
lamentable! The ignorance of some people, the death of 300,000 compatriots, is only an overview of the novel, no data to support?

Recently, some people denied the number of compatriots killed in the Nanjing Massacre, believing that "the identification of more than 300,000 compatriots killed in the Nanjing Massacre is only an overview in the novel and is not supported by data."

lamentable! The ignorance of some people, the death of 300,000 compatriots, is only an overview of the novel, no data to support?

Is there really no specific historical support for the number of compatriots killed in the Nanjing Massacre? Is it really just an overview of the novel? Did historical experts and scholars really fail to do anything?

History cannot be tampered with, the number of compatriots killed in the Nanjing Massacre is more than 300,000, there are rules to follow, China has done a lot of work in this regard, and the work of determining the number of compatriots killed in the Nanjing Massacre is mainly divided into three periods.

lamentable! The ignorance of some people, the death of 300,000 compatriots, is only an overview of the novel, no data to support?

I. Investigation by the National Government after the End of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

As for the number of victims of the Nanjing Massacre, China began before the end of the War of Resistance Against Japan. After the Nanjing Massacre, unofficial investigations never stopped.

In February 1944, the Nationalist government established the Enemy Crime Investigation Committee in Chongqing, followed by the Anti-Japanese War Loss Investigation Committee, the Nanjing Enemy Crime Investigation Committee, the War Criminals Handling Committee, and the Military Tribunal of the Ministry of National Defense for the Trial of War Criminals.

A great deal of work was done during this phase, which lasted three years and extensively collected testimony and evidence from the public. Finally, the Nanjing Massacre archives were compiled, and there were 2784 cases of Japanese atrocities with accurate witnesses. After three years of investigation, it was finally confirmed that more than 300,000 compatriots died in Nanjing, which is based on evidence.

lamentable! The ignorance of some people, the death of 300,000 compatriots, is only an overview of the novel, no data to support?

Ii. Since the reform and opening up, the efforts of the Nanjing Massacre Historical Compilation Committee

Since the 1980s, the Japanese right-wing forces have denied the historical facts of the Nanjing Massacre, which has aroused great anger among our people.

Since the end of 1983, the Nanjing Municipal CPC Committee and the Nanjing Municipal Government have been under the direct responsibility of establishing a leading group for the compilation of the history of the Nanjing Massacre, the construction of museums, the erection of monuments, and the Editorial Committee for the Historical Materials of the Nanjing Massacre.

lamentable! The ignorance of some people, the death of 300,000 compatriots, is only an overview of the novel, no data to support?

After 4 years of efforts, the Nanjing Massacre Compatriots Memorial Hall was completed, 15 Nanjing Massacre site monuments were set up, and supporting books such as "History of the Nanjing Massacre of the Japanese Army Invading China", "Historical Materials of the Nanjing Massacre of the Japanese Army Invading China", "Archives of the Nanjing Massacre of the Japanese Army Invading China" were published. After careful and in-depth investigation and research, it was determined that the number of compatriots killed in the Nanjing Massacre exceeded 300,000.

It is not easy to reconfirm the "more than 300,000 victims of the Nanjing Massacre", and historians have done a lot of evidence collection work and made great efforts.

lamentable! The ignorance of some people, the death of 300,000 compatriots, is only an overview of the novel, no data to support?

The first is to mobilize the masses extensively. After extensive mobilization and meticulous search in all districts, counties, streets and villages of the city, a total of 1756 victims, survivors and witnesses of the Nanjing Massacre were found, and they were registered one by one and left testimony, providing a large amount of reliable information for accurately estimating the number of victims of the Nanjing Massacre.

The second is to dig deep into the historical archives. These materials include the Central Archives, the Second Historical Archive of China, the Nanjing Archives, and related historical archives and newspapers and periodicals collected by libraries and archives in Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Chongqing and other places. According to this, the results of predecessors have been collected to the greatest extent, laying a solid foundation for new research work.

lamentable! The ignorance of some people, the death of 300,000 compatriots, is only an overview of the novel, no data to support?

The third is rigorously argued. Experts and scholars from Nanjing University, Nanjing Normal University, Soochow University, Jiangsu Academy of Social Sciences, China Second Historical Archives, Nanjing Municipal Archives, Nanjing Local History Office and other units. It took four years, repeated discussions and deliberations, and once again determined the conclusion that the number of compatriots killed in the Nanjing Massacre was more than 300,000.

III. New Research by Historians Since the 21st Century

Since the 21st century, china's experts and scholars have carried out a lot of work on the historical study of the Nanjing Massacre. At the end of 2012, the authoritative academic monograph "The Complete History of the Nanjing Massacre" edited by Professor Zhang Xianwen was published. When talking about the number of victims of the Nanjing Massacre, the "Quanshi" also cites the exposition of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East "more than 200,000" and the Chinese military tribunal "more than 300,000".

lamentable! The ignorance of some people, the death of 300,000 compatriots, is only an overview of the novel, no data to support?

The book does not take the argument held by many scholars in the past that the Tokyo court ruled that it was "more than 200,000 people", arguing that the Tokyo court's statistics do not include the bodies destroyed by the Japanese army and disposed of in other ways. If these figures are added, the death toll would also reach around 300,000.

In short, China's examination of the number of victims of the Nanjing Massacre has never stopped in history, and has gone through the efforts of a large number of historical workers. The determination of the number of victims of more than 300,000 people in the Nanjing Massacre is reliable, followable and verifiable.

lamentable! The ignorance of some people, the death of 300,000 compatriots, is only an overview of the novel, no data to support?

Don't say that the identification of more than 300,000 compatriots killed in the Nanjing Massacre is only an overview in the novel, and there is no data to support it, such discourse is a great negation of the work of historical researchers, and it is also a harm to national feelings.

More than 300,000 compatriots were killed in the Nanjing Massacre, and the evidence is overwhelming, and history cannot be tampered with!

lamentable! The ignorance of some people, the death of 300,000 compatriots, is only an overview of the novel, no data to support?

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Sun Zhaowei. The Historical Evolution of the Determination of the Number of Victims of the Nanjing Massacre[J].Dajiang North and South,2017(12):11-14.

[2] Happy Zu. Fifty-Eight Years in Review: Japan's Controversy over the Nanjing Massacre[J].Journal of Nanjing University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 1995, (03):1-15.

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