
Why did Kangxi and Qianlong live long? They never touched a single "thing", and many emperors couldn't do it

author:Fans of history

The Kangxi Emperor of the Qing Dynasty, the longest-reigning emperor in mainland history, lived to be 69 years old.

Kangxi's grandson, Emperor Qianlong, was the longest-lived emperor in mainland history, and he lived to be 89 years old.

Why did these two grandson emperors live so long? What's the secret?

Why did Kangxi and Qianlong live long? They never touched a single "thing", and many emperors couldn't do it

Diet is important

At all times, most people want to live a long life.

When we are old, when we look at our own family, our grandchildren's children around us, they are happy and at the same time they think about how many years are left in this time.

The final outcome of a person's life is destined to die, and no one can escape that hurdle.

Why did Kangxi and Qianlong live long? They never touched a single "thing", and many emperors couldn't do it

The only thing we can do is to try to live as long as possible, and only then can we spend more time with our children.

Generally speaking, as long as manpower can do it, then such things are generally easy to do, because we humans can control it, so it is still possible for us to work hard, and longevity is one of them.

Why did Kangxi and Qianlong live long? They never touched a single "thing", and many emperors couldn't do it

Presumably, there are many people who think that ancient emperors generally lived a long life, because they thought they ate well, so it was like this, but this is not the case.

To give a very vivid example, in the era when we are so rich in products and can eat enough, how many old people have you seen weighing more than 170 pounds?

Why did Kangxi and Qianlong live long? They never touched a single "thing", and many emperors couldn't do it

Generally speaking, the lifespan of fat people is generally short, especially in our society, so the first point of Kangxi and Qianlong's longevity is in diet.

According to the research of historians, these two emperors generally rarely eat meat, and they usually prefer to eat light food, such as Kangxi, and their favorite is green food such as cereals.

Why did Kangxi and Qianlong live long? They never touched a single "thing", and many emperors couldn't do it

The reason why we advocate eating green food now is naturally because it is good for our human body.

As for meat products or something, it's not that you can't eat it, but try to eat as little as possible, especially at night when you're not busy, if you still eat meat and go to bed after eating, it's definitely not okay.

You are asleep, but the other organs in your body are still working.

Why did Kangxi and Qianlong live long? They never touched a single "thing", and many emperors couldn't do it

If you are resting and still don't let your family rest, you will naturally not live long in this case.

Nowadays, we have become such a social phenomenon, most people generally eat and drink at night, which is really not good for physical health.

So once again, I would like to remind everyone: "Although doctors can rejuvenate and save people, they can't do anything about many diseases." ”

Why did Kangxi and Qianlong live long? They never touched a single "thing", and many emperors couldn't do it

If you want to live longer, you first have to keep your mouth shut.

The emperors of the Qing Dynasty could not say that they ate poorly, and there were all kinds of delicacies and delicacies on the table every day, but Kangxi and Qianlong could control their mouths, which is the self-discipline we should learn.

Why did Kangxi and Qianlong live long? They never touched a single "thing", and many emperors couldn't do it

Regarding Kangxi's health preservation, historians have also summed up many other important details.

Regardless of ancient and modern times, smoking and drinking are common phenomena in society. Kangxi's biggest objection is smoking, because he feels that smoking is not good for our human body.

We have to agree that smoking is basically a bad thing.

Why did Kangxi and Qianlong live long? They never touched a single "thing", and many emperors couldn't do it

In stark contrast, it is drinking, Kangxi is not against drinking, but he hates the kind of people who are greedy for cups.

From a medical point of view, it is still good for the body to drink a little less alcohol every day, and if there is a condition, you can also brew some medicinal wine.

Kangxi basically drinks a cup every day when he eats, and never drinks too much, because drinking too much is not good for the body.

Why did Kangxi and Qianlong live long? They never touched a single "thing", and many emperors couldn't do it

Then Kangxi pays attention to the fact that he must love cleanliness, but he must not have a habit of cleanliness.

