
The famous Xizhimen subway mural is damaged Subway Square: It is being carefully restored

"There used to be only two, but now there are more than 70, and there are too many murals in the Xizhimen subway station." Recently, some citizens reported to the Beijing Daily client that the murals in the Xizhimen Station of the Line 2 Metro were seriously defective, and called on the relevant departments to start repairing them as soon as possible. The Beijing subway responded that the restoration of the murals has been ongoing. In order to restore the mural to its best condition, the staff recently removed the cracked and angleless porcelain pieces in the murals, and arranged for the artists to copy and fire the new porcelain pieces according to the original paintings.

Yesterday, the reporter took the Line 2 subway to Xizhimen Station. As the train rumbles away, a majestic and historical mural gradually appears in front of the eyes: the Great Wall stands on a long ridge, the green pines of the Cangshan Mountains, the flying waterfalls of boulders, the geese soaring in the sky, the foot of the Great Wall, and the dotted houses... However, since the top left side of the mural, below the five ancient characters of the "Yanshan Great Wall Map", there are beginning to be missing tiles, revealing the cement wall.

The famous Xizhimen subway mural is damaged Subway Square: It is being carefully restored
The famous Xizhimen subway mural is damaged Subway Square: It is being carefully restored

The reporter's statistics found that there are more than 30 places in this "Yanshan Great Wall Map" that do not count small tiles, only large pieces of defective and exposed places. Some are missing a single tile, some are several in a row, and the large defects make the imposing murals look "unbearable".

There is also a "Big River East to The Map" opposite the mural, showing the river gushing east, mountains, canyons, dams and cities, villages and other scenes, but there is also a large area of painting bricks missing, the mural has become a "big flower face", the reporter roughly counted about 40 defects.

The famous Xizhimen subway mural is damaged Subway Square: It is being carefully restored
The famous Xizhimen subway mural is damaged Subway Square: It is being carefully restored

It is understood that the murals on both sides of Xizhimen Station of Metro Line 2 are also known as "Xizhimen Metro Murals". They are huge Chinese paintings created by several landscape painters led by the famous artist Mr. Zhang Tong in the early days of reform and opening up. From creation to mounting, a lot of effort has been poured into it.

In response to the defects and restoration of the murals, the relevant person in charge of the Beijing Metro responded that the murals on both sides of the platform of Xizhimen Station of Line 2 are currently being restored. In order to restore the mural to its best condition, the staff recently removed the cracked and angleless porcelain pieces in the murals, and arranged for the artists to copy and fire the new porcelain pieces according to the original paintings.

The person in charge said that the Beijing subway will repair the murals according to the idea of "repairing the old as old". Since the existing murals have 30 years of time traces, in order to ensure that the restoration of some of the mural graphics and colors are integrated with the original parts, all participants need to cooperate closely in the aspects of graphic understanding, porcelain tile firing, on-site installation and so on. At present, the restoration work has entered the stage of firing porcelain pieces, but due to the complex firing process and the long time consuming, the mural restoration work still needs a period of time to complete.

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