
D.H.APP_Horoscope of December 17, 2021


You may find that someone you work with is a demagogue. They may not act like they're asking for trouble, but they seem to have a penchant for subversion and adding to the fire. Aries, you don't have time to do this, and you don't have the ability to endure it. Even so, you have to handle it carefully, as you may set the tone for important interactions without realizing it. Be fair, polite but determined. If you express your views confidently and with a smile, you will proceed successfully.


It may seem as if you've been involved in a situation you've recently been involved in full of troubles and conflicts. Even if it seems, Taurus, you have to move forward as if nothing had happened. If you do, you may find that all you're feeling is a reflection of your own stress, and once things start to go smoothly, all the anxiety will go away. If the future is the best, you can make it happen.


Gemini, you may be irritated by someone's behavior. You might think of a lot of things you want to say about it. But now, your thoughts may be revenge rather than recovery, as they may cause you some trouble or embarrassment. You may be able to help if you wish. You might give some great advice that could change the trajectory of someone's life. But first, find a way to see this as helping them, not bashing them. This is a better approach.


A dream, a boring idea, or even something unusual that someone says to you today may bring seeds of hope and inspiration. Cultivate this seed. Accept it and believe it is a message prepared specifically for you. You've been looking for and hoping for signs that your life will improve – and significantly. You may be confused right now, and that's the answer you want and need.


Today's pleasant encounter may lead to a new friendship, a new connection related to interests, and even an exciting job opportunity. Whatever you need, today is a great time to start working. You may meet someone by chance and almost immediately find that there is a sense of lightness in your interactions. Be free to engage with this person and get to know them as much as you can in the short time you're sharing today, as this can lead to something rather interesting. You never know when you'll meet someone who will change your life.


You've recently started something – a plan, a dream, that opened a new chapter in your life. But now, Virgo people, it seems to be escalating rapidly, may feel out of control. But that's what you want, and that's what you have to keep reminding yourself of. Even if you don't expect so much so quickly, you can handle it. This is the fulfillment of your wishes, and not everyone has this experience. Recognize how special this is and let it motivate you to do your best.


Libra, now financial problems may bother your thoughts, but there is a solution. Based on your concerns, start thinking about your options. Whether you're looking for investment opportunities, a better way to save, or a plan for future financial security, now is a great time to start dealing with financial issues and create greater security for yourself. You should find that if you seek guidance now, it will come true. Don't procrastinate, because doing something you worry about will bring peace of mind.


If you're bored, stagnant, irritable, etc., Scorpio, it may help you get out of the house or office and just take a walk or drive. Sometimes, you can clear your head by changing the landscape. If you seem to be stuck, walk away, and go somewhere else, this act can make your mind feel free. You need to do some smart, creative thinking right now, and sometimes the best way to spark great ideas is to get out there and meet them.


When you start doing things you don't want to do, you may feel underemotional. Isn't that all the case? When something is fun and engaging, time flies and your energy runs like an oiled engine. But when faced with boring chores and responsibilities, it's hard to get energy, let alone excitement. But, Sagittarius, the sooner you finish it, the sooner you can start doing what you really want to do, and then you can mark "done" at the end of your to-do list. Start now – fun things are waiting for you, and you'll want to be a part of it.


Don't let a small disagreement turn into a big battle today. You may be inclined to defend your position and point out to the other person how unreasonable they are, but this may only escalate the quarrel. Capricorn, you do need to assess the other person's position and figure out how you feel personally, but you should find that leaving at this point is your best bet. If that's the case, when things settle down, you can always come back to the topic.


Overall, Aquarius, you're probably not the kind of person trying to fit in. You don't adjust your thinking based on someone else's narrative. You don't dress to please anyone or to follow the trend to fit in with the people around you. No, you're too creative. Your innovative nature makes it easier for you to see that being different is a good thing because you'll notice things that others may not have noticed, and you can make things better. If today you meet a group that is very different from you, don't let that change. They may be thrilled by your idea.


Pisces, do you know how stagnation of thought happens? Very slow. You are trapped in routine. You'll gradually adapt to what you do. Slowly, the lack of change becomes a consolation. While this is acceptable in some ways, it will also limit you and hinder you from pursuing more. Today, make some changes. It could be as simple as going to a new place for coffee or lunch, ordering a book that you find interesting, or taking a walk in a new neighborhood. Sometimes breaking your best can be very inspiring and wakes you up.

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