
He was the commander-in-chief of the Taxation Police Corps, fought in the War of Resistance Against Japan, and was disarmed by the French army after being defeated and retreated to Vietnam

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, a special "German Mechanic Division" unit was active on the battlefield, which was under the command of Song Ziwen and was originally just an irregular unit used for smuggling and taxation, but later under the vigorous management of Song Ziwen, it turned out to be an elite unit that even the Grade A regular army in the Kuomintang could not match. In the Battle of Songhu, this unit fought bloodily, bravely killed the enemy, suffered serious casualties, and finally had to retreat to the rear and accept the reorganization.

He was the commander-in-chief of the Taxation Police Corps, fought in the War of Resistance Against Japan, and was disarmed by the French army after being defeated and retreated to Vietnam

After Shanghai, Nanjing, and other places fell into the hands of the enemy, Huang Jie, who was then the commander-in-chief of the Taxation Police Corps, was co-opted by Gu Zhutong, commander of the Third Theater, and after leaving five thousand wounded soldiers in the hospital, he reorganized the remnants of the Taxation Police Corps into the 40th Division. After the outbreak of the Pacific War, in order to cooperate with the British army in the defense of Burma, the Kuomintang high-level established the Chinese Expeditionary Force, and reorganized the Tax Police Corps into the Army's new 38th Division, which was assigned to the ranks of the Expeditionary Force.

He was the commander-in-chief of the Taxation Police Corps, fought in the War of Resistance Against Japan, and was disarmed by the French army after being defeated and retreated to Vietnam

After the outbreak of the Battle of Lanfeng, the 14th Division of The 14th Division of TheOphile Xian'er went deep into the First Theater of Operations, chiang Kai-shek ordered Cheng Qian to completely annihilate the Tufeiyuan Division, and there were 6 armies in the First Theater at that time, totaling 120,000 people. But at this moment, an accident occurred, Gui Yongqing and Huang Jie, who were responsible for guarding Lanfeng and Shangqiu, abandoned the city and fled, causing the Tufeiyuan Division to successfully jump out of the encirclement circle and go away, and after the war, Huang Jie was transferred to the rear to take charge of military education and won the title of "Escape General".

He was the commander-in-chief of the Taxation Police Corps, fought in the War of Resistance Against Japan, and was disarmed by the French army after being defeated and retreated to Vietnam

At the end of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Huang Jie was reinstated by Chiang Kai-shek as commander-in-chief of the 11th Group Army and commander of the 6th Army, and led his troops into Western Yunnan, which was incorporated into the battle sequence of the Chinese Expeditionary Force and was responsible for the counter-offensive operations in Western Yunnan. After the Battle of Songshan, Huang Jie commanded four armies to capture Longling, Mangshi, And qicheng, completely eliminated the Japanese army that invaded western Yunnan, and entered Burma, continued to pursue the Japanese army, and finally met with the Chinese army stationed in India and the allied forces in Mangyou. After 8 months of bloody fighting, the battle finally defeated the 56th Division of the Japanese Invading Army at the cost of more than 48,000 casualties, and opened up the international communication line connecting Burma and India, which played a very important role in winning the material assistance of the Allies.

He was the commander-in-chief of the Taxation Police Corps, fought in the War of Resistance Against Japan, and was disarmed by the French army after being defeated and retreated to Vietnam

At the end of the Liberation War, in order to preserve its strength, the First Corps led by Huang Jie chose to "enter Vietnam on a false road and transfer back to Taiwan", and the reason that prompted him to make this decision was that we were allies with the French army and had fought against fascism together, and they would definitely not embarrass us. As a result, as soon as they stepped into Vietnamese territory, they were forcibly disarmed by the French troops stationed in Vietnam and sent to "concentration camps". In May 1953, due to pressure from the United States, the French army had to repatriate the remnants of the Nationalist First Corps, and after Huang Jie came to Taiwan, he was immediately promoted by Chiang Kai-shek to the commander of the Taipei Garrison Command, and was awarded the rank of second-class general of the army, and then all the way to the "minister of defense" of the Taiwan authorities. On October 29, 1996, Huang Jie died in Taiwan at the age of 93.

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