
Qianlong as an emperor can live a long life, in addition to his usual love of health, he died at the age of 89

In the feudal dynasty, many heroes Haojie are fighting for an imperial throne, although the emperor has the greatest power in the world and unlimited scenery, but this position carries extremely high risks. According to statistics, the average age of those emperors in ancient times was not more than 40 years old, and there were only a few who were over 70 years old. However, there is a special case, the emperor ascended the throne at the age of 25 and reigned for 60 years. He also served as Emperor Taishang for more than three years. He didn't die until he was 89 years old. He was the emperor who lived the longest in Chinese history. The emperor was Qianlong. In ancient times, we all know that the medical level is relatively backward, and the emperor still has to take care of every opportunity, which is a high-risk occupation, why can Qianlong live so long? More than any other emperor?

Qianlong as an emperor can live a long life, in addition to his usual love of health, he died at the age of 89

Through historical information, we know that Qianlong not only lived a long life, but also politically, the country was prosperous, the people were healthy, and the world was peaceful during Qianlong's reign. In terms of diet, Qianlong is also more exquisite, the diet is light, the main eating is still vegetables, for meat is relatively less to eat, but vegetables are also made out of a lot of tricks, excellent in the profession, eating rice will naturally be in a happy mood to eat more, and sometimes drink a few glasses of health wine when eating.

Qianlong as an emperor can live a long life, in addition to his usual love of health, he died at the age of 89

Although Qianlong is busy, but exercise is also indispensable, he likes to ride archery since he was a child, and once showed his skills in archery competitions held by the royal family many times on the summer resort. After becoming emperor, he took riding and shooting as an entertainment. When Qianlong was eighty years old, he also set out to participate in hunting, riding horses and shooting arrows, which was a simple exercise for him who was often busy with the affairs of the imperial court. Moreover, Qianlong loves "travel". He also went down to Jiangnan six times, visited Wutai Mountain many times, and toured his Jiangshan again. In this way, visiting these wide and quiet places in the wild a lot makes him feel relaxed and happy, which is of great benefit to Qianlong's physical and mental health.

Qianlong as an emperor can live a long life, in addition to his usual love of health, he died at the age of 89

Finally, although the emperor's harem is generally three thousand beautiful women, Qianlong is no exception, but many emperors have to find fresh concubines to serve every day, so that the emperor's body is extremely easy to eat. However, Qianlong did not particularly like to contact the harem more, but he was very concerned about his mother, so he did not pay much attention to the troubles of the harem women, so naturally there was a lot less of a heart.

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