
Foreigners in China are shocked that there are toilets in Chinese subway stations? Isn't this universal unity?

author:See Yun Shuxuan

Walking into China, dumbfounded. This may be the true feeling of many foreigners after coming to China. Perhaps for them, the first impression of China is like a mysterious door that blocks all surprises behind it. When this door is quietly opened, foreigners will find that China is no longer the backward country that they portrayed in the Western media.

Foreigners in China are shocked that there are toilets in Chinese subway stations? Isn't this universal unity?

Recently, a short video of an American travel blogger experiencing a restroom in a Chinese subway station for the first time went viral on Tiktok. The American blogger named "Jax" looked surprised and said in front of the camera: "This is unbelievable! (It's hard to believe)" It turned out that he had the impression that China's public facilities should be relatively rudimentary.

Who would have thought that the toilets in this subway station are so modern and humane, even surpassing the level of the United States. This is undoubtedly a huge shock to his perception. Jax's video quickly sparked a global backlash as soon as it was released. Countless netizens said in the comment area that they were also surprised by the progress of China's public facilities.

Foreigners in China are shocked that there are toilets in Chinese subway stations? Isn't this universal unity?

For a while, "Chinese toilets" became a hot topic, and Chinese and foreign netizens resonated in this wave of "Chinese-style surprises". Actually, Jax's video is just the tip of the iceberg. In recent years, in many public places such as China's high-speed railways, subways, and airports, we can see all aspects of advanced facilities and sophisticated services.

These measures to improve the quality of public facilities are a reflection of China's people-oriented and people's livelihood-oriented development philosophy. It allows foreigners to see the real China, and also allows Chinese people to feel the rapid changes of the motherland. Public facilities are directly related to the safety and happiness of the people. It is not only the epitome of national strength and people's livelihood, but also a symbol of the degree of civilization of the city.

Foreigners in China are shocked that there are toilets in Chinese subway stations? Isn't this universal unity?

From the small things like the toilets in the subway stations, we can see that China continues to invest in and improve public facilities, which also has important reference significance for other countries. Jax's video has sparked a wave of reflection, making people re-examine the meaning of "developed" and forming a new standard for judging the quality of public facilities in various countries.

For the blogger Jax's exclamation, the editor would like to say: This is not only the result of the improvement of material life, but also shows the process of a great country's continuous evolution into a modern civilized society. The government will do what the people need, which is a true portrayal of the modernization of China's governance system and governance capacity in the new era.

Foreigners in China are shocked that there are toilets in Chinese subway stations? Isn't this universal unity?

When it comes to the restroom, seemingly small places often reflect huge improvements. It is believed that on the road of continuously improving people's livelihood, China will go further and more stable, and the sense of gain and glory of the Chinese people will become stronger and stronger. Looking forward to the next surprise in the construction of China's public facilities, it will also allow the world to appreciate more of China's speed and the new look of Chinese-style service.

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