
The length of the car is only 2917mm, which can be on the high speed, shelter from the wind and rain, and the factory price is 28,800, but it can achieve a hit

In your opinion, what is the hottest car in 2021? In fact, the answer to this question is not absolute, because the definition of fire in each field and each person will be somewhat different. But when it comes to judging these models, there is one model that is difficult to ignore, and that is the Hongguang MINIEV. Hongguang MINIEV appears on the Internet and on the reality street with a high frequency, and most car owners on the network are still sharing car experiences and sharing their Tidal creation experiences. In the streets and alleys of the north and south of the river, Hongguang MINIEV has also become more and more, and has become a "street car".

The length of the car is only 2917mm, which can be on the high speed, shelter from the wind and rain, and the factory price is 28,800, but it can achieve a hit

The actual sales of Hongguang MINIEV are also quite high, after its listing, it has been ranked first in the domestic new energy vehicle market for 15 consecutive months, and Tesla Model 3, which was once red in the new energy vehicle market, can only rank second after the arrival of Hongguang MINIEV. Today, the cumulative sales of Hongguang MINIEV has reached 500,000 units, and it should be known that Hongguang MINIEV has been listed in the market for more than 1 year since its listing in July last year, and this cumulative sales volume can be said to be quite good to describe.

The length of the car is only 2917mm, which can be on the high speed, shelter from the wind and rain, and the factory price is 28,800, but it can achieve a hit

Of course, Hongguang MINIEV can sell so well, and its positioning has a lot to do with it. Our previous impression of new energy vehicles is expensive, like Tesla Model 3, its starting price exceeds 260,000, while the same level of joint venture B-class cars such as Accord and Camry usually start at less than 200,000. Hongguang MINIEV breaks everyone's impression of the high status of new energy vehicles, it cuts into the market at a starting price of 28,800, which is closer to the people than many second-hand cars, so there are many consumers who can afford to buy Hongguang MINIEV.

The length of the car is only 2917mm, which can be on the high speed, shelter from the wind and rain, and the factory price is 28,800, but it can achieve a hit

At the same time, Hongguang MINIEV has grasped the pain point demand of parking difficulties. Hongguang MINIEV itself is 2917mm long and 1493mm wide, such a size is obviously smaller than Langyi and Xuanyi, and the space occupied is naturally smaller. Therefore, Hongguang MINIEV in the downtown area and other places with few parking spaces, it is easy to find a suitable place to park, which enhances the convenience of this car. Of course, the small size of the body also allows Hongguang MINIEV to drill alleys, some large cars are not convenient to walk in the place, Hongguang MINIEV can usually do unimpeded.

The length of the car is only 2917mm, which can be on the high speed, shelter from the wind and rain, and the factory price is 28,800, but it can achieve a hit

In terms of power endurance, Hongguang MINIEV provides two kinds of endurance options of 120 km and 170 km. Many people at first glance will think that the endurance of 120 kilometers and 170 kilometers is not long enough, but in fact, the endurance provided by Hongguang MINIEV is enough for daily travel. Most of the trips of Hongguang MINIEV are short-distance trips within 20 kilometers, so that Hongguang MINIEV can easily meet the travel needs of about a week. And Hongguang MINIEV has battery insulation technology, and the endurance in winter will not be reduced too much, and the actual endurance is similar to that in summer. In terms of charging, the car only needs to use 220V AC on the line, the dependence on the charging pile is not high, and charging is still quite convenient.

The length of the car is only 2917mm, which can be on the high speed, shelter from the wind and rain, and the factory price is 28,800, but it can achieve a hit

The appearance design of Hongguang MINIEV is more cute and cute, its own size is not large, Wuling did not deliberately give it the current mainstream sports attributes, but added more sleek body edges and corners to it, making it look more Q cute. In the front face, you can see the horizontal black trim panel, the middle of the Wuling car logo is under the charging interface, and the two sides are small headlights. Further down you can see the protruding front lip, and the lower part also has a grid structure and fog lights. The side comes with a suspended roof, and the broken belt treatment is done in the position of the C-pillar, which adds a bit of fashion to the body. And some models of the car also provide a two-color body, and the color of the roof and body is not the same.

The length of the car is only 2917mm, which can be on the high speed, shelter from the wind and rain, and the factory price is 28,800, but it can achieve a hit

In general, for most people, Hongguang MINIEV is more practical, this car can be on the green card, both can be unlimited, but also on the high speed, but also to cover the wind and rain, is indeed a good helper. At the same time, the difficulty of Starting with Hongguang MINIEV is not high, and it is also suitable for most travel scenarios. And Wuling also advocates users to create a tide on Hongguang MINIEV, increasing the playability of Hongguang MINIEV. Therefore, for consumers who have insufficient budget and want to buy a car to travel, Hongguang MINIEV is a model that can be considered.

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