
China's housing prices have to rise because of the pain of the fall? Ordinary people can't afford it

author:Sister Xin self-media
China's housing prices have to rise because of the pain of the fall? Ordinary people can't afford it

Housing prices in China have to rise because of the pain of the fall? Ordinary people can't afford it,

Today, I will explain to you what kind of people can not afford it. What the common people can't afford. Next, listen to me and tell me who can't afford it,

Some people say that I, I think you are just talking nonsense, where do you start, the people can't afford it, and today you can't really do it if you don't make it clear and clear.

Okay, I'll tell you today, how do I know that the common people can't afford it? It turns out that housing prices are high and ordinary people can't afford them

China's housing prices have to rise because of the pain of the fall? Ordinary people can't afford it

If it falls, people who can't afford to buy a house can still hope to live in a new house, if it drops to a house of more than 100,000 or 200,000 yuan, will the people not be able to afford it?

How good it should be to marry a daughter-in-law, this is something that many people have envied for a long time. Think about how many poor people who can't afford to buy a house, and how much they envy those who have houses and families.

You can't understand the suffering of the people at the bottom, it is difficult to have no house and no home, and the fall in housing prices is that ordinary people and migrant workers have no houses in their hands.

China's housing prices have to rise because of the pain of the fall? Ordinary people can't afford it

What could he not afford? I'll give you a few practical examples for the big guys to hear, whether the rise in housing prices is good for the people, or the fall is good for the people.

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This is a real thing! One night in the summer, a friend of mine and I were walking on the streets of Zhengzhou.

China's housing prices have to rise because of the pain of the fall? Ordinary people can't afford it

She looked at the brightly lit high-rise buildings. sighed and said her heart, she said hey! These high-rise buildings, thousands of lights,

does not have a nest of his own, and he does not have to think about buying a house in his life by working on his own, and sighs ❗ at his desire to buy a house

Say that you don't have to think about it in this life, housing prices have fallen in the past two years, and this group in society has just seen a glimmer of hope, if housing prices rise again, these people have no motivation to struggle.

China's housing prices have to rise because of the pain of the fall? Ordinary people can't afford it

In addition, there is a 60-year-old bad old man, who has not had his own nest all his life, and has always rented a house, and he also has a 96-year-old mother, and several sisters take turns to support the elderly.

When it was his turn, the landlord didn't let the old man live in his house, and he was embarrassed for a while, so he discussed with his sister and lived in his sister's house.

This bad old man cut off the relationship with his eldest sister in a fit of anger. It hurts my self-esteem so much. It's not difficult to talk about this, this is indeed the sorrow of life!

China's housing prices have to rise because of the pain of the fall? Ordinary people can't afford it

The current decline in housing prices not only does not affect this part of the disadvantaged group of migrant workers, but allows them to see the hope of buying a house and the motivation to work hard, do you agree?

Let's talk about the second group of people who are really affected. This is the group of people that ordinary people can't afford, and this kind of group of people is really not a minority, that is, to take out all the savings of two generations,

I paid a down payment to my son or a girl and bought a house, but now the house price has fallen, and 30% of the down payment has fallen to the point where I can't find it. Now I have to pay a high monthly mortgage to make ends meet.

China's housing prices have to rise because of the pain of the fall? Ordinary people can't afford it

If you want to make money by increasing the value of your house, there is not much hope. If housing prices no longer fall and there is hope for a slow recovery, it is also the greatest comfort to this large number of people, do you agree?

The third group of people who can't bear it are people who make money by speculating in real estate, they are all rich people with vision, foresight, and ability, who have an impact on rich people like them, but have little impact.

At the very least, it won't affect their lives. Because they have a certain economic foundation, do you recognize it? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area

China's housing prices have to rise because of the pain of the fall? Ordinary people can't afford it

Next is the fourth group of people, that is, the people who pay the full amount to buy a house, I feel that it also has a greater impact on this group of people.

They are unwilling to bear the pressure of the mortgage, so they do their best to take out all their savings to buy a house, thinking that they can sell it at a good price in the future.

Or stop shelling out at a high price. As a result, housing prices have fallen all the way, so that this group of people may also be affected.

There is also a fifth group of people, that is, the nouveau riche, the most demolished households, each family is divided into ten sets of eight houses, and there are not a few, they all hope that housing prices will soar all the way, and economic recovery will be very beneficial to them to rent and sell houses.

China's housing prices have to rise because of the pain of the fall? Ordinary people can't afford it

In fact, in the final analysis, these five groups of people hope that the recovery of the real estate industry can drive the growth of real estate-related industries.

It can drive the rapid development of the economy, and also make the housing prices that our people are most concerned about rise steadily. It is also expected that new progress will be made in the economic recovery.

Today, let's talk about this, what new views do you have on the skyrocketing and plummeting of housing prices, please leave a message in the comment area, see you in the next video!

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