Although bacteria are harmful to the human body, some are still relatively friendly to us.

In Kangxi's view, the freshness brought by a clean environment will also make people live longer, which is also very reasonable.

Why did Kangxi and Qianlong live long? They never touched a single "thing", and many emperors couldn't do it

Finally, it is a very difficult point, Kangxi suggested that you must be broad-minded and never rash.

Anger is very damaging to the human body, so people who are often prone to anger generally have a short lifespan.

Therefore, Kangxi thinks that we can try to maintain a calm state every day and look at everything with a normal heart, and we can also live a long life.

Why did Kangxi and Qianlong live long? They never touched a single "thing", and many emperors couldn't do it

Other tips

I have to say that even if Kangxi's health regimen is put in our modern times, it still has high reference value.

The secret of the longevity of these two emperors is related to the ancestral teachings of the Qing Dynasty.

When the princes were young, they had a strict study curriculum, including horseback riding and archery, which can be regarded as a combination of work and rest.

Why did Kangxi and Qianlong live long? They never touched a single "thing", and many emperors couldn't do it

As the saying goes, "The body is the capital of the revolution." "If you don't have a healthy body, how can you talk about longevity?

We pay attention to the all-round development of "morality, intelligence, physical fitness, art and labor", so it would be great if we could spare a little time to exercise.

Exercise is not only about having a strong body, it also helps our body to get rid of toxins smoothly.

Why did Kangxi and Qianlong live long? They never touched a single "thing", and many emperors couldn't do it

Some people are prone to illness because the toxins in the body cannot be eliminated in time.

One of the easiest ways to detox is to sweat, especially in the summer, when it's a good time for us to detox.

Therefore, it is best not to stay in the air-conditioned room every day and not go out, it is time to sweat a little, and the body can't stand it if you keep blowing the air conditioner or something.

Why did Kangxi and Qianlong live long? They never touched a single "thing", and many emperors couldn't do it

It is said that when Kangxi and Qianlong usually had free time, they would take the princes out hunting, which could not only strengthen their bodies, but also temper their will.

After all, you don't have to ride a horse all the time, sometimes you have to come down on foot, or climb a mountain or something.

As it turns out, getting out and about is nothing bad.

Why did Kangxi and Qianlong live long? They never touched a single "thing", and many emperors couldn't do it

Both Kangxi and Qianlong have done a good job in these aspects, which leads to a new question: "Under similar conditions, why does Qianlong live 20 years longer than Kangxi?" ”

One of the undoubted points has a lot to do with the biological parents, mainly the mother.

Why did Kangxi and Qianlong live long? They never touched a single "thing", and many emperors couldn't do it

Kangxi's biological mother died at the age of 24, and Qianlong's mother lived to be 86 years old.

Therefore, the reason why Qianlong lived a long life should be thanks to his mother's blessing.

In addition, there is a very important point, Qianlong is not sensitive to beauties, but Kangxi is not.

Why did Kangxi and Qianlong live long? They never touched a single "thing", and many emperors couldn't do it

Qianlong had a total of 27 children in his life, on the other hand, Kangxi, there were 20 daughters alone, and 35 sons plus those who died young.

Kangxi has many children, twice as many as Qianlong.

Ancient emperors had three palaces and six courts, and Kangxi was no exception, with many concubines. When he chooses a concubine, the first thing he values is the appearance of the other party, and he doesn't care about the background or anything.

Why did Kangxi and Qianlong live long? They never touched a single "thing", and many emperors couldn't do it

According to statistics, Kangxi has a total of 4 queens, as well as 81 concubines and promises, all of which are famous, which means that many of them are still nameless.

If you say so, Kangxi's concubines and children should be more than that, only more.

Actually, it's not a big deal, it's normal for men to love beautiful women.

Why did Kangxi and Qianlong live long? They never touched a single "thing", and many emperors couldn't do it

If you don't control the beauty of the world, it will also have a great impact on your lifespan. If Kangxi's children are less than half, it is estimated that he should live to 80.

