
Love him and make soup for him! Love yourself more to replenish the kidneys, come to bowl "Cordyceps Stewed Bullwhip"

author:Foodie Li Daming

Modern society is fast-paced, busy and stressful. More and more people are physically overwhelmed, especially men. It is said that "ten men and nine are false", good health is the capital of the revolution, do not dialyze the body in order to make money. The most tragic thing is that the money is not earned, and I am sick! Of course, few people will pay too much attention to these, so we don't have to earn money to support doctors, and it is more important to have a good body at the same time when making money! For a female friend, the best way to care about a man is to care about both his body and his stomach; what better medicine than food supplements? It is said that it is a three-point poison of medicine, so we must take less medicine, drink more soup, and use food supplements to raise our bodies well and raise healthier!

Love him and make soup for him! Love yourself more to replenish the kidneys, come to bowl "Cordyceps Stewed Bullwhip"

Production time: 160 minutes

Serving Size: 3 to 4 servings

Production materials:

Bullwhip............... 400 g,

Beef broth............ 200 ml,

Chinese wolfberry.................. 5 g,

(Ginger slices, green onions, cordyceps)


(2 g salt, 3 g chicken powder, cooking wine to taste)

Love him and make soup for him! Love yourself more to replenish the kidneys, come to bowl "Cordyceps Stewed Bullwhip"

Preparation Method:

1. Fill a casserole dish with water, add ginger slices, beef whip, drizzle with cooking wine, cover and cook for 30 minutes on high heat

After that, fish out the bullwhip.

2. Cut the cool ox whip into sections, put it into a stew cup, add ginger slices, green onion and goji berries.

3. Pour in the beef broth, add cordyceps, add cooking wine, salt and chicken powder, mix well, cover and set aside.

4. Bring some water to a boil in a steamer and add to a stew bowl.

5. Cover and simmer for 2 hours on high heat until the ingredients are ready to simmer.

6. Uncover and remove the stew cup.

7. Uncover the lid of the stew cup.

Love him and make soup for him! Love yourself more to replenish the kidneys, come to bowl "Cordyceps Stewed Bullwhip"

Food Science Popularization:

Cordyceps sinensis tonify the kidneys and nourish the yin, improve qi and blood, with aphrodisiac bull whip, kidney aphrodisiac, strong lumbar spine, yijing tonic, especially suitable for men to eat.

Love him and make soup for him! Love yourself more to replenish the kidneys, come to bowl "Cordyceps Stewed Bullwhip"

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