
Pan Tianshou, a master of Chinese painting, needs to be lonely in art, and the heart should be extremely quiet!

Pan Tianshou, a master of Chinese painting, needs to be lonely in art, and the heart should be extremely quiet!
Pan Tianshou, a master of Chinese painting, needs to be lonely in art, and the heart should be extremely quiet!

Pan Tianshou Quasi-snow roosting bird diagram

Art needs to be lively, but it also needs loneliness, a kind of selfless loneliness. I always have a futon in my heart, and I often sit alone for a while, which is far away.

Pan Tianshou, a master of Chinese painting, needs to be lonely in art, and the heart should be extremely quiet!
Pan Tianshou, a master of Chinese painting, needs to be lonely in art, and the heart should be extremely quiet!

Pan Tianshou (14 March 1897 – 5 September 1971), courtesy name Taiyi, signed himself as Ashou and Shou. Modern painter and educator. People from Ninghai, Zhejiang. In 1915, he was admitted to the Zhejiang Provincial First Normal School and was taught by Jing Hengyi and Li Shu. His freehand flowers and birds first learned Wu Changshuo, and later took the Fa Shitao and the Eight Greats. He is full of confidence and perseverance in inheriting and developing national paintings. In order to defend the independence of traditional painting, he made every effort to fight all his life, and formed a whole set of Chinese painting teaching system, which affected the whole country.

Pan Tianshou, a master of Chinese painting, needs to be lonely in art, and the heart should be extremely quiet!

▲ Pan Tianshou One day of smoke and rain dark Jiangzhou

Pan Tianshou: Art needs loneliness, a kind of self-forgetful loneliness

Mr. Pan Tianshou advocated that the arrangement of flower and bird paintings should be based on the potential, he said: "The qi should be strong and the momentum should be strong, and strive to create vigorous and flexible vitality and rhythmic charm on the picture, so as to achieve the unique vividness of Chinese painting." ”

As for the method of arrangement, he believes that it is to "search for the Qifeng and play the draft", and select the Qifeng with the Qifeng, that is, to use the Qifeng to match the Odd and win by surprise.

Pan Tianshou, a master of Chinese painting, needs to be lonely in art, and the heart should be extremely quiet!

▲ Pan Tianshou Is a mountain monk ink bird

He believes that the emptiness and the reality are the most important issues in the arrangement, and it is also an important feature of Chinese painting. He said: "The arrangement of painting things is extremely heavy and sparse, dense, virtual, and real, which can be dense and virtual, that is, it can be ethereal and change outside the scene. ”

Pan Tianshou, a master of Chinese painting, needs to be lonely in art, and the heart should be extremely quiet!

▲ Pan Tianshou (1897-1971) Newly released

In terms of virtual reality, he said: "The magic of the real place is born from the virtual place," that is, "showing the truth with the virtual", "Lao Tzu said: 'Knowing the white and keeping the black', that is, the black appears from the white, and the white place is well understood, so the painting arrangement focuses on the virtual, that is, focusing on the blank.

Pan Tianshou, a master of Chinese painting, needs to be lonely in art, and the heart should be extremely quiet!

▲ Pan Tianshou Dead stone jackdaw

In fact, the real is the virtual, the virtual is the real, the virtual cannot be revealed, and the unreal cannot exist. Moreover, it is also necessary to be able to "seek the virtual with the real, and seek the truth with the virtual", "the virtual is real, the real is virtual"; "the virtual is the virtual, and the real is the truth", and "the virtual in the real, the emphasis is on the great void, the reality in the virtual, the emphasis on the great reality", seeking the ethereal in the forced congestion, and seeking the charm in the ethereal. This dialectical treatment of virtual reality in the arrangement is his unique achievement.

Pan Tianshou, a master of Chinese painting, needs to be lonely in art, and the heart should be extremely quiet!

▲Pan Tianshou Spring drink

In terms of density, he also believes that "no sparseness can become dense, no denseness can not be seen and sparse", and that if it is used in denseness, it is necessary to be able to "be dense and not ventilated, and it can be used loosely", "dense in the dense, dense in the dense, sparse but not sparse, dense but not dense, dense but not dense, dense and ”

Pan Tianshou, a master of Chinese painting, needs to be lonely in art, and the heart should be extremely quiet!

▲ Pan Tianshou Youlantu

In Chinese painting, the big void and the big reality, the big sparse and the big secret are for the sake of seeking the clarity and clarity of the picture, and the point of the main body is prominent. Because when people look at things, they are often "absent-minded and blind," "touching tens of millions of flowers, and appreciating only two or three branches." Therefore, when the painter paints, as long as he focuses on the "two or three branches", other "absent-minded" things are all omitted, so that they are replaced by blanks, so that the "two or three branches" are clear, prominent, and impressive. This so-called "gain must lose" also. If you seek everything and leave no detail behind, it is easy to weaken the expression of full strength and momentum.

Pan Tianshou, a master of Chinese painting, needs to be lonely in art, and the heart should be extremely quiet!

▲ Pan Tianshou bottle plum

Pan Tianshou's paintings not only present a magnificent atmosphere and a bizarre composition that is amazing, but also a pure artistic conception that can be slowly understood.

Pan Tianshou, a master of Chinese painting, needs to be lonely in art, and the heart should be extremely quiet!

▲ Pan Tianshou Immeasurable Life Buddha

In this regard, Mr. Pan Tianshou once vividly said: "Shixi kaijinling, eight major kai jiangxi, Shitao kai yangzhou, its power all comes from the futon", "quiet is as quiet as the old monk to make up for it". And "coming from the futon" means that the mind should be extremely quiet.

Pan Tianshou, a master of Chinese painting, needs to be lonely in art, and the heart should be extremely quiet!

▲ Pan Tianshou Uncle Tongshi statue

Pan Tianshou, a master of Chinese painting, needs to be lonely in art, and the heart should be extremely quiet!

▲ Pan Tianshou "Vulture Eagle Rock Map" Pan Tianshou Memorial Collection (finger painting)

Pan Tianshou, a master of Chinese painting, needs to be lonely in art, and the heart should be extremely quiet!

▲ Pan Tianshou", "Four Joys in One Voice"

Pan Tianshou, a master of Chinese painting, needs to be lonely in art, and the heart should be extremely quiet!

▲ Pan Tianshou Flowers and birds

Pan Tianshou, a master of Chinese painting, needs to be lonely in art, and the heart should be extremely quiet!

▲ Pan Tianshou, 1964 , Song Eagle Diagram

Pan Tianshou, a master of Chinese painting, needs to be lonely in art, and the heart should be extremely quiet!
Pan Tianshou, a master of Chinese painting, needs to be lonely in art, and the heart should be extremely quiet!
Pan Tianshou, a master of Chinese painting, needs to be lonely in art, and the heart should be extremely quiet!

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