
The first hospital directly under the National Health Commission was opened in the Beijing City Sub-Center

Peking University People's Hospital Tongzhou Branch officially opened on the 18th, becoming the first hospital directly under the National Health Commission to open clinics in the beijing urban sub-center.

It is reported that in order to cooperate with the construction of Beijing's urban sub-center, Peking University People's Hospital has cooperated with the Tongzhou District People's Government of Beijing since 2017 to set up the Tongzhou Branch of Peking University People's Hospital in Yixian Town, covering an area of 147 acres, with a construction area of 119,000 square meters, 800 beds, and a daily outpatient capacity of 4,000 person-times.

The first hospital directly under the National Health Commission was opened in the Beijing City Sub-Center

Peking University People's Hospital Tongzhou Branch officially opened on December 18. (Courtesy of the interviewee)

In September 2019, the National Health Commission decided to set up the National Trauma Medical Center with Peking University People's Hospital as the main body. The Trauma Emergency Center of Tongzhou Branch of Peking University People's Hospital has an independent trauma resuscitation unit, trauma ward, intensive care unit, and has a perfect organizational structure and fixed medical personnel with related professions.

According to reports, the southwest side of the Tongzhou Branch of Peking University People's Hospital has a ground apron with a diameter of 30 meters, which is built according to the highest load-bearing standards for helicopter emergency rescue, and it is planned to establish a trauma treatment circle with a radius of 500 kilometers covering Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.

It is reported that "more information runs, less patients run" has been realized in different hospitals of Peking University People's Hospital. If you visit any branch of Peking University People's Hospital, you can share data such as medical card, medical record information, and examination results to ensure that patients have a smooth medical experience.

Peking University People's Hospital Tongzhou Branch features trauma emergency treatment, obstetrics and gynecology, oncology, research wards, and general medicine. According to the hospital, patients can make an appointment through the Peking University People's Hospital App, the 114 platform, the hospital self-service registration machine and other ways. (Reporter Lin Miaomiao)

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