Black Panther" actor Michael S. B. Jordan declares that the Kermenger he plays is not a villain: "He cares about his people as much as T'Challa, he just does it in a different way." I think he is a historian who studies the history of government and oppression. ”

Spider-Man: Heroes Of No Return is a big hit, bigger than Avengers 4?

Another piece of news about Black Panther: Derek Bosman, the brother of the late star Chadwick Bosman, told TMZ that Chadwick Bosman thought Marvel Studios should re-cast Black Panther after his death, using a new actor to play T'Challa.

Spider-Man: Heroes Of No Return is a big hit, bigger than Avengers 4?

Marvel has replaced the players of Gears of War, and it's not unthinkable to re-cast the Black Panther. The previous comics have made it clear that Bosman's image will not be presented with CG technology, and there will be no more T'Challa in the 616 universe, so the opening left now is the new Black Panther in the parallel world of the multiverse...

12, James Gunn debunked rumors about the casting of "Guardians of the Galaxy"

Gunn debunked a rumor on social media about casting for the first film of Guardians of the Galaxy a few years ago: Media Moviesnowtv claimed that famed comedian Adam Sandler had been involved in casting the Rocket Raccoon voice actor, ultimately losing out to Bradley Cooper.

Gunn said he had never met Adam Sandler, let alone eliminated him in casting.

Spider-Man: Heroes Of No Return is a big hit, bigger than Avengers 4?

13, "Hawkeye" CP response is good

The latest episode of the show also brings back a long-awaited character from fans! I won't talk about him much today, let's go to the play first.

What we want to say is that the interaction between Kate and Yelena in the fifth episode has been well received on the Internet, and the friendship between MCU second-generation Hawkeye and second-generation Black Widow is very promising. This episode also tells about Yelena's previous experiences... Similarly, let's watch the drama first.

Spider-Man: Heroes Of No Return is a big hit, bigger than Avengers 4?

14, "Uncharted Seas" unveiled poster

Today's article starts with "Spider-Man" and ends with "Spider-Man". Dutch brother is already a Hollywood superstar, "Uncharted" is also the top of the game industry, this movie is worth looking forward to, next February 18 release.

Spider-Man: Heroes Of No Return is a big hit, bigger than Avengers 4?

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