
Telica 22 Episode Preview: Eternal Core is about to appear, and Hitram is finally leaving!

Ultragar Ultraman welcomed the two demons of green and red this week, and it is precisely because of this that Ignis incarnated as a righteous hero for debut. I have to say that this week's transformation of the little black house is really quite handsome, and Ignatis can finally control the power of the dark Triga. And towards the end of the story, there is a new twist, because Ignati directly incarnated as the Dark Triga and stole the name, and the history is always strikingly similar. At first, Carmila and her party were also taken away by the Dark Triga, but this time the Position of the Dark Triga was different from the past.

Telica 22 Episode Preview: Eternal Core is about to appear, and Hitram is finally leaving!

For Ignatis, he always had only one goal, and that was to complete his revenge. Hitram had destroyed Ignatius's homeland and his people, so for Ignis to regain his strength, he needed a chance to fight Hitler. There is no doubt that having Yusari will be the most important bait, the most important thing for Hitram now is the power of the Eternal Core, and if there is not enough power, even if Ignatis does not take revenge on himself, Carmira will not allow herself to continue to live.

Telica 22 Episode Preview: Eternal Core is about to appear, and Hitram is finally leaving!

Even later in the story, Telgar maintains the lineup of monsters and dark giants. In the story of 22 episodes, we also see the appearance of the mechanical Musashi god, who once appeared as a ghost in Obu Ultraman, and the holster was transformed from the same holster. If nothing else, it should be the main combat power that Hitram used to involve Sword Goku, because in the face of the combination of Ignis and Sword Goku, Hitram can be said to have no chance of winning.

Telica 22 Episode Preview: Eternal Core is about to appear, and Hitram is finally leaving!

It is precisely because of this that we finally see a showdown between old enemies again. Hitram is arguably the most detrimental of the Dark Trio, and has longed for the power of the Eternal Core. When Hitram was resurrected early, he planned to swallow this power alone, but unfortunately he did not find Yusari. Instead, he made one of the worst choices in his life, that is, to destroy Ignis's hometown and let Ignis start his own path of revenge. This time Hitram's exit is inseparable from his own death behavior, which can only be said to be self-inflicted.

Telica 22 Episode Preview: Eternal Core is about to appear, and Hitram is finally leaving!

The most surprising thing in the trailer is the appearance of the Eternal Core, and so far we don't know exactly what the Eternal Core is. Yusari has only said that the Eternal Core has the power to create the universe, but it does not show its full picture in the play. Sword Goku only gained a part of the power to transform into the Shining Eternal Triga, if it was in its full form, this power should be even more terrifying, and it is precisely because of this that people are even more looking forward to the eternal core of the present world!

Telica 22 Episode Preview: Eternal Core is about to appear, and Hitram is finally leaving!

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