
The green pepper ham cake made by my mother was crazy when it came out of the pot

author:In Aqing's kitchen

Hello everyone, this is Aqing's kitchen~

Let's see what delicious my mother made today, fragrant green pepper ham cake~

The green pepper ham cake made by my mother was crazy when it came out of the pot

When it first came out of the pot, the whole house was full of fragrance, and the children were so happy that they rushed up to eat~

The green pepper ham cake made by my mother was crazy when it came out of the pot

No way, who can not love the green pepper ham cake with a crispy skin on the outside and a fragrant inside inside? Look at this color and filling, it's really not fun to eat three~

The method is also very simple, you will learn it, come and take a look with Aqing~

1: Cut ham sausage and green pepper into dices, add a little cooking oil, Sichuan pepper noodles, cumin powder, oyster sauce, chicken essence and stir evenly for later use, friends who love spicy food can also add some chili powder~

The green pepper ham cake made by my mother was crazy when it came out of the pot

1: 2 grams of yeast powder melt with warm water, take 200 grams of flour, add a little white sugar, pour in yeast water, stir into the dough first, then knead into a smooth dough, cover with plastic wrap and let rise to twice the size~

The green pepper ham cake made by my mother was crazy when it came out of the pot

2: Put the proofed dough on the panel, roll it out into a thin dough sheet, spread the filling evenly on it, and then fold it in half, like a quilt, and cut it into an even size~

3: Cover the cut dough with plastic wrap for a second proofing, about ten minutes, then brush the pan with oil, put the dough and fry it over low heat until golden brown on both sides~

The green pepper ham cake made by my mother was crazy when it came out of the pot

The cake peppers that come out of this way are fragrant and delicious, and it is very appetizing with only a bowl of clear porridge, and friends who like to eat pasta must not miss it~

The green pepper ham cake made by my mother was crazy when it came out of the pot

Pay attention to Aqing, and continue to output food and drink knowledge for you~

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