
Bullwhip do not waste, bullwhip soup is not good, go fishy is very critical

author:Food chat

#"Flash hour" theme essay issue 2 #

Text/Ah Hong

The next recommended dish is a bit hot, so be mentally prepared. This is a tonic soup, the raw material is ox whip, so with the flow called "chrysanthemum cow whip soup" is a very complementary dish, it can be said that men drink the golden gun does not fall, women drink supplemental collagen. Serious chrysanthemum beef whip soup, kidney solid yang has nutrition, who drinks who knows!

Bullwhip do not waste, bullwhip soup is not good, go fishy is very critical

We start with the bull whip, there may be many people have a misunderstanding of the bull whip, many families in the bull whip when the woman rarely eats, and do not let the child move the chopsticks, saying that this is a man's patent. In fact, it is not, although the bull whip is said to be a sacred product for men to supplement kidneys and yang, but its composition is mainly rich in protein, fat and other substances, which contain male hormones to play a role in tonifying kidneys and yang. But the main thing is to enhance the body's resistance and immunity, and supplement the nutrients needed by the human body. Moreover, the collagen in the bullwhip is very good for women, in addition to being a common dish for women, but it is still good for women with cold.

Bullwhip do not waste, bullwhip soup is not good, go fishy is very critical

Can only say that female friends do not eat, but as a male tonic soup to say that women eat a bit wasteful, there is no need to eat too much yang food, after all, collagen can eat a pig's trotter to get it, bull whip so expensive or left to their own male gods.

Although the bullwhip is good, it is not handled well, so how to deal with it is indeed the key. For the bullwhip, the main fishy smell comes from the internal ureter, which is the key, and you must find a way to get rid of it, otherwise you will definitely be suspicious of life in one bite. Generally speaking, we blanch the water first, blanch the water and then use a kitchen knife to cut the bull whip in half from the middle, and then tear it off by hand, and then wash it again.

Bullwhip do not waste, bullwhip soup is not good, go fishy is very critical

In order to enhance the tonic effect of the soup, it is necessary to add some ginseng and angelica into it, the effect is obvious, one to increase the tonic, and the other will make the beef whip soup more delicious. If you can, you can order goji berries and dates. Party ginseng and angelica buy the kind that has not been sulfide, so that it is healthy. As an ingredient, it is best to use pure natural yin dried ginseng and angelica, normal ginseng is black, because the color of the soil soil where the ginseng is grown is generally black, and the golden smell is generally problematic.

Bullwhip do not waste, bullwhip soup is not good, go fishy is very critical

The following is a specific dish, while making it, I will tell you the details

Chrysanthemum bull whip soup, go fishy step in place, serious soup who and who benefits!

Chrysanthemum beef whip soup

Ingredients: 1 beef whip (including beef eggs), dang ginseng, a small amount of angelica, tea tree mushrooms, red dates, goji berries, green onions, ginger, dried peppercorns, salt, chicken essence.

1. Blanch the peeled beef whip into the water, add ginger slices, green onion and cooking wine together, and cook for 5 minutes to fish out.

Bullwhip do not waste, bullwhip soup is not good, go fishy is very critical

Second, use a knife to divide the bull whip in two, and then cut in the middle, be sure to cut carefully to avoid hurting the hand.

Bullwhip do not waste, bullwhip soup is not good, go fishy is very critical

Cut open and tear off the middle part by hand and rinse it. Finally, use scissors to beat the bull whip on the thick side of the meat, about 7 to 8 knives after cutting a section, so that all cut.

Bullwhip do not waste, bullwhip soup is not good, go fishy is very critical

The chrysanthemums of the so-called chrysanthemum cow whip soup are stewed after this flower into a chrysanthemum shape, which is very beautiful.

Bullwhip do not waste, bullwhip soup is not good, go fishy is very critical

Third, put the processed beef whip and beef eggs together in the soup pot, pour more water, because it is necessary to boil for 2 to 3 hours, under the green onion knot, ginger slices and dried peppercorns, and then bring to a boil on high heat, turn to medium-low heat and simmer for 2 hours.

Bullwhip do not waste, bullwhip soup is not good, go fishy is very critical

Fourth, wash the ginseng and angelica from the dust and cut into small particles; the tea tree mushrooms should be washed directly.

Bullwhip do not waste, bullwhip soup is not good, go fishy is very critical

Fifth, after stewing, first fish out the beef egg to cool the hand, cut four cloves, and then tear off the skin of the appearance and throw it away, this can only be the exclusive use of men, but remember.

Bullwhip do not waste, bullwhip soup is not good, go fishy is very critical

6. Put the cut ginseng and angelica, tea tree mushrooms, goji berries, red dates, and beef eggs all into the soup, continue to simmer for about 45 minutes, season the salt, and stew the chicken essence for 5 minutes.

Bullwhip do not waste, bullwhip soup is not good, go fishy is very critical

Garnish with green onions or coriander can be drizzled with a little cooked oil, mainly for good looks, because the whole soup looks like there is no oil at all, making people have no appetite.

Bullwhip do not waste, bullwhip soup is not good, go fishy is very critical

A large bowl of chrysanthemum beef whip soup is completed, the bull whip is like a chrysanthemum blooming, very beautiful, the soup is delicious and transparent, no matter what season comes to such a bowl, the effect who drinks who knows.

Although the beef whip soup is good, but eat at most one a day, do not be greedy, otherwise it is very troublesome.

Nostalgia is a kind of taste longing, let us interpret the long-hidden nostalgia with deep affection!

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