
Thrilling! It took Betbiev two weighing times to finally pass and will face Brown tomorrow

On the morning of December 17, 2021, Beijing time, at the weighing ceremony held at the Bell Center in Montreal, Canada, the only world boxing champion in the professional boxing world who maintains a knockout rate of 100%, the current IBF, WBC light heavyweight world boxing champion Artur Beitbiev, has been weighed twice, and finally passed the thrill.

Thrilling! It took Betbiev two weighing times to finally pass and will face Brown tomorrow

Tomorrow, he will compete with his forced challenger, 2012 U.S. Olympic Athlete Marcus Brown, for the lightweight World Boxing Champion, which will be broadcast live on ESPN+ in the United States.

During the morning weighing ceremony, Artur Bettbiyev exceeded the upper limit of the competition with 175.2 pounds in the first weigh-up, fortunately not much weight (the official requirement is 175 pounds), and after some negotiations, the organizers of the event agreed to give Artur Beitbiyev two hours to reduce weight.

Thrilling! It took Betbiev two weighing times to finally pass and will face Brown tomorrow

As a mandatory challenger for the WBC World Boxing Title in Artur Batebiyev's hand, Marcus Brown passed more smoothly in the weigh-up, passing in one go with a weight of 174.6 pounds.

Perhaps because of some concern about the weight reduction that followed, Artur Bettbiyev remained silent after the weighing ceremony, and even in the subsequent confrontation session, in the face of the aggressive Marcus Brown, Artur Bettbiev's reaction was somewhat perfunctory. The two sides simply stared at each other in close proximity, without any physical contact.

Thrilling! It took Betbiev two weighing times to finally pass and will face Brown tomorrow

After the weighing ceremony, Artur Beitbiyev began exercising weight reduction under the supervision of Marcus Brown team members and boarded the scale again two hours later. This time Artur Bettbiyev weighed and was able to participate in tomorrow's race.

Born in Russia, Artur Beitbiyev is known as the "Russian Tyson" and has maintained an impressive record of 16 ko wins in 16 games in his career. In October 2019, in the World Championships United In Philadelphia, Artur Beitbiyev played a game that should have been evenly matched on one side, and he easily KOWBC light heavyweight world champion Olek Sandel Głozdik, who remained unbeaten at the time, and won the WBC and IBF two light heavyweight world championship gold belts. It was also such a one-sided defeat that discouraged Oleksandr Gwozdik, who had been very confident in his own strength, and announced his retirement directly after the game.

Thrilling! It took Betbiev two weighing times to finally pass and will face Brown tomorrow

Compared with Artur Batbiyev's record, his opponent, Marcus Brown from the United States, is worse in terms of performance. Although Marcus Brown was selected for the U.S. boxing national team, marcus Brown did not achieve much for the United States in international competitions.

Thrilling! It took Betbiev two weighing times to finally pass and will face Brown tomorrow

After entering the professional boxing world, Marcus Brown's highest title was only the WBC light heavyweight World Champion Silver Belt and the WBA Light Heavyweight World Transitional Champion Gold Belt. However, in the match held on August 3, 2019, Marcus Brown, who was a big hit before the match, was seriously injured by the light heavyweight veteran and Canadian veteran Jean Pascal in the game and had to withdraw from the game (knocked down once in the fourth round, knocked down twice in the seventh round, and bleeding from the left eye injury in the eighth round). Therefore, before this game, the outside world is unanimously optimistic about Artur Beitbiev, thinking that he will reproduce the KO stunt in the game and easily win the game.

Thrilling! It took Betbiev two weighing times to finally pass and will face Brown tomorrow

Today, Artur Bettbiev was nearly overweight during the weighing ceremony, which seems to indicate that Artur Bettbiev wants to maximize his strength advantage in tomorrow's game.

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