
"Dark Zhiju" Season 10 In January next year, the broadcast decision was announced and 15 voice actors were announced

Urban legend horror anime "Dark Shibaju" new season broadcast decision! Broadcasting will begin in January 2022.

"Dark Zhiju" Season 10 In January next year, the broadcast decision was announced and 15 voice actors were announced

The voice actor of Uncle Papitaya is played by Hiroharu Tsuda.

At the same time, there is also a wealth of voice actor plastic surgery and ED information.

Papitashi Izakaya Uncle Tsuda Hiroji Message:

This time, I also starred in the voice actor of the uncle, and I am sincerely happy.

Looking back, it's been almost 10 years. A lot of emotions.

This time, the dark Zhiju seems to be a little different from the previous impression.

Ah, if you want to say something different, this time the uncle will appear in the main story Oh, although the number of times is not much.

Please expect the uncle to appear in a certain sentence. Stay tuned!


Written by Hirotake Kumamoto, Kanako Ishigami, and Mitsuyoshi Sasaki.

"Dark Zhiju" Season 10 In January next year, the broadcast decision was announced and 15 voice actors were announced

Deer eyes

The painting was written by Jimmy, Koichi Sugaya, Hibiki, Kazeki, Watanabe, and manga artist Rin Shikame, who is active as an idol.

"Dark Zhiju" Season 10 In January next year, the broadcast decision was announced and 15 voice actors were announced

Don't forget.

ED Katao Kaku 决摇滚乐队 [Don't forget] New song [Sloppy]

"Dark Zhiju" Season 10 In January next year, the broadcast decision was announced and 15 voice actors were announced
"Dark Zhiju" Season 10 In January next year, the broadcast decision was announced and 15 voice actors were announced
"Dark Zhiju" Season 10 In January next year, the broadcast decision was announced and 15 voice actors were announced

【Voice Actor Table】

Hiroji Tsuda

Tsubasa Kizu

Fukazawa Great River

Akira Shinoda

Keisuke Enyama

Masaki Sawai


Toshiko Koda

Two and another

Ayaka Senbongi

Tosae Matsuda

Natsuna Yamazaki


Naichi draw.

Reiko Mori

【STAFF Production List】

Directed by Akira Funada, Kenichi Sugimoto

Directed by: Koichi Hirata, Naoya Kadai, Yoki Inoue, Megumi Yokoyama

Writers: Kumamoto Hirotake, Ishigami Kanako, Sasaki Mitsukaku

Drawings: Rin Kaname, Jimmy, Koichi Sugaya, Hiiragi Watari, Momoka Nippori, Satsuki

Projects: Norio Yamakawa (TV Tokyo), Takuya Iwasaki (ILCA)

Producers: Tomoshi Umezu (TV Tokyo), Akira Funada

Animation collaboration: yell DRAWIZ

Animation: ILCA

Production: Production Committee of "Dark Zhiju"

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