
Tamerlane defeated the descendants of Genghis Khan and ordered massacres to frighten the Mongols

At the end of the fourteenth century AD, the Golden Horde established by Genghis Khan's grandson Batu had fallen into a state of fragmentation, and the Great Khan of the White Horde, Detu, became the monarch of the Golden Horde with the support of Timur, but as the detachment grew, he began to disrespect Timur more and more, and from 1385 onwards, de-Tuo lost led the Mongol army to invade the river region of the Timurid Empire many times, declaring his break with Tamerlane.

Tamerlane defeated the descendants of Genghis Khan and ordered massacres to frighten the Mongols

Cavalry of the Golden Horde

Detachment lost is a descendant of Genghis Khan's eldest son Shuchi, when he was born, the Golden Horde has split into many small khanates, detachment lost in the early years has been an obscure nobleman of the White Horde, in 1376, detachment lost to the Timurid Empire capital Of Samarkand to visit Timur, detachment lost and Timur had a long conversation in the palace, Timur admired the Mongol nobleman in front of him, and accepted detachment as an adopted son, It is said that Tamerlane's love for detachment and disorientation even exceeded that of his own son, which also caused dissatisfaction among Timur's sons and grandchildren.

After getting Tamerlane's favor, Detachment lost in the support of Timur's army began to soar, he returned to his hometown, soon became the Great Khan of the White Horde, but Detachment lost ambitions are great, he wants to become the ruler of the Golden Horde, so Detachment Lost again found his adoptive father Timur, Timur generously satisfied Detachment Lost, sent his own army to help Detachment Lost to seize the Khanate, and by 1380, Detachment Lost became the Great Khan of the Golden Horde with the help of Timur.

Tamerlane defeated the descendants of Genghis Khan and ordered massacres to frighten the Mongols

Tamerlane restoration

It was after he became the ruler of the Golden Horde that he began to swell, and he looked down more and more on timur, who had helped him, considering himself a descendant of Genghis Khan, who was not a member of the golden family, not even the Mongols.

Driven by ambition, Detachment lost has forgotten Timur's kindness, he led the Mongol cavalry to invade the Timurid Empire in 1385, only to be defeated by Timur, Timur forgave Detachment and lost, and returned the Mongol cavalry captured by his army to Detachment, only to be exchanged for another invasion of Detachment.

Tamerlane defeated the descendants of Genghis Khan and ordered massacres to frighten the Mongols

The army of the Timurid Empire

By 1395, Timur had completely abandoned his adopted son, who had rebelled many times, and he led a large army to attack the Golden Horde, completely crushing the Golden Horde's army on the banks of the Terek River, and escaping from the protection of his own soldiers and fleeing to the Slavic gathering place.

After the fall of the Golden Horde's army, Timur found himself unable to establish his prestige among the Mongols of the Golden Horde, and the Mongol nobles still supported the defeated escape and loss, and in order to frighten the Mongols, Timur ordered a massacre.

So Timur ordered the destruction of the golden Horde capital, Sarai, and Timur's soldiers burned the capital city established during the Batu era, and after the city of Sarai was reduced to rubble, the surviving residents were driven to the river by Timur's soldiers like cattle and sheep, who picked young women and children out of the crowd and then tortured and executed all the remaining Mongols.

Tamerlane defeated the descendants of Genghis Khan and ordered massacres to frighten the Mongols

Sarai, the capital of the Golden Horde

Centuries after Timur burned the city of Sarai, the Russian scholar Tris Sanko excavated a large number of corpses by Timur slaughtering the Mongols of the Golden Horde, along the Akhtuba River, some of which had no heads, some of which had broken hands and legs, which shocked the scholars involved in the excavation, and these corpses were later confirmed to be the inhabitants of Theray City who were slaughtered by Timurid's army.

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