Some people think that Kangxi living to the age of 69 is not a long life, but in fact, in their society, it is already good.

Why did Kangxi and Qianlong live long? They never touched a single "thing", and many emperors couldn't do it

Something that is not touched

Although the Qing Dynasty was the closest feudal dynasty to our modern times, our current medical conditions were not comparable to those of their time.

At that time, everyone was afraid of a virus called smallpox, which was completely eradicated in the 80s of the last century, and of course, there are still very few samples in some places.

Why did Kangxi and Qianlong live long? They never touched a single "thing", and many emperors couldn't do it

So Kangxi still has a long life, but in front of his grandson, it is indeed a little bleak.

In the end, the secret of Kangxi and Qianlong's longevity is related to the thing mentioned at the beginning, what is it? Elixir of life.

Even in modern times, some people want to pursue this kind of thing, but no matter what time, this kind of thing will not appear, because it does not conform to the laws of our world.

Why did Kangxi and Qianlong live long? They never touched a single "thing", and many emperors couldn't do it

As we all know, Kangxi's son and Qianlong's father Yongzheng died relatively early, and he was 58 years old when he died.

In fact, Yongzheng's age was okay at that time, and the reason why he didn't live as long as his father and son was because he once pursued the elixir of life.

Why did Kangxi and Qianlong live long? They never touched a single "thing", and many emperors couldn't do it

Generally, emperors who pursue this kind of thing will take pills.

As the saying goes, "If it is medicine, it is poisonous." "And the pills refined in ancient times are more toxic, so Emperor Yongzheng should have been killed by this thing.

It is precisely because of the lessons of the past that Qianlong did not pursue this kind of thing.

Why did Kangxi and Qianlong live long? They never touched a single "thing", and many emperors couldn't do it

As the Kangxi Emperor who understands health, he naturally has never touched it.

Kangxi lives very clearly, he knows very well that death is a very natural process, and since he can't avoid it, he can only follow the trend.

Throughout the history of the mainland, there are so many emperors who have pursued this kind of thing, and most of them are Ming monarchs, such as Qin Shi Huang, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and Li Shimin, Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Why did Kangxi and Qianlong live long? They never touched a single "thing", and many emperors couldn't do it

In fact, it is understandable that they have this kind of thought, after all, the pursuit of this is actually unbearable to leave such a wonderful world. They have been legends all their lives, and it's normal to have such an experience, and it's so nostalgic.

The idea is the same as Kangxi, that is, Emperor Wen of Han, the founder of the rule of Wenjing in the Han Dynasty.

Why did Kangxi and Qianlong live long? They never touched a single "thing", and many emperors couldn't do it

It is rare to have such an awareness at such an early age.

Thinking about it this way, I don't quite understand why Yongzheng wants to pursue immortality, is it because he feels that there are not enough lessons from the past? Or do you feel that the lessons from the past are all fake?

Therefore, Yongzheng's pursuit of pills is indeed too irrational, and it is estimated that he is too good at governing the country and his brain is not enough.

Why did Kangxi and Qianlong live long? They never touched a single "thing", and many emperors couldn't do it

If Yongzheng didn't pursue the elixir of longevity, it is estimated that he would be able to live to be about 70 years old.

Yongzheng also has a problem that he has basically not gone out since he became the emperor, unlike Kangxi and Qianlong, who often go out to exercise.

During the more than ten years of Emperor Yongzheng, he basically worked every day, and only rested when he encountered special festivals.

Why did Kangxi and Qianlong live long? They never touched a single "thing", and many emperors couldn't do it

This is not good, even if you are busy, you should take some time to go outside for a walk, and it is also very good to change your mood.

The secret of Kangxi and Qianlong's longevity is, in general, to have a regular diet, time to exercise, moderation in private life, and not to pursue useless pills.

If you can do your best to do this, I wish everyone a long and long life!

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