
【Winter Solstice】There are still differences between north and south in the diet for pregnancy? Eat like this on the winter solstice, you are not far from being a mother

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What to eat on the winter solstice is an eternal debate between the north and the south

The winter solstice is to eat ________

If there were a fill-in-the-blank question here, what would you fill in?

Southerner: Tang yuan.

Northerners: Dumplings.

【Winter Solstice】There are still differences between north and south in the diet for pregnancy? Eat like this on the winter solstice, you are not far from being a mother

The winter solstice is a very important festival in the Chinese lunar calendar, and it is also a traditional festival of the Chinese nation, the winter solstice is commonly known as "winter festival", "long solstice festival", "sub-year" and so on.

As early as the spring and winter era more than 2,500 years ago, China has determined the winter solstice, it is one of the first of the twenty-four solar terms, the time is between December 21 and 23 of the annual solar calendar, is the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, the longest night of the year.

In the winter solstice, the most heart-warming and stomach-warming food that has long dominated the Chinese people, dumplings and tangyuan should not let go of becoming regular customers with permanent seats on everyone's table.

Do you know the reason for the difference between the north and the south?

Eat tangyuan in the south and dumplings in the north. This is a tradition of the Chinese people for hundreds of years, but why is there such a difference?

The traditional custom of eating tangyuan on the winter solstice is very popular in the southern region, and tangyuan is an indispensable dish of the winter solstice festival. Tangyuan is a round "small ball" made of glutinous rice flour and water, and in order to taste good, black sesame seeds and other accessories are generally added inside. "Circle" means consummation and reunion, and symbolizes the reunion of a family.

【Winter Solstice】There are still differences between north and south in the diet for pregnancy? Eat like this on the winter solstice, you are not far from being a mother

There are many claims about eating dumplings on the northern winter solstice, and there are two that are currently recognized as handed down.

One is to commemorate the grace of the medical saint Zhang Zhongjing's "cold and delicate ear soup". It is said that Zhang Zhongjing was an official in Changsha, and when he retired from his hometown, he was just in time for that winter, when the cold wind was biting and the snow was flying. On the banks of the White River, Zhang Zhongjing saw many homeless people freezing their ears because of the cold, and his heart was very uncomfortable. Zhang Zhongjing studied a dietary remedy that can withstand the cold, and named it "Cold Ear Soup". Therefore, there is still a folk song of "winter solstice improper dumpling bowl, frozen ears no one cares".

【Winter Solstice】There are still differences between north and south in the diet for pregnancy? Eat like this on the winter solstice, you are not far from being a mother

There is also a folk saying, because some experts believe that the winter solstice is the time when yin and yang "intersect", so eating dumplings on this day has the meaning of "obeying Providence".

There are also dietary differences in the winter solstice pregnancy preparation, so don't eat it randomly

(1) Northern pregnancy preparation diet recommendation

The winter in the north and the winter in the south are very different, we often hear "you are thirty degrees in the south, I wear winter pants in the north" this sentence, the northern winter cooling is obvious, this time the mother who is trying to get pregnant is prone to cold and cold, so it is suitable for eating warm and warm palace food, recommended as follows:

Apple: warm fruit, rich in nutrients, high vitamin content, in addition to apples in the water is relatively sufficient, women with constipation problems, but also suitable for eating more apples.

【Winter Solstice】There are still differences between north and south in the diet for pregnancy? Eat like this on the winter solstice, you are not far from being a mother

Peanuts: Nourishing and replenishing qi, rich in folic acid, eating peanuts during pregnancy can supplement folic acid and prevent fetal malformations. At the same time, peanuts are rich in vitamin E, which can help improve women's fertility.

Lamb: Warm sex, more tender than pork meat, less fat, cholesterol content, rich in protein, vitamins, calcium, phosphorus and iron trace elements, is the first choice for winter pregnancy to eat meat.

【Winter Solstice】There are still differences between north and south in the diet for pregnancy? Eat like this on the winter solstice, you are not far from being a mother

Fish: It not only tastes good but also helps the body digest and absorb, rich in vitamin A, vitamin D and B vitamins, enzymes, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, potassium, zinc, selenium, unsaturated fatty acids and high-quality protein and other nutrients. Of course, there are many kinds of fish, and women who are trying to conceive in the north are still selective and mild varieties to eat.

(2) Southern winter solstice pregnancy diet recommendations

In the winter of the south, the grass and trees wither slowly, the air comes moist, often rainy and less windy, the temperature is higher, the humidity is larger, the human body is susceptible to the influence of damp and hot air, and the focus of the diet of pregnant mothers at this time is dehumidification, and the recommended food is as follows:

Barley: sweet and slightly cold, beneficial to water swelling, healthy spleen and dampness, relax muscles and remove paralysis, clear heat and drain pus and other effects, in addition to barley is also rich in vitamin B, minerals, dietary fiber and so on.

【Winter Solstice】There are still differences between north and south in the diet for pregnancy? Eat like this on the winter solstice, you are not far from being a mother

Lotus root: the king of oriental vegetables, rich in polyphenols, can improve immunity, but also anti-aging. Lotus root is crisp and refreshing to eat, and it is rich in nutrients, and eating lotus root raw can clear the heat. In addition, after the lotus root is processed until it is cooked, its properties change from cool to warm, which is beneficial to the spleen and stomach, and has the effect of nourishing the stomach and nourishing the yin.

Red beans: Not only can tonify blood, but also can dehumidify. Red bean lysine content is higher, for people with weak spleen and stomach is more suitable, with red beans boiled water to drink, plus black beans or mung beans together, can be a good discharge of the body's moisture.

【Winter Solstice】There are still differences between north and south in the diet for pregnancy? Eat like this on the winter solstice, you are not far from being a mother

Mangosteen: Comparable to durian, it is called "fruit queen", which has the effect of clearing heat and vitality, suppressing cough and vomiting, dehumidifying and dehumidifying. At the same time, mangosteen contains folic acid, fat, protein and other substances that are beneficial to the body of pregnant women, and women who are pregnant can nourish the body and improve the skin.

I believe that all the expectant parents who are preparing for pregnancy have read the above article, they must have a better understanding of what to eat in preparation for pregnancy, choose the appropriate way of pregnancy and food according to their own constitution, and believe that everyone will be able to harvest their own "fruits" in the next year!

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