
How to make sweet and sour tenderloin is delicious, share these tips to teach you how to make it, the outside is tender on the outside

author:First cuisine

Hello everyone, I am the first gourmet Ah Fei, every day there are several dishes to share with you, pay attention to take you to appreciate the taste of the tongue of the world.

Sweet and sour tenderloin is one of the traditional chinese dishes, the dish is tender on the outside, sweet and sour, is a good hospitality dish, today I will share with you the steps of making this dish, there are friends who like to try to make it.

How to make sweet and sour tenderloin is delicious, share these tips to teach you how to make it, the outside is tender on the outside

Ingredients: Pork tenderloin

Accessories: garlic, shallot white, cornmeal, starch

Seasoning: salt, cooking wine, tomato sauce, white vinegar, sugar

1. Prepare the ingredients below

Prepare a piece of pork tenderloin, first cut off the fascia, then cut the tenderloin into thick slices, then cut into strips, put it in water, wash it and fish it out, squeeze out the water and put it into the basin.

How to make sweet and sour tenderloin is delicious, share these tips to teach you how to make it, the outside is tender on the outside

2. Start marinating below

Add 2 grams of salt to the pot, 5 grams of cooking wine to remove fishy, grasp and mix well, and marinate for 20 minutes to give the meat a taste.

How to make sweet and sour tenderloin is delicious, share these tips to teach you how to make it, the outside is tender on the outside

Tip 1: Prepare another pot, add a spoonful of cornmeal, a small spoon of starch, the ratio of cornmeal to starch is 2:1, add 10 grams of vegetable oil, vegetable oil can make the fried tenderloin taste more crisp, pour a little water, stir into a batter that can be brushed and set aside.

How to make sweet and sour tenderloin is delicious, share these tips to teach you how to make it, the outside is tender on the outside

The marinated shredded meat is pressed into a fence to squeeze out the water, put into the mixed batter, and the surface of the shredded meat is evenly wrapped in the paste.

How to make sweet and sour tenderloin is delicious, share these tips to teach you how to make it, the outside is tender on the outside

3. Prepare the excipients below

Prepare a few garlic grains, pat them apart and cut into minced garlic for later.

Prepare a white shallot and cut into shallot rings and set aside.

How to make sweet and sour tenderloin is delicious, share these tips to teach you how to make it, the outside is tender on the outside

4. Start mixing the sweet and sour sauce below

Tip 2: Stir in a pot of 15 grams of tomato paste, 15 grams of white vinegar, and 20 grams of sugar to set aside.

How to make sweet and sour tenderloin is delicious, share these tips to teach you how to make it, the outside is tender on the outside

5. Let's fry the tenderloin

When the oil temperature is 50% hot, the oil surface is slightly smokey, and the tenderloin wrapped in paste is put into the pot one by one, which can prevent the tenderloin from sticking.

How to make sweet and sour tenderloin is delicious, share these tips to teach you how to make it, the outside is tender on the outside

After the shredded meat is set, start the pot or turn on the low heat, continue to shredded meat, the purpose of this step is to make the tenderloin raw and cooked, the color is consistent, keep the heat on low and fry for 1 minute, and fish out when the surface of the tenderloin is slightly yellow.

How to make sweet and sour tenderloin is delicious, share these tips to teach you how to make it, the outside is tender on the outside

Tip 3: Raise the oil temperature to 60% heat, pour the tenderloin into the pan and fry for 20 seconds to remove the oil control, and the tenderloin meat after re-frying is more brown and crispy.

How to make sweet and sour tenderloin is delicious, share these tips to teach you how to make it, the outside is tender on the outside

6. Start cooking below

Leave the bottom oil in the pot, after the oil is hot, pour in the onion, garlic, stir-fry out the aroma, pour a little water from the side of the pot, pour in the mixed sweet and sour sauce, after the sweet and sour juice is boiled, add 1 gram of salt into the bottom flavor, pour a little water starch, water starch can increase the concentration of sweet and sour juice, so that the sweet and sour sauce is better wrapped on the surface of the tenderloin.

How to make sweet and sour tenderloin is delicious, share these tips to teach you how to make it, the outside is tender on the outside

Turn on high heat to collect the sweet and sour sauce until it is thick and frothy, pour in the oil-controlled tenderloin, quickly stir-fry the tenderloin to color the tenderloin, turn well and then come out of the pot.

How to make sweet and sour tenderloin is delicious, share these tips to teach you how to make it, the outside is tender on the outside

Place the tenderloin on a plate, sprinkle with a little green onion, and garnish with white sesame seeds.

How to make sweet and sour tenderloin is delicious, share these tips to teach you how to make it, the outside is tender on the outside

Well, a sweet and sour sweet and sour tenderloin is ready.

How to make sweet and sour tenderloin is delicious, share these tips to teach you how to make it, the outside is tender on the outside

Pay attention to Ah Fei, there are simple and practical dishes for your reference every day

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