
How good are the descendants of Zeng Guofan? The second son recovered a large part of the territory, and the granddaughter married the founding father

In the history of the Qing Dynasty, there was such an excellent official who was strict with himself. He not only cared for the sake of the court and the people, but also insisted on living a very frugal life. In addition, under his education, his descendants did not have the stink that most of the bureaucrats of the Qing Dynasty were accustomed to at that time.

Not only are they all excellent, but some people are married to the founding marshal of New China. This official will not be unfamiliar to everyone, because he is Zeng Guofan, the famous founder of the Xiang Army in the Qing Dynasty. Let's take a look at the situation of Mr. Zeng's descendants!

How good are the descendants of Zeng Guofan? The second son recovered a large part of the territory, and the granddaughter married the founding father

First, the situation of Mr. Zeng's sons.

Although in the feudal period, it was normal for men to have three wives and four concubines. However, Mr. Zeng did not marry so many wives for himself in this life, he only had two wives, so the number of his children was still relatively small compared with other officials. Mr. Zeng had three sons, but unfortunately the eldest son died very early.

The second son, Zeng Jize, was a very prominent politician and diplomat who negotiated with foreign powers on behalf of the Qing Dynasty many times and successfully recovered very large losses for the Qing Dynasty. In 1880, Zeng Jize was sent by the Qing government to negotiate with the Tsarist government, and after more than fifty negotiations, the Tsarist government agreed to revise some of the contents. Zeng Jize also successfully recovered the loss of more than 50,000 square kilometers of land for the Qing government. The third son is a mathematician and enjoys a certain reputation in this academic field. Unfortunately, he only lived to be 33 years old and died forever.

How good are the descendants of Zeng Guofan? The second son recovered a large part of the territory, and the granddaughter married the founding father

Second, the situation of Mr. Zeng's daughters.

Many people may feel that in addition to the second son, the situation of Mr. Zeng's other sons is more miserable. In fact, if you compare the situation of Mr. Zeng's sons with the situation of his daughters, then his sons are still relatively lucky. You know, Mr. Zeng has had a total of five daughters in his life. But four of the five daughters had a very bumpy fate.

First of all, Mr. Zeng's eldest daughter married a bureaucrat who had been married to her since she was a child. At first, she had a good life, but after a long time, her husband's nature was exposed. All day long, I knew that I was messing around outside, causing Mr. Zeng's eldest daughter to die violently in her in-laws' house before she reached the age of thirty.

How good are the descendants of Zeng Guofan? The second son recovered a large part of the territory, and the granddaughter married the founding father

Secondly, Mr. Zeng's second daughter is very talented, not only proficient in several Chinese words, but also mastering many techniques that Westerners are proud of. Unfortunately, she died before she was forty years old, and the ending was not very good. Third, the situation of Mr. Zeng's three daughters was even worse, she married a man in Mr. Zeng's Xiangjun team, but she was tortured in her in-laws' house.

Although he lived a relatively long time, he did not live a good life for a few days. Then, Mr. Zeng's fourth daughter was married to a good person, and after marriage, the two also had a child. Unfortunately, her life expectancy was also very short, and she died at the age of 35.

How good are the descendants of Zeng Guofan? The second son recovered a large part of the territory, and the granddaughter married the founding father

Finally, let's talk about one of Mr. Zeng's favorite daughters, that is, his youngest daughter. She is not only the longest-lived of the sisters, but also the happiest one after marriage. Her in-laws have very strong capital, so she has basically lived a carefree life after getting married. In addition, she is very talented herself, so whether it is when Mr. Zeng was alive or after Mr. Zeng's death, his little daughter's life was quite moist.

Some people may think that the above content is just saying that the situation of Mr. Zeng's children is relatively miserable, and it has little to do with their appearance. In fact, we just want to tell you one thing through the unfortunate experience of most of them, that is, under the special social background conditions, even the best of them are likely to live an unfortunate life.

How good are the descendants of Zeng Guofan? The second son recovered a large part of the territory, and the granddaughter married the founding father

Third, the granddaughter of Mr. Zeng's brother married the most enviable.

In fact, among Mr. Zeng's descendants, there is a person who is not only very prominent in herself, but the person she married is also a well-known person. This person is Zeng Xianzhi, the granddaughter of Mr. Zeng's brother, and although she is not Mr. Zeng's granddaughter-in-law, she has always strictly followed the rules set by Mr. Zeng for the family members.

Because of this, she was successfully admitted to the military academy. And when he was engaged in military work, he got to know Ye Jianying, the founding marshal of our country, and finally the two came together and formed a very happy and happy little family. Because of this, her married life has always been envied by many people.

How good are the descendants of Zeng Guofan? The second son recovered a large part of the territory, and the granddaughter married the founding father

Introduced here, I think everyone will definitely be curious about the content of the self-discipline rules that Mr. Zeng set for his family. In fact, its main content is as follows: "The family of officials and eunuchs in the world is generally depressed after only one generation, because most of them are stupid children; the family of shangjia, that is, the family of private entrepreneurs, can generally be passed on for three generations; the family of cultivation and reading, that is, the family based on the management of agriculture and reading, can generally prosper for five or six generations; and the house of filial piety, that is, the family that pays attention to filial piety and governs the family with peace, can often last for ten generations and eight generations." ”

References: Draft History of the Qing Dynasty, Book of Zeng Guofan

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