
HD "severed head" photo exposure! U.S. military collision nuclear submarine in the South China Sea "very injured"

author:Red Star News

According to the US Naval Research Institute website reported on the 15th, a spokesman of the US Navy confirmed that the "Connecticut" nuclear submarine damaged in the collision accident in the South China Sea has left the US West Coast port of San Diego and gone to Bremerton Naval Base for maintenance.

HD "severed head" photo exposure! U.S. military collision nuclear submarine in the South China Sea "very injured"
HD "severed head" photo exposure! U.S. military collision nuclear submarine in the South China Sea "very injured"
HD "severed head" photo exposure! U.S. military collision nuclear submarine in the South China Sea "very injured"

▲ The latest exposure picture of the "Connecticut" nuclear submarine

After leaving Guam, connecticut sailed for nearly a month before arriving in San Diego on December 12. The submarine was badly damaged, and according to the latest exposed pictures, the bow sonar cover of the submarine had been completely removed, like a "severed head".

The collision of the Seawolf-class nuclear submarine "Connecticut" in the South China Sea caused damage to the submarine and injured many people. It was not until Nov. 1 that the U.S. Navy's Seventh Fleet issued a statement saying, "Investigations have determined that the USS Connecticut collided with an unknown undersea mountain range during its operations in international waters in the Indo-Pacific region, causing the nuclear submarine to run aground underwater." ”

HD "severed head" photo exposure! U.S. military collision nuclear submarine in the South China Sea "very injured"

▲ "Connecticut" nuclear submarine Data map

On November 4, the U.S. Navy issued a statement announcing the punishment for the command of the nuclear submarine in the South China Sea accident, and the captain of the "Connecticut" nuclear submarine Cameron Algilani, the deputy captain Patrick Cassin, and the sergeant major Cory Rogers were dismissed. The U.S. Navy also said that if the command of the Connecticut had strictly followed the navigation procedures, the collision in early October could have been avoided.

On November 18, according to reports, the US nuclear submarine "Connecticut" departed from Apra Naval Base in Guam, opened the Automatic Identification System (AIS) for ships, and sailed above the float, with the final destination on the west coast of the United States.

(CCTV Military)

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