
Four of the Whampoa female soldiers in this period were married to the marshal, and the other was the marshal's superior, and the two became major generals

History is not entirely written by men, it is true that in that feudal and decadent old society, women did not have the slightest autonomy, the women of that era did not have the so-called freedom, self-respect, naturally there is no way to love themselves, they can only go with the flow, live quietly.

But when the new cultural ideas spread to China, when the spring breeze of reform drifted to every corner of China, our lives are also slowly changing, those women with small feet are no longer restraining themselves, and those women who stay at home are chasing their dreams in society

... With the change of times, women can stand up to half the sky. On the battlefield, we also saw more and more women' figures.

They were also inspired by justice and joined the tide of revolution, to solve the people in the depths of the sea, to forge a whole bright and free country as their responsibility, and constantly fight on the battlefield.

Today, I mainly want to share with you the female soldiers of the Whampoa Military Academy.

Four of the Whampoa female soldiers in this period were married to the marshal, and the other was the marshal's superior, and the two became major generals

The Whampoa Military Academy has always been committed to training soldiers, and in the winter of 1926, the Whampoa Military Academy decided to recruit female soldiers for the first time. As soon as this announcement was issued, it caused a sensation, when young women everywhere were eager to try, and the number of applicants was surprising. Originally, the Whampoa Military Academy originally planned to enroll only 100 female students, but because the number of applicants was too large, after interviews, 195 people were finally admitted, of which 183 were actually enrolled. After a few months, with the inclusion of girls in the South Lake Cadet Corps, the number of female soldiers in the school expanded to 213. Most of the female trainees enrolled in this group are secondary or post-secondary.

Female trainees do not allow their eyebrows to be shaved

At a time when the nation was in danger, this group of female trainees did not let their eyebrows be raised, and it is funny to say that among this group of female trainees, the relationship is very complicated, some are mothers and daughters, some are sisters, and some are sisters-in-law, of which the majority are unmarried.

There is no doubt that this group of female cadets is the most beautiful landscape in China's modern military academies.

Of this group of female trainees, 4 later married the founding marshal. The four female students are: Zhang Ruihua, Zeng Xianzhi, Huang Jie and Wei Gongzhi. I want to share with you the character of Huang Jie.

Huang Jie

Huang Jie was born in Shuxiangmendi and graduated from Hubei Women's Normal School. After entering the Whampoa Military Academy, she studied hard, and after graduation, she rushed to the front line of the revolution. She was determined to serve the country, and it was also because she saw the severe situation in the country that she chose to abandon literature and martial arts. In July 19830,

Huang Jie and zeng Zhongsheng, the revolutionary hero of our party, are happily married, and it is worth mentioning that Zeng Zhongsheng is one of the 36 military experts in China.

Four of the Whampoa female soldiers in this period were married to the marshal, and the other was the marshal's superior, and the two became major generals

However, this happy life did not take long to come to an abrupt end, and after 5 years of marriage with Zeng Zhongsheng, Zeng Zhongsheng was unfortunately secretly killed by Zhang Guotao. The death of her husband made Huang Jie very sad, until he met the revolutionary youth Zheng Dejie, and it was also under the care of Zheng Dejie that Huang Jie walked out of the sad mood. Later, she married Zheng De, but happiness still did not take care of her, and the revolutionary young Zheng Dejie was unfortunately killed.

She began a life of being alone again, until she met Xu Xiangqian, Huang Jie once again opened her heart, in May 1946, Huang Jie and Xu Xiangqian married as a lifelong couple, Xu Xiangqian was also one of the later founding marshals.

Zhang Ruihua

A native of Xinyang, Henan, Zhang Ruihua graduated from Henan Xinyang Girls' Normal School, and during the Huangpu period, Zhang Ruihua was the squad leader of the girls' team, and after joining the revolution, she participated in the Guangzhou Uprising. Not long after, Zhang Ruihua was sent to Hong Kong by the organization to specialize in underground transportation. Zhang Ruihua also met his beloved Nie Rongzhen in Hong Kong, one of the founding marshals of our country.

When he first met Zhang Ruihua, Nie Rongzhen served as the secretary of the Military Commission of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee. The two men bonded in April 1928. The daughter of the two, Nie Li, is a female lieutenant general of the People's Liberation Army, who has served as deputy director and secretary general of the National Defense Science and Technology Committee, and it is worth mentioning that Nie Like is the world's first female lieutenant general, and her husband is a general.

Zeng Xianzhi, Dangerous Arch

Zeng Xianzhi is a descendant of the Zeng Guofan family, graduated from the Hunan Provincial First Girls' Normal School, and participated in the Guangzhou Uprising. In 1928, he married Ye Jianying, who was also one of the later founding marshals. But Zeng Xianzhi and Ye Jianying later divorced,

This woman is very remarkable, and has been the secretary of the prime minister's wife, Deng Yingchao, and Song Qingling. At the founding ceremony, Zeng Xianzhi helped Song Qingling to climb the Tiananmen Tower.

Four of the Whampoa female soldiers in this period were married to the marshal, and the other was the marshal's superior, and the two became major generals

Wei Gongzhi was a native of Xinyang, Henan, who participated in the Guangzhou Uprising and studied at the Ruyang Provincial Women's Normal School in Henan. In 1929, she received orders from the organization to study in the Soviet Union, when she was studying at sun yat-sen university in Moscow. Since returning home in 1931, he has been working for the party.

In 1937, he married ye Jianying, the future founding marshal, but this marriage did not last long. Wei Gongzhi married himself to a career and served as the secretary general of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee and many other positions.

Hu Yun

After talking about these four huangpu female soldiers who married the founding marshal, I would like to share with you a recognized sharpshooter in the revolutionary ranks, Hu Yun, who graduated from the Pingjiang Qiming Girls' Normal School and began to practice martial arts from an early age.

After the success of the Pingjiang Uprising, a Soviet government was formed, and Hu Yun was unanimously elected chairman

。 The well-known founding marshal Peng Dehuai also served as a committee member under Hu Yun. She was also the only female commander in the Red Army.

Four of the Whampoa female soldiers in this period were married to the marshal, and the other was the marshal's superior, and the two became major generals

During the Republic of China period, 7 women were awarded the rank of general by the National Government, and many of them were very controversial about Song Meiling, in fact, frankly speaking, in the War of Resistance Against Japan, Song Meiling's contribution to our country was very large. It is no exaggeration to say that Song Meiling contributed in the anti-Japanese period!

Four of the Whampoa female soldiers in this period were married to the marshal, and the other was the marshal's superior, and the two became major generals

She not only established the Chinese Air Force, but also conducted continuous diplomacy to help our country obtain advanced weapons. It is also because she got US aid, otherwise what would we do to fight Japan? So it is not surprising that Song Meiling awarded the rank of general.

Among the other six women who were awarded the rank of general, Hu Lanqi and Xie Bingying were also from the Whampoa Military Academy, and both of them were awarded the rank of major general, which shows that the Whampoa Military Academy is really capable.

Four of the Whampoa female soldiers in this period were married to the marshal, and the other was the marshal's superior, and the two became major generals